Используя приведенные ниже пс, я отправляю электронное письмо определенным свойствам учетной записи AD, включая LastLogonDate. Если учетная запись никогда не использовалась, электронная почта полностью пропускает значение. Я хотел бы, чтобы в сообщении содержалось что-то вроде следующего: Джон Смит входил в наши системы в общей сложности 0 раз с последним успешным входом в систему, опубликованным в N / A. Как я могу изменить то, что мне нужно для этого? Спасибо!
# List every active account with a "SACRequest Account" desctription that will expire in 0,7,14 days and inlcude the name and email address of the original account requester (extensionAttribute1,extensionAttribute2)
import-module activedirectory
$Today = Get-Date -Format 'MM-dd-yyy'
$Rightnow = Get-Date -Format o
$reportObject = @()
$userList = get-aduser -filter {Description -like "SACRequest Account" -and Enabled -eq $True} -Properties displayname, accountExpires, description, passwordexpired,"msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed",enabled,AccountExpirationDate,LastLogonDate,logoncount,passwordlastset, badlogoncount,lastbadpasswordattempt,extensionAttribute1,extensionAttribute2,department |
select displayname, accountExpires, description, passwordexpired,"msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed",enabled,AccountExpirationDate,LastLogonDate,logoncount,passwordlastset, badlogoncount,lastbadpasswordattempt,extensionAttribute1,extensionAttribute2,department |
sort-object msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed -descending
$obj = new-object PSobject
foreach ($user in $userList)
$obj = new-object PSobject
$obj | add-member noteproperty Name($user.displayname)
$obj | add-member noteproperty Description($user.description)
$obj | add-member noteproperty 'Password Expired'($user.Passwordexpired)
$obj | add-member noteproperty 'Account is Enabled'($user.Enabled)
$obj | add-member noteproperty 'AccountExpirationDate'($user.AccountExpirationDate.ToString('MM-dd-yyyy'))
$obj | add-member noteproperty 'LastLogonDate'($user.LastLogonDate.ToString('MM-dd-yyyy'))
$obj | add-member noteproperty 'Password Last Set'($user.PasswordLastSet)
$obj | add-member noteproperty 'Failed Logon Attempt'($user.lastbadpasswordattempt)
$obj | add-member noteproperty 'TotalLogonCount'($user.logoncount)
$obj | add-member noteproperty 'Total Failed Logons'($user.badlogoncount)
$obj | add-member noteproperty 'SACSubmitter'($user.extensionAttribute1)
$obj | add-member noteproperty 'SACSubmitterEmail'($user.extensionAttribute2)
$obj | add-member noteproperty 'Department'($user.department)
$reportObject += $obj}
$from = "System Access Control <systems@organization.org>"
foreach ($user in $reportObject) {
if (([datetime]$user.AccountExpirationDate).AddDays(-0) -eq $TodayOnly)
$Name = $user.name
$to = $user.SACSubmitterEmail
$subject = "Your contractors's login account will expire today!"
$hello = $user.SACSubmitter
$AccountExpirationDate = $user.AccountExpirationDate # -as [datetime]
$TotalLogonCount = $user.TotalLogonCount
$LastLogonDate = $user.LastLogonDate
$body = "Hello $hello,<br><br>"
$body += "The login account you requested for <b>$Name</b> will expire in one week on <b> $AccountExpirationDate</b>.<br><br>"
$body += "$name logged onto our systems a total of <b>$TotalLogonCount</b> times with the last successful log in posted on <b> $LastLogonDate</b>.<br><br>"
$body += "<a href='http://intranet/form.cfm?id=100'>If this account needs to remain active please submit a new System Access Control Request by clicking here.</a><br><br>"
$body += "Kind Regards,<br>"
$body += "Your friends in IT<br><br><br>"
$body += "<i>Data generated $RightNow</i>"
$mail = New-Object System.Net.Mail.Mailmessage $from, $to, $subject, $body
$server = "mail.organization.org"
$port = 25
$Smtp = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SMTPClient $server,$port
$Smtp.Credentials = [system.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials
foreach ($user in $reportObject) {
if (([datetime]$user.AccountExpirationDate).AddDays(-7) -eq $TodayOnly)
$Name = $user.name
$to = $user.SACSubmitterEmail
$subject = "Your contractors's login account will expire in one week!"
$hello = $user.SACSubmitter
$AccountExpirationDate = $user.AccountExpirationDate # -as [datetime]
$TotalLogonCount = $user.TotalLogonCount
$LastLogonDate = $user.LastLogonDate
$body = "Hello $hello,<br><br>"
$body += "The login account you requested for <b>$Name</b> will expire in one week on <b> $AccountExpirationDate</b>.<br><br>"
$body += "$name logged onto our systems a total of <b>$TotalLogonCount</b> times with the last successful log in posted on <b> $LastLogonDate</b>.<br><br>"
$body += "<a href='http://intranet/form.cfm?id=100'>If this account needs to remain active please submit a new System Access Control Request by clicking here.</a><br><br>"
$body += "Kind Regards,<br>"
$body += "Your friends in IT<br><br><br>"
$body += "<i>Data generated $RightNow</i>"
$mail = New-Object System.Net.Mail.Mailmessage $from, $to, $subject, $body
$server = "mail.organization.org"
$port = 25
$Smtp = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SMTPClient $server,$port
$Smtp.Credentials = [system.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials
foreach ($user in $reportObject) {
if (([datetime]$user.AccountExpirationDate).AddDays(-14) -eq $TodayOnly)
$Name = $user.name
$to = $user.SACSubmitterEmail
$subject = "Your contractors's login account will expire in two weeks!"
$hello = $user.SACSubmitter
$AccountExpirationDate = $user.AccountExpirationDate # -as [datetime]
$TotalLogonCount = $user.TotalLogonCount
$LastLogonDate = $user.LastLogonDate
$body = "Hello $hello,<br><br>"
$body += "The login account you requested for <b>$Name</b> will expire in one week on <b> $AccountExpirationDate</b>.<br><br>"
$body += "$name logged onto our systems a total of <b>$TotalLogonCount</b> times with the last successful log in posted on <b> $LastLogonDate</b>.<br><br>"
$body += "<a href='http://intranet/form.cfm?id=100'>If this account needs to remain active please submit a new System Access Control Request by clicking here.</a><br><br>"
$body += "Kind Regards,<br>"
$body += "Your friends in IT<br><br><br>"
$body += "<i>Data generated $RightNow</i>"
$mail = New-Object System.Net.Mail.Mailmessage $from, $to, $subject, $body
$server = "mail.organization.org"
$port = 25
$Smtp = New-Object System.Net.Mail.SMTPClient $server,$port
$Smtp.Credentials = [system.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials