Обратный отсчет и замена на неправильный ответ - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 22 октября 2019

Я делаю приложение для викторины, но не могу понять, как провести определенное мероприятие. В начале я хотел бы показать три сердца, как дань уважения Зельде, затем стереть и добавить 10 сердец. Каждый раз, когда на вопрос дается неправильный ответ, он удаляет сердце и заменяет его пустым. Проблема в том, что я не могу понять, как заставить его добавить в 10 и сделать замены. Любая помощь будет оценена! Спасибо.

const STORE = [
      //Question 1
            question: `Who is the Sage of Shadows in Ocarina of Time?`,
            choices: [
                `Princess Zelda`, 
            answer: `Impa`,
      //Question 2            
            question: `What is the fairies name that follows the Hero in Majora’s Mask?`,
            choices: [
            answer: `Tatl`,
      //Question 3            
            question: `What is the first Zelda game that the Hero was an adult the whole game?`,
            choices: [
                `Breath of the Wild`, 
                `Ocarina of Time`, 
                `Twilight Princess`, 
                `Wind Waker`],
            answer: `Twilight Princess`,
      //Question 4            
            question: `Finish this quote: “Courage need not be remembered, …”`,
                `for it is never lost.`, 
                `for it is never forgotten.`, 
                `because it is proven.`,
                `for it is always there.`],
            answer:`for it is never forgotten.`,
      //Question 5      
            question: `The Legend of Zelda(NES) is known for being the first video game that…`,
                `had music.`,
                `allowed saving.`, 
                `had color.`, 
                `was released on the NES.`],
            answer: `allowed saving.`,
      //Question 6
            question: `Who is the main antagonist a majority of The Legend of Zelda series?`,
            answer: `Ganon`,
      //Question 7      
            question: `Which of The Legend of Zelda games was the first to not have the usual main villain?`,
            choices:[`Minish Cap`, `Skyward Sword`, `The Legend of Zelda II`, `Majora’ s Mask`],
            answer: `The Legend of Zelda II`,
      //Question 8
            question:`What is the Hero’ s name ?`,
      //Question 9
            question: `How many hearts do you need in Breath of the Wild to get the Master Sword?`,
            choices:[`13`, `10`, `20`, `15`],
            answer: `13`,
      //Question 10                  
            question: `Who develops the Legend of Zelda(series)?`,
            choices:[`Sony`, `Microsoft`, `Sega`, `Nintendo`],

const OUTCOMES = {
    perfect: {
       message: `You are worthy of holding the Master Sword at it's full power!`,
       endImage: `images/fullpowermastersword.png`

  great: {
       message: `You are worthy of holding the Master Sword but it isn't at it's full potential.`,
       endImage: `images/mastersword.png`

  good: {
       message: `You have drawn the Master Sword but it's damaged.  Return it to the pedastal and try again.`,
       endImage: `images/rustedmastersword.png`

  fail: {
       message: `You are not worthy. Here's a stick.`,
       endImage: `images/treebranch.png`

let hearts = 10;
let brokenPots = 0;

function startQuest() {
      $('#quizcontainer').on('click', '.startbutton', function (event) {
            $('.potCounter').html(`<h1><span>Question:<span class ="brokenPots">0</span>/10</span></h1>`);

function generateQuestion() {
      if (brokenPots < STORE.length) {
            return generateQuiz(brokenPots);
      } else {

function generateQuiz(questionIndex) {
      let dungeonMaker = $(`<form>
        <fieldset class="choices">
          <legend class="questionText">${STORE[questionIndex].question}</legend><br>

      let fieldFinder = $(dungeonMaker).find('fieldset');

      STORE[questionIndex].choices.forEach(function (choicesValue, choicesIndex) {
            $(`<label class="choices" for="${choicesIndex}">
            <input type="radio" class="select" id="${choicesIndex}" value="${choicesValue}" name="answer" required>
      $(`<br><button type="submit" class="submitButton press">Submit</button >`).appendTo(fieldFinder);
      return dungeonMaker;

function submitChoice() {
      $('#quizcontainer').on('submit', function (event) {
            const chosen = $('input:checked');
            const choice = chosen.val();
            const correct = STORE[brokenPots].answer;
            if (choice === correct) {
            } else {

function correctChoice() {
    <button type="button" class="nextButton press">Next</button>`

function wrongChoice() {
            `<h3>You took some damage.</h3>
      <span class="next">Correct Answer is:</span>
      <span class="next">${STORE[brokenPots].answer}</span>
      <button type="button" class="nextButton press">Next</button>`

function nextQuestion() {
      $('#quizcontainer').on('click', '.nextButton', function (event) {

function updatePotsBroken() {
      $('.brokenPots').text(brokenPots + 1);

function generateHearts() {
      if ($('.hearts') < hearts) {
            for (i = 1; i <= hearts; i++) {
                  $('.heartcontainer').append(`<img class='hearts' src="images/full.png">`);

function updateHearts() {
      $('.heartcontainer').slice('.hearts').append(`<img class='empty' src = 'images/empty.png'>`);

function heartsRemaining() {
      const questResult = countHearts();
      return (`<h1>${questResult.message}</h1>`)

function countHearts() {
      if (hearts === 10) {
            return OUTCOMES.perfect;
      } else if (hearts < 9 && hearts >= 7) {
            return OUTCOMES.great;
      } else if (hearts < 6 && hearts >= 3) {
            return OUTCOMES.good;
      } else {
            return OUTCOMES.fail;

function restartQuest() {
      hearts = 10;
      brokenPots = 0;

function handledrawSword() {

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   <title>Legend of Zelda: Quiz</title>

   <div class="pagecontainer">


         <div class="count border">
               <div class="headercontainer potCounter">
                  <h1>Are you Worthy of the Master Sword?</h1>

         <div class="health border">
               <div class="heartcontainer">
                  <img src=images/full.png class='empty'>
                  <img src=images/full.png class='empty'>
                  <img src=images/full.png class='empty'>

         <div class="quiz border background-image">
               <div id="quizcontainer">
                  <div class="startcontainer">
                        Test your knowlodge on "The Legend Zelda Series" to see if you are worthy of
                        wielding the Master Sword!
                     <button class="press startbutton">Start</button>

         <div class="centercontainer">
            <div class="border">
               <ul class="contactcontainer">
                  <li><a href="mailto:#" target="_top"><img src="images/email.png"
                           class="contactinfo" alt="Email Icon" /></a></li>
                  <li><a href="#" target="_blank"><img src="images/webpage.png" class="contactinfo"
                           alt="Website Icon" /></a></li>
                  <li><a href="#" target="_blank"><img
                           src="images/linkedin.png" class="contactinfo" alt="LinkedIn Icon" /></a></li>

      <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.js"
         integrity="sha256-WpOohJOqMqqyKL9FccASB9O0KwACQJpFTUBLTYOVvVU=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
      <script src="STORE.js"></script>
      <script src="script.js"></script>



1 Ответ

0 голосов
/ 22 октября 2019

Чтобы попытаться вам помочь, я поменял ваши иконки на шрифтовые. Не потому, что это ошибка использования изображений, а потому, что я не вижу ваши изображения.

Я работал в основном в 2 функциях:


function generateHearts() {
      if ($('.hearts') < hearts) {
            for (i = 1; i <= hearts; i++) {
                  $('.heartcontainer').append(`<img class='hearts' src="images/full.png">`);

Это становится:

function generateHearts(number) {
      for (i = 1; i <= number; i++) {
            $('.heartcontainer').append(`<i class="fa fa-heart" aria-hidden="true"></i>`);

Как вы видите, я передаю в качестве аргумента количество сердец: 3 во время презентации игры, 10. когда она начинается.

Вторая функция такова:

function updateHearts() {
      $('.heartcontainer').slice('.hearts').append(`<img class='empty' src = 'images/empty.png'>`);

, который становится:

function updateHearts(answer) {
      if(!answer) {
         $(`.heartcontainer i:nth-child(${brokenPots + 1})`).removeClass("fa-heart").addClass("fa-heart-o");

Также здесь я передаю аргумент (если ответ правильный или нет). Если это не так, я меняю сердце на пустое (используя другой класс). Номер сердца, которое я изменяю, совпадает с вопросом: ${brokenPots + 1}

Это код в действии:

const STORE = [
      //Question 1
            question: `Who is the Sage of Shadows in Ocarina of Time?`,
            choices: [
                `Princess Zelda`, 
            answer: `Impa`,
      //Question 2            
            question: `What is the fairies name that follows the Hero in Majora’s Mask?`,
            choices: [
            answer: `Tatl`,
      //Question 3            
            question: `What is the first Zelda game that the Hero was an adult the whole game?`,
            choices: [
                `Breath of the Wild`, 
                `Ocarina of Time`, 
                `Twilight Princess`, 
                `Wind Waker`],
            answer: `Twilight Princess`,
      //Question 4            
            question: `Finish this quote: “Courage need not be remembered, …”`,
                `for it is never lost.`, 
                `for it is never forgotten.`, 
                `because it is proven.`,
                `for it is always there.`],
            answer:`for it is never forgotten.`,
      //Question 5      
            question: `The Legend of Zelda(NES) is known for being the first video game that…`,
                `had music.`,
                `allowed saving.`, 
                `had color.`, 
                `was released on the NES.`],
            answer: `allowed saving.`,
      //Question 6
            question: `Who is the main antagonist a majority of The Legend of Zelda series?`,
            answer: `Ganon`,
      //Question 7      
            question: `Which of The Legend of Zelda games was the first to not have the usual main villain?`,
            choices:[`Minish Cap`, `Skyward Sword`, `The Legend of Zelda II`, `Majora’ s Mask`],
            answer: `The Legend of Zelda II`,
      //Question 8
            question:`What is the Hero’ s name ?`,
      //Question 9
            question: `How many hearts do you need in Breath of the Wild to get the Master Sword?`,
            choices:[`13`, `10`, `20`, `15`],
            answer: `13`,
      //Question 10                  
            question: `Who develops the Legend of Zelda(series)?`,
            choices:[`Sony`, `Microsoft`, `Sega`, `Nintendo`],

const OUTCOMES = {
    perfect: {
       message: `You are worthy of holding the Master Sword at it's full power!`,
       endImage: `images/fullpowermastersword.png`

  great: {
       message: `You are worthy of holding the Master Sword but it isn't at it's full potential.`,
       endImage: `images/mastersword.png`

  good: {
       message: `You have drawn the Master Sword but it's damaged.  Return it to the pedastal and try again.`,
       endImage: `images/rustedmastersword.png`

  fail: {
       message: `You are not worthy. Here's a stick.`,
       endImage: `images/treebranch.png`

let hearts = 10;
let brokenPots = 0;

function startQuest() {
      $('#quizcontainer').on('click', '.startbutton', function (event) {
            $('.potCounter').html(`<h1><span>Question:<span class ="brokenPots">0</span>/10</span></h1>`);

function generateQuestion() {
      if (brokenPots < STORE.length) {
            return generateQuiz(brokenPots);
      } else {

function generateQuiz(questionIndex) {
      let dungeonMaker = $(`<form>
        <fieldset class="choices">
          <legend class="questionText">${STORE[questionIndex].question}</legend><br>

      let fieldFinder = $(dungeonMaker).find('fieldset');

      STORE[questionIndex].choices.forEach(function (choicesValue, choicesIndex) {
            $(`<label class="choices" for="${choicesIndex}">
            <input type="radio" class="select" id="${choicesIndex}" value="${choicesValue}" name="answer" required>
      $(`<br><button type="submit" class="submitButton press">Submit</button >`).appendTo(fieldFinder);
      return dungeonMaker;

function submitChoice() {
      $('#quizcontainer').on('submit', function (event) {
            const chosen = $('input:checked');
            const choice = chosen.val();
            const correct = STORE[brokenPots].answer;
            if (choice === correct) {
            } else {

function correctChoice() {
    <button type="button" class="nextButton press">Next</button>`

function wrongChoice() {
            `<h3>You took some damage.</h3>
      <span class="next">Correct Answer is:</span>
      <span class="next">${STORE[brokenPots].answer}</span>
      <button type="button" class="nextButton press">Next</button>`

function nextQuestion() {
      $('#quizcontainer').on('click', '.nextButton', function (event) {

function updatePotsBroken() {
      $('.brokenPots').text(brokenPots + 1);

function generateHearts(number) {
      for (i = 1; i <= number; i++) {
            $('.heartcontainer').append(`<i class="fa fa-heart" aria-hidden="true"></i>`);

function updateHearts(answer) {
      if(!answer) {
         $(`.heartcontainer i:nth-child(${brokenPots + 1})`).removeClass("fa-heart").addClass("fa-heart-o");

function heartsRemaining() {
      const questResult = countHearts();

      //return (`<h1>${questResult.message}</h1>`)

function countHearts() {
      if (hearts === 10) {
            return OUTCOMES.perfect;
      } else if (hearts < 9 && hearts >= 7) {
            return OUTCOMES.great;
      } else if (hearts < 6 && hearts >= 3) {
            return OUTCOMES.good;
      } else {
            return OUTCOMES.fail;

function restartQuest() {
      hearts = 10;
      brokenPots = 0;

function handledrawSword() {

* {
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   <div class="pagecontainer">

<div class="count border">
               <div class="headercontainer potCounter">
                  <h1>Are you Worthy of the Master Sword?</h1>

         <div class="health border">
               <div class="heartcontainer">

         <div class="quiz border background-image">
               <div id="quizcontainer">
                  <div class="startcontainer">
                        Test your knowlodge on "The Legend Zelda Series" to see if you are worthy of
                        wielding the Master Sword!
                     <button class="press startbutton">Start</button>

         <div class="centercontainer">
            <div class="border">
               <ul class="contactcontainer">
                  <li><a href="mailto:#" target="_top"><img src="images/email.png"
                           class="contactinfo" alt="Email Icon" /></a></li>
                  <li><a href="#" target="_blank"><img src="images/webpage.png" class="contactinfo"
                           alt="Website Icon" /></a></li>
                  <li><a href="#" target="_blank"><img
                           src="images/linkedin.png" class="contactinfo" alt="LinkedIn Icon" /></a></li>
      <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.js"
         integrity="sha256-WpOohJOqMqqyKL9FccASB9O0KwACQJpFTUBLTYOVvVU=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>


РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ 1 Некоторые изменения в управлении изображениями, а не шрифтом. В этом фрагменте вы не видите изменения изображений, но если вы скопируете и вставите этот код, они будут работать. Также будьте осторожны с HTML: я удалил все сердца из div heartcontainer: они добавляются на лету с помощью скрипта.

const STORE = [
      //Question 1
            question: `Who is the Sage of Shadows in Ocarina of Time?`,
            choices: [
                `Princess Zelda`, 
            answer: `Impa`,
      //Question 2            
            question: `What is the fairies name that follows the Hero in Majora’s Mask?`,
            choices: [
            answer: `Tatl`,
      //Question 3            
            question: `What is the first Zelda game that the Hero was an adult the whole game?`,
            choices: [
                `Breath of the Wild`, 
                `Ocarina of Time`, 
                `Twilight Princess`, 
                `Wind Waker`],
            answer: `Twilight Princess`,
      //Question 4            
            question: `Finish this quote: “Courage need not be remembered, …”`,
                `for it is never lost.`, 
                `for it is never forgotten.`, 
                `because it is proven.`,
                `for it is always there.`],
            answer:`for it is never forgotten.`,
      //Question 5      
            question: `The Legend of Zelda(NES) is known for being the first video game that…`,
                `had music.`,
                `allowed saving.`, 
                `had color.`, 
                `was released on the NES.`],
            answer: `allowed saving.`,
      //Question 6
            question: `Who is the main antagonist a majority of The Legend of Zelda series?`,
            answer: `Ganon`,
      //Question 7      
            question: `Which of The Legend of Zelda games was the first to not have the usual main villain?`,
            choices:[`Minish Cap`, `Skyward Sword`, `The Legend of Zelda II`, `Majora’ s Mask`],
            answer: `The Legend of Zelda II`,
      //Question 8
            question:`What is the Hero’ s name ?`,
      //Question 9
            question: `How many hearts do you need in Breath of the Wild to get the Master Sword?`,
            choices:[`13`, `10`, `20`, `15`],
            answer: `13`,
      //Question 10                  
            question: `Who develops the Legend of Zelda(series)?`,
            choices:[`Sony`, `Microsoft`, `Sega`, `Nintendo`],

const OUTCOMES = {
    perfect: {
       message: `You are worthy of holding the Master Sword at it's full power!`,
       endImage: `images/fullpowermastersword.png`

  great: {
       message: `You are worthy of holding the Master Sword but it isn't at it's full potential.`,
       endImage: `images/mastersword.png`

  good: {
       message: `You have drawn the Master Sword but it's damaged.  Return it to the pedastal and try again.`,
       endImage: `images/rustedmastersword.png`

  fail: {
       message: `You are not worthy. Here's a stick.`,
       endImage: `images/treebranch.png`

let hearts = 10;
let brokenPots = 0;

function startQuest() {
      $('#quizcontainer').on('click', '.startbutton', function (event) {
            $('.potCounter').html(`<h1><span>Question:<span class ="brokenPots">0</span>/10</span></h1>`);

function generateQuestion() {
      if (brokenPots < STORE.length) {
            return generateQuiz(brokenPots);
      } else {

function generateQuiz(questionIndex) {
      let dungeonMaker = $(`<form>
        <fieldset class="choices">
          <legend class="questionText">${STORE[questionIndex].question}</legend><br>

      let fieldFinder = $(dungeonMaker).find('fieldset');

      STORE[questionIndex].choices.forEach(function (choicesValue, choicesIndex) {
            $(`<label class="choices" for="${choicesIndex}">
            <input type="radio" class="select" id="${choicesIndex}" value="${choicesValue}" name="answer" required>
      $(`<br><button type="submit" class="submitButton press">Submit</button >`).appendTo(fieldFinder);
      return dungeonMaker;

function submitChoice() {
      $('#quizcontainer').on('submit', function (event) {
            const chosen = $('input:checked');
            const choice = chosen.val();
            const correct = STORE[brokenPots].answer;
            if (choice === correct) {
            } else {

function correctChoice() {
    <button type="button" class="nextButton press">Next</button>`

function wrongChoice() {
            `<h3>You took some damage.</h3>
      <span class="next">Correct Answer is:</span>
      <span class="next">${STORE[brokenPots].answer}</span>
      <button type="button" class="nextButton press">Next</button>`

function nextQuestion() {
      $('#quizcontainer').on('click', '.nextButton', function (event) {

function updatePotsBroken() {
      $('.brokenPots').text(brokenPots + 1);

function generateHearts(number) {
      for (i = 1; i <= number; i++) {
            $('.heartcontainer').append(`<img src=images/full.png class='fullheart'>`);

function updateHearts(answer) {
      if(!answer) {
         $(`.fullheart:nth-child(${brokenPots + 1})`).attr("src","images/empty.png");

function heartsRemaining() {
      const questResult = countHearts();

      //return (`<h1>${questResult.message}</h1>`)

function countHearts() {
      if (hearts === 10) {
            return OUTCOMES.perfect;
      } else if (hearts < 9 && hearts >= 7) {
            return OUTCOMES.great;
      } else if (hearts < 6 && hearts >= 3) {
            return OUTCOMES.good;
      } else {
            return OUTCOMES.fail;

function restartQuest() {
      hearts = 10;
      brokenPots = 0;

function handledrawSword() {

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<div class="pagecontainer">
         <div class="count border">
               <div class="headercontainer potCounter">
                  <h1>Are you Worthy of the Master Sword?</h1>
         <div class="health border">
               <div class="heartcontainer">
         <div class="quiz border background-image">
               <div id="quizcontainer">
                  <div class="startcontainer">
                        Test your knowlodge on "The Legend Zelda Series" to see if you are worthy of
                        wielding the Master Sword!
                     <button class="press startbutton">Start</button>

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