После перехода на PHP 7.3.4 с 5.3.3 наше приложение CodeIgniter приводит к фатальной ошибке при загрузке страницы, которая не является страницей индекса. Причина кроется в плагине QuickBooks PHP DevKit, но он не уверен, что это связано с проблемой совместимости mysqli или с чем-то еще.
Неустранимая ошибка: необработанная ошибка: вызов функции-члена initialized () для null в / var/www/html/pay/plugins/QuickBooks/Utilities.php:630 Трассировка стека: # 0 /var/www/html/pay/plugins/quickbooks_config.php(68): QuickBooks_Utilities :: initialized ('mysql: // myfc_v2)... ') # 1 /var/www/html/pay/application/administration/models/invoice_model.php(21): require (' / var / www / html / p ... ') # 2 / var /www / html / pay / system / core / Loader.php (303): Invoice_model -> __ construct () # 3 /var/www/html/pay/application/administration/controllers/invoice_cc_pay.php(18): CI_Loader->модель ('Invoice_model') # 4 /var/www/html/pay/system/core/CodeIgniter.php(308): Invoice_CC_Pay -> __ construct () # 5 /var/www/html/pay/index.php(208): require_once ('/ var / www / html / p ...') # 6 {main} добавляется в /var/www/html/pay/plugins/QuickBooks/Utilities.php в строке 630
Utilities.php - Строки 626-631
static public function initialized($dsn, $driver_options = array())
$Driver = QuickBooks_Utilities::driverFactory($dsn, $driver_options);
##### Where the error appears #####
return $Driver->initialized();
static public function driverFactory($dsn_or_conn, $config = array(), $hooks = array(), $log_level = QUICKBOOKS_LOG_NORMAL)
return QuickBooks_Driver_Factory::create($dsn_or_conn, $config, $hooks, $log_level);
class QuickBooks_Driver_Factory
static public function create($dsn_or_conn, $config = array(), $hooks = array(), $log_level = QUICKBOOKS_LOG_NORMAL)
static $instances = array();
if (!is_array($hooks))
$hooks = array();
// Do not serialize the $hooks because they might contain non-serializeable objects
if (is_object($dsn_or_conn))
$key = get_class($dsn_or_conn) . serialize($config) . $log_level;
$key = (string) $dsn_or_conn . serialize($config) . $log_level;
if (!isset($instances[$key]))
if (is_resource($dsn_or_conn))
$scheme = current(explode(' ', get_resource_type($dsn_or_conn)));
elseif (is_object($dsn_or_conn))
$scheme = get_class($dsn_or_conn);
$scheme = QuickBooks_Utilities::parseDSN($dsn_or_conn, array(), 'scheme');
if (false !== strpos($scheme, 'sql')) // SQL drivers are subclassed... change class/scheme name
$scheme = 'Sql_' . ucfirst(strtolower($scheme));
$scheme = ucfirst(strtolower($scheme));
$class = 'QuickBooks_Driver_' . $scheme;
$file = '/QuickBooks/Driver/' . str_replace(' ', '/', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', strtolower($scheme)))) . '.php';
if (strstr($file, 'Driver/.php')) {
$file = str_replace('Driver/.php', 'Driver.php', $file);
//print('class: ' . $class . "\n");
//print('file: ' . $file . "\n");
if (class_exists($class))
$Driver = new $class($dsn_or_conn, $config);
static $static = 0;
print('Constructed new instance ' . $static . ' [' . $key . ']' . "\n");
mysql_query("INSERT INTO quickbooks_log ( msg, log_datetime ) VALUES ( 'Here is my " . $static . " key: " . $key . "', NOW() )");
// @todo Ugh this is really ugly... maybe have $log_level passed in as a parameter? Not really a driver option at all?
//if (isset($config['log_level']))
// $driver->setLogLevel($config['log_level']);
$instances[$key] = $Driver;
$instances[$key] = null;
return $instances[$key];