Преобразование запроса в представление - PullRequest
1 голос
/ 22 октября 2019

У меня длинный запрос, который насчитывает несколько десятков, основываясь на периодах. С учетом сказанного, у меня есть период P1 (который переводится в 07:00:00 и 08:59:59, и так и происходит. Мне нужно вычислить все числа по медикам и периоду. Я использую связанное значение для поиска в таблице(trunc (a.dt_agenda, 'dd') между: dt_inicial и: dt_final) Поскольку я использую UNION ALL для объединения всех периодов, запрос довольно длинный, и мне нужно сохранить его в поле varchar2 (4000). Итак, мне нужно создать объект из моего запроса (возможно, представление), таким образом, что в запросе ищет представление вместо таблицы. Представления не принимают связанные значения и без привязки я не могу вставитьдата начала и дата окончания. У кого-нибудь есть какие-либо советы о том, как я могу сделать эту работу? Заранее спасибо

Я пытался создать представление, просто включив в запрос столбец даты, но не смогзаставить его работать после (запрос на просмотр)



    obter_desc_agenda(cd_agenda) medico,

    'P1' periodo,

    count(case when a.ie_status_agenda <> 'C' then 1 else null end) capacidademaxima,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) not in (30) and a.ie_status_agenda <> 'C' then 1 else null end) disponiveis,

    count(case when a.ie_status_agenda in ('E','L','N') then 1 else null end) usados,

    count(case when a.ie_status_agenda in ('I') then 1 else null end) faltas,

    count(case when a.ie_status_agenda in ('C') then 1 else null end) cancelamentos,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (10) then 1 else null end) pa,
    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (15) then 1 else null end) reforcopa,
    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (28) then 1 else null end)compromissoparicular,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (12) then 1 else null end) outrosempregos,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (16) then 1 else null end) reunioeshdp,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (26) then 1 else null end) reunioeslaboratorios,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (20) then 1 else null end) ferias,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (33) then 1 else null end) almoco,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (27) then 1 else null end) exameseprocedimentos,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (11) then 1 else null end) hospitaisecirurgias,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (13) then 1 else null end) aulas,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (14) then 1 else null end) congresso,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (32) then 1 else null end) tratamentomedico,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (31) then 1 else null end) maternidade

    agenda_consulta a 
    trunc(a.dt_agenda, 'dd') between :dt_inicial and :dt_final 
    AND to_char(a.dt_agenda, 'HH24:MI:SS') between ('07:00:00') and ('08:59:59')
    obter_desc_agenda(cd_agenda), 'P1'
    obter_desc_agenda(cd_agenda) medico,

    'P2' periodo,

    count(case when a.ie_status_agenda <> 'C' then 1 else null end) capacidademaxima,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) not in (30) and a.ie_status_agenda <> 'C' then 1 else null end) disponiveis,

    count(case when a.ie_status_agenda in ('E','L','N') then 1 else null end) usados,

    count(case when a.ie_status_agenda in ('I') then 1 else null end) faltas,

    count(case when a.ie_status_agenda in ('C') then 1 else null end) cancelamentos,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (10) then 1 else null end) pa,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (15) then 1 else null end) reforcopa,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (28) then 1 else null end)compromissoparicular,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (12) then 1 else null end) outrosempregos,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (16) then 1 else null end) reunioeshdp,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (26) then 1 else null end) reunioeslaboratorios,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (20) then 1 else null end) ferias,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (33) then 1 else null end) almoco,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (27) then 1 else null end) exameseprocedimentos,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (11) then 1 else null end) hospitaisecirurgias,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (13) then 1 else null end) aulas,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (14) then 1 else null end) congresso,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (32) then 1 else null end) tratamentomedico,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (31) then 1 else null end) maternidade
    agenda_consulta a 
WHERE trunc(a.dt_agenda, 'dd') between :dt_inicial and :dt_final  
    AND to_char (a.dt_agenda, 'HH24:MI:SS') between ('09:00:00') and ('11:59:59')
GROUP BY obter_desc_agenda(cd_agenda), 'P2'


Then it repeats to P3, P4, P5 and the last part is "Total"


    obter_desc_agenda(cd_agenda) medico,

    'Total' periodo, 

    count(case when a.ie_status_agenda <> 'C' then 1 else null end) capacidademaxima,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) not in (30) and a.ie_status_agenda <> 'C' then 1 else null end) disponiveis,

    count(case when a.ie_status_agenda in ('E','L','N') then 1 else null end) usados,

    count(case when a.ie_status_agenda in ('I') then 1 else null end) faltas,

    count(case when a.ie_status_agenda in ('C') then 1 else null end) cancelamentos,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (10) then 1 else null end) pa,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (15) then 1 else null end) reforcopa,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (28) then 1 else null end)compromissoparicular,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (12) then 1 else null end) outrosempregos,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (16) then 1 else null end) reunioeshdp,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (26) then 1 else null end) reunioeslaboratorios,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (20) then 1 else null end) ferias,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (33) then 1 else null end) almoco,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (27) then 1 else null end) exameseprocedimentos,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (11) then 1 else null end) hospitaisecirurgias,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (13) then 1 else null end) aulas,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (14) then 1 else null end) congresso,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (32) then 1 else null end) tratamentomedico,

    count(case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (31) then 1 else null end) maternidade

agenda_consulta a 

WHERE trunc(a.dt_agenda, 'dd') between :dt_inicial and :dt_final 

    obter_desc_agenda(cd_agenda), 'Total'

) t

order by medico, periodo

Ответы [ 2 ]

0 голосов
/ 23 октября 2019

Создайте вид из этого выбора:

    obter_desc_agenda(cd_agenda) medico,
      when to_char(a.dt_agenda, 'HH24:MI:SS') between ('07:00:00') and ('08:59:59') then 'P1'
      when to_char(a.dt_agenda, 'HH24:MI:SS') between ('09:00:00') and ('11:59:59') then 'P2'
      when to_char(a.dt_agenda, 'HH24:MI:SS') between ('12:00:00') and ('14:59:59') then 'P3'
      when to_char(a.dt_agenda, 'HH24:MI:SS') between ('15:00:00') and ('16:59:59') then 'P4'
      when to_char(a.dt_agenda, 'HH24:MI:SS') between ('17:00:00') and ('19:59:59') then 'P5'
    end periodo,
    trunc(a.dt_agenda, 'dd') date_agenda,
    case when a.ie_status_agenda <> 'C' then 1 else null end capacidademaxima, -- don't count yet - only set flags (1 or null)
    case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) not in (30) and a.ie_status_agenda <> 'C' then 1 else null end disponiveis,
    case when a.ie_status_agenda in ('E','L','N') then 1 else null end usados,
    case when a.ie_status_agenda in ('I') then 1 else null end faltas,
    case when a.ie_status_agenda in ('C') then 1 else null end cancelamentos,
    case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (10) then 1 else null end pa,
    case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (15) then 1 else null end reforcopa,
    case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (28) then 1 else null end compromissoparicular,
    case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (12) then 1 else null end outrosempregos,
    case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (16) then 1 else null end reunioeshdp,
    case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (26) then 1 else null end reunioeslaboratorios,
    case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (20) then 1 else null end ferias,
    case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (33) then 1 else null end almoco,
    case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (27) then 1 else null end exameseprocedimentos,
    case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (11) then 1 else null end hospitaisecirurgias,
    case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (13) then 1 else null end aulas,
    case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (14) then 1 else null end congresso,
    case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (32) then 1 else null end tratamentomedico,
    case when nvl(a.nr_seq_motivo_transf,0) in (31) then 1 else null end maternidade
    from agenda_consulta a 

и используйте его так:

select medico, nvl(periodo, 'Total') -- nvl is there because grouping only by medico(counting Total) gives null in periodo
     , count(capacidademaxima)
     , count(disponiveis)
     , count(usados)
     , count(tratamentomedico)
     , count(maternidade)
  from viewName
 where date_agenda between :dt_inicial and :dt_final 
 group by grouping sets((periodo, medico), (medico)) -- it's the same as doing group by periodo, medico (counts groups P1 to P5) union all group by medico (counts Total)
0 голосов
/ 23 октября 2019

Возьмите trunc(a.dt_agenda, 'dd') до SELECT-list и GROUP BY-list и CREATE VIEW, как показано ниже:

CREATE [OR REPLACE] VIEW v_agenda_consulta AS
SELECT trunc(a.dt_agenda, 'dd') as dt_agenda, 'P1' as periodo, count( case when ....
  FROM agenda_consulta a 
 WHERE to_char(a.dt_agenda, 'HH24:MI:SS') between ('07:00:00') and ('08:59:59')
 GROUP BY trunc(a.dt_agenda, 'dd'), obter_desc_agenda(cd_agenda), 'P1'
SELECT trunc(a.dt_agenda, 'dd'), 'P2' , count( case when ....
  FROM agenda_consulta a 
 WHERE to_char(a.dt_agenda, 'HH24:MI:SS') between ('07:00:00') and ('08:59:59')
 GROUP BY trunc(a.dt_agenda, 'dd'), obter_desc_agenda(cd_agenda), 'P2'
SELECT trunc(a.dt_agenda, 'dd'), 'Total' , count( case when ....
  FROM agenda_consulta a 
 WHERE to_char(a.dt_agenda, 'HH24:MI:SS') between ('07:00:00') and ('08:59:59')
 GROUP BY trunc(a.dt_agenda, 'dd'), obter_desc_agenda(cd_agenda), 'Total';

И вы можете позвонить как

  FROM v_agenda_consulta 
 WHERE dt_agenda between :dt_inicial and :dt_final

Обратите вниманиепри первой попытке создать используйте CREATE VIEW v_agenda_consulta AS ... без опции REPLACE. Возможно, у вас есть существующий VIEW, который нужно переопределить.

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