vb6 настройка сервера для онлайн-чата - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 29 октября 2019

исходный код сервера.

Option Explicit
Private strBuffer() As String
Private strClient() As String

Private Sub cmdSendAll_Click()
' Send the contents of txtToSend to all connected clients
' Make sure there's something to send
' Only send to those clients that are currently connected
Dim intI As Integer
If txtToSend.Text <> "" Then
    If lstClients.ListCount > 0 Then
        For intI = 1 To ws.UBound
            If ws(intI).State = sckConnected Then
                ws(intI).SendData txtToSend & vbCrLf
            End If
        Next intI
    End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSendSingle_Click()
' Send to one or more clients as selected from the ListBox
' Make sure there's something to send
' Only send if the client is still connected (it's possible that a given client
' may be disconnecting at the time we send something to them)
' The ItemData of the selected item is the Index of the Winsock control
Dim intI As Integer
If txtToSend.Text <> "" Then
    If lstClients.SelCount > 0 Then
        For intI = 0 To lstClients.ListCount - 1
            If lstClients.Selected(intI) Then
                If ws(lstClients.ItemData(intI)).State = sckConnected Then
                    ws(lstClients.ItemData(intI)).SendData txtToSend.Text & vbCrLf
                End If
            End If
        Next intI
    End If
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.Caption = "Simple Server - Multiple Connections"
txtReceived.Text = ""
txtToSend.Text = ""
ws(0).LocalPort = 40001
End Sub

Private Sub ws_Close(Index As Integer)
' Client has disconnected
' Close the Socket
' Remove this client from the ListBox
Dim intCount As Integer
txtReceived.Text = txtReceived.Text & "Connection to " & strClient(Index) & " has been closed" & vbCrLf
intCount = lstClients.ListCount - 1
    If strClient(Index) = lstClients.List(intCount) Then
        lstClients.RemoveItem intCount
        intCount = intCount - 1
        Label1.Caption = Label1.Caption - 1
    End If
Loop Until intCount < 0
End Sub

Private Sub ws_ConnectionRequest(Index As Integer, ByVal requestID As Long)
' Something has requested connection
' Check if there's a free socket, if there is, then use the first free one
' Otherwise create a new socket, buffer and client name array for this client
' Flush the buffer and Client Name
' Accept the request
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim boFound As Boolean
    If ws(intCount).State = sckClosed Then
        boFound = True
        intCount = intCount + 1

    End If
Loop Until intCount > ws.UBound Or boFound = True
If Not boFound Then
    Load ws(intCount)
    ReDim Preserve strBuffer(intCount)
    ReDim Preserve strClient(intCount)
End If
Label1.Caption = Label1.Caption + 1
strBuffer(intCount) = ""
strClient(intCount) = ""
ws(intCount).Accept requestID
txtReceived.Text = txtReceived.Text & "Connection to " & ws(intCount).RemoteHostIP & "Accepted" & vbCrLf
End Sub

Private Sub ws_DataArrival(Index As Integer, ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
' Something has sent some data (Index is the socket number)
' Read the data and append it to the buffer for this socket
' Check if a full record has been received (ie the vbCrLf)
' If it has then process the record
' If not then exit and wait for the next data from this (or any other) socket
Dim strData As String
Dim strReceived As String
Dim strCmd() As String
Dim intPos As Integer
Dim boComplete As Boolean
ws(Index).GetData strData
strBuffer(Index) = strBuffer(Index) & strData
    intPos = InStr(strBuffer(Index), vbCrLf)
    If intPos > 0 Then
        strReceived = Mid$(strBuffer(Index), 1, intPos - 1)
        ' Check if the Client is sending their ID (indicated by a Chr(255) as the first byte)
        ' If it is, then add it to the client name array and the listbox
        ' Save this client's winsock Index value in the ItemData
        ' (it will be needed when sending data to a specific client))
        ' Otherwise just display what's been sent to the Output textbox
        Select Case Mid(strReceived, 1, 1)
            Case Chr(255)
                strCmd = Split(strReceived, ",")
                strClient(Index) = strCmd(1)
                lstClients.AddItem strClient(Index)
                lstClients.ItemData(lstClients.NewIndex) = Index
            Case Else
                txtReceived.Text = txtReceived.Text & "Received from " & strClient(Index) & ":" & strReceived & vbCrLf
        End Select
        ' Check if there's anything else in the buffer
        ' if there is then process it
        ' otherwise flush the buffer and exit
        If intPos + 1 < Len(strBuffer(Index)) Then
            strBuffer(Index) = Mid$(strBuffer(Index), intPos + 2)
            strBuffer(Index) = ""
            boComplete = True
        End If
        boComplete = True
    End If
Loop Until boComplete = True
End Sub

Private Sub ws_SendComplete(Index As Integer)
' Update the output with the Data sent
If txtToSend.Text <> "" Then
    txtReceived.Text = txtReceived.Text & "Sent to " & strClient(Index) & ":" & txtToSend.Text & vbCrLf
End If
End Sub

исходный код клиента

Option Explicit

Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
' Close the connection to the server
' set the CommandButtons so that only cmdConnect can be clicked
cmdSend.Enabled = False
cmdClose.Enabled = False
cmdConnect.Enabled = True
txtReceived.Text = txtReceived.Text & "Connection Closed by Client" & vbCrLf
End Sub

Private Sub cmdConnect_Click()
ws.Close '
' Connect to the server
If txtServer.Text <> "" Then
    If txtPort.Text <> "" Then
        If txtName.Text <> "" Then
            ws.RemoteHost = txtServer.Text
            ws.RemotePort = txtPort
            ws.LocalPort = 0
            MsgBox "Please enter a Client Name"
        End If
        MsgBox "Please enter a Port Number"
    End If
    MsgBox "Please enter a Server Name / Address"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSend_Click()
' Check that there's something to send, if there is then send it
If txtToSend.Text <> "" Then
    ws.SendData txtToSend.Text & vbCrLf
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.Caption = "Simple Client"
txtReceived.Text = ""
txtToSend.Text = ""
cmdSend.Enabled = False
cmdClose.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub txtServer_DblClick()
txtServer.Text = ""
End Sub

Private Sub ws_Close()
' Server has closed the connection
' close the socket
txtReceived.Text = txtReceived.Text & "Connection Closed by Server" & vbCrLf
End Sub

Private Sub ws_Connect()
' Successfully connected to the server
' send it our ID
' disable the Connect CommandButton
' enable the Send and Close CommandButtons
txtReceived.Text = txtReceived.Text & "Connected to " & ws.RemoteHostIP & vbCrLf
ws.SendData Chr(255) & "," & txtName.Text & vbCrLf
cmdConnect.Enabled = False
cmdSend.Enabled = True
cmdClose.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub ws_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
' Something has arrived from the server
' Read the data and append it to the buffer
' Check if a full record has been received (ie the vbCrLf)
' If it has then process the record
' If not then exit and wait for the next portion of data

Static strBuffer As String
Dim strData As String
Dim strReceived As String
Dim intPos As Integer
Dim boComplete As Boolean
ws.GetData strData
strBuffer = strBuffer & strData
    intPos = InStr(strBuffer, vbCrLf)
    If intPos > 0 Then
        strReceived = Mid$(strBuffer, 1, intPos - 1)
        txtReceived.Text = txtReceived.Text & "Received:" & strReceived & vbCrLf
        If intPos + 1 < Len(strBuffer) Then
            strBuffer = Mid(strBuffer, intPos + 2)
            strBuffer = ""
            boComplete = True
        End If
        boComplete = True
    End If
Loop Until boComplete = True
End Sub

Private Sub ws_SendComplete()
' If data was sent then update the Output textbox
If txtToSend.Text <> "" Then
    txtReceived.Text = txtReceived.Text & "Sent: " & txtToSend.Text & vbCrLf
    txtToSend.Text = ""
End If
End Sub

txtServer.text = "amarz1.serveirc.com"
txtPort.text = "40001"
txtName.text = "client1"

Когда я запускаю server.exe, я могу получить друзей из сети, чтобы подключиться ко мне, используя этот noip.org или сетевой адрес, какие другие варианты мне нужно сделать? настроить сервер так, чтобы в любое время люди могли использовать клиент для входа без необходимости запуска server.exe, я новичок в этом, я действительно хочу узнать больше об этом.
я пытаюсь настроить сервер в любое времялюди могут просто использовать клиент и войти в систему и войти в чат

если я нахожусь в автономном режиме, то ни один из них не может подключиться, наоборот, я не могу подключиться к ним, если они не настроили учетную запись noip.

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