Кажется, у меня есть ошибка с нумерацией страниц, которую я не могу решить. Дело в том, что я могу изменить страницу с помощью p-paginator
от Prime-NG. При этом содержимое страницы изменяется в соответствии с запросом, но pageNum
всегда остается на 1, даже если я нажал на страницу.
Чтобы дать вам некоторую справочную информацию о моей настройке кода: у меня есть два компонента с именами applicant
и applicant-filtered
. Компонент applicant-filtered
вызывается из компонента applicant
с этими строками кода, если фильтр настроен.
<dgam-applicants-filtered (pageChanged)="onPageChanged($event)"
*ngIf="searchObject && applicantsSearchResponse && !isLoading"
Фильтр работает отлично, так что это не проблема, поэтому я не будуопубликовать код для этого. Но вот код для метода onPageChanged
onPageChanged(event: any) {
this.searchObject.pageRequest.pageNum = event.page;
Компонент applicant-filtered
выглядит следующим образом:
<ng-container *ngIf="applicantsSearchResponse?.page.content.length > 0">
<div class="filteredApplicantCards flex flex-wrap w-100 mt2">
<div *ngFor="let applicant of applicantsSearchResponse?.page.content"
class="filteredApplicantCard ma2 pb3 gray shadow-1 bg-white z-0">
<dgam-applicant-card [applicantProfile]="applicant"></dgam-applicant-card>
<p-paginator (onPageChange)="paginate($event)"
*ngIf="applicantsSearchResponse?.page.totalCount > applicantSearchObject.pageRequest.pageSize"
и это машинопись:
import {Component, EventEmitter, Input, OnInit, Output} from '@angular/core';
import {ApplicantSearch, ApplicantSearchResponse} from '../interfaces/applicant';
selector: 'dgam-applicants-filtered',
templateUrl: './applicants-filtered.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./applicants-filtered.component.scss']
export class ApplicantsFilteredComponent implements OnInit {
@Input() applicantsSearchResponse: ApplicantSearchResponse;
@Input() applicantSearchObject: ApplicantSearch;
@Output() pageChanged: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();
constructor() {
ngOnInit() {
paginate(event) {
В консоли нет ошибок, и отладка не скупила внутренности. Так что мне не хватает подсказок и идей.
Если у вас есть идеи или идеи, пожалуйста, дайте мне знать. Я очень ценю их, чтобы решить эту проблему. Если вам нужно больше кода или информации, пожалуйста, сообщите мне, и я предоставлю это. Спасибо.
РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: Вот весь код компонента applicant
import {animate, state, style, transition, trigger} from '@angular/animations';
import {Component, ElementRef, Input, OnInit, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import {AbstractControl, FormBuilder, FormControl, FormGroup} from '@angular/forms';
import {Router} from '@angular/router';
import {ChangeContext, Options} from 'ng5-slider';
import {DialogService} from 'primeng/api';
import {of, timer} from 'rxjs';
import {debounce, finalize, switchMap, tap} from 'rxjs/operators';
import {CityGeo} from '../../services/city/city-interfaces';
import {ApplicantCreationDialogComponent} from './applicant-creation-dialog/applicant-creation-dialog.component';
import {
} from './interfaces/applicant';
import {ApplicantService} from './services/applicant.service';
animations: [
trigger('FadeAnimation', [
state('in', style({opacity: 1})),
transition(':enter', [
style({opacity: 0}),
animate(400, style({opacity: 0})))
providers: [DialogService],
selector: 'dgam-applicant',
styleUrls: ['./applicant.component.scss'],
templateUrl: './applicant.component.html'
export class ApplicantComponent implements OnInit {
static ONLY_MY_APPLICANTS = 'onlyMyApplicants';
static ONLY_MY_BRANCH = 'onlyMyBranch';
static ONLY_MY_TENANT = 'onlyMyTenant';
static IS_GLOBE = 'isGlobe';
static IS_MOBILE = 'isMobile';
static IS_SPECULATIVE_APPLICATION = 'isSpeculativeApplication';
static IS_JOB_APPLICATION = 'isJobApplication';
static IS_EMPLOYEE = 'isEmployee';
static IS_APPLICANT = 'isApplicant';
static IS_SHIFTWORK_IMAGINABLE = 'isShiftWorkImaginable';
static AGE_REQUEST = 'ageRequest';
static CITY_WITH_RADIUS = 'cityWithRadius';
static CITY_WITH_ZIP_CODE = 'cityWithZipCode';
skillsIncludeFilterValues: string[] = [];
skillsIncludeFilterOption = 'and';
skillsExcludeFilterValues: string[] = [];
selectedLanguages: string[] = [];
cityForm: FormGroup;
cityProposals: CityGeo[] = [];
proposalsVisible = false;
highlightedCity: CityGeo;
city: '';
selectedCity: CityGeo;
minAge = 0;
maxAge = 100;
options: Options = {
ceil: 100,
floor: 0
isLoading = true;
@Input() showFilter: boolean;
@Input() possibleFilters: ApplicantFilter[];
requestFilters: ApplicantFilter[] = [];
@ViewChild('ageSlider') ageSlider: ElementRef;
isFiltered = false;
// die folgenden Booleans werden nur fuer die Filterung benoetigt
onlyMyApplicants = false;
onlyMyBranch: false;
onlyMyTenant: false;
speculativeApp: false;
jobApplication: false;
isEmployee: false;
isApplicant: false;
isGlobe: false;
isMobile: false;
isShiftWorkImaginable: false;
applicantsSearchResponse: ApplicantSearchResponse;
searchObject: ApplicantSearch = {
pageRequest: {
pageNum: 0,
pageSize: 16,
sortByList: [
{name: 'firstContactReceived', direction: 'DESCENDING'}
sortingCriterias = [
{sort: [{name: 'firstContactReceived', direction: 'ASCENDING'}], title: 'NEWEST'},
{sort: [{name: 'firstContactReceived', direction: 'DESCENDING'}], title: 'OLDEST'}
selectedSorting: ApplicantSortingCriteria[] = this.sortingCriterias[0].sort;
constructor(private applicantService: ApplicantService,
private fb: FormBuilder,
private router: Router,
private dialogService: DialogService) {
get radiusControl(): AbstractControl {
return this.cityForm.get('mobility').get('jobLocationRadius');
onFilterDelete(filterToDelete: ApplicantFilter) {
this.searchObject.requestFilters = this.searchObject.requestFilters
.filter(requestedFilter => requestedFilter.name !== filterToDelete.name);
if (filterToDelete.name === ApplicantComponent.ONLY_MY_APPLICANTS) {
this.onlyMyApplicants = false;
} else if (filterToDelete.name === ApplicantComponent.IS_GLOBE) {
this.isGlobe = false;
} else if (filterToDelete.name === ApplicantComponent.IS_MOBILE) {
this.isMobile = false;
} else if (filterToDelete.name === ApplicantComponent.ONLY_MY_TENANT) {
this.onlyMyTenant = false;
} else if (filterToDelete.name === ApplicantComponent.ONLY_MY_BRANCH) {
this.onlyMyBranch = false;
} else if (filterToDelete.name === ApplicantComponent.IS_SPECULATIVE_APPLICATION) {
this.speculativeApp = false;
} else if (filterToDelete.name === ApplicantComponent.IS_JOB_APPLICATION) {
this.jobApplication = false;
} else if (filterToDelete.name === ApplicantComponent.IS_APPLICANT) {
this.isApplicant = false;
} else if (filterToDelete.name === ApplicantComponent.IS_EMPLOYEE) {
this.isEmployee = false;
} else if (filterToDelete.name === ApplicantComponent.IS_SHIFTWORK_IMAGINABLE) {
this.isShiftWorkImaginable = false;
} else if (filterToDelete.name === ApplicantComponent.CITY_WITH_RADIUS ||
filterToDelete.name === ApplicantComponent.CITY_WITH_ZIP_CODE) {
} else if (filterToDelete.name === ApplicantComponent.AGE_REQUEST) {
let ageFilter: ApplicantFilter = this.possibleFilters.find(filter => filter.name === ApplicantComponent.AGE_REQUEST);
if (ageFilter) {
ageFilter.selection = undefined;
this.options = {
ceil: this.maxAge,
floor: this.minAge
} else {
const newAgeFilter: ApplicantFilter = {
name: ApplicantComponent.AGE_REQUEST,
selection: [this.minAge, this.maxAge],
values: undefined
ageFilter = this.requestFilters.find(filter => filter.name === ApplicantComponent.AGE_REQUEST);
if (ageFilter) {
ageFilter.selection = [this.minAge, this.maxAge];
} else {
const newAgeFilter: ApplicantFilter = {
name: ApplicantComponent.AGE_REQUEST,
selection: undefined,
values: undefined
this.options = {
ceil: this.maxAge,
floor: this.minAge
} else if (filterToDelete.name === 'skillsAnd') {
this.skillsIncludeFilterValues = [];
this.skillsIncludeFilterOption = 'and';
} else if (filterToDelete.name === 'skillsOr') {
this.skillsIncludeFilterValues = [];
this.skillsIncludeFilterOption = 'and';
} else if (filterToDelete.name === 'skillsNot') {
this.skillsExcludeFilterValues = [];
} else if (filterToDelete.name === 'languages') {
this.selectedLanguages = [];
isSearchByAge(): boolean {
const ageFilter = this.possibleFilters.find(filter => filter.name === ApplicantComponent.AGE_REQUEST);
let isSearchByAge = false;
if (ageFilter && ageFilter.selection) {
isSearchByAge = ageFilter.selection[0] !== String(this.minAge) || ageFilter.selection[1] !== String(this.maxAge);
return isSearchByAge;
public searchApplicants() {
this.isFiltered = this.isSearchByAge() || this.onlyMyApplicants || this.isGlobe || this.isMobile ||
this.onlyMyBranch || this.onlyMyTenant || this.jobApplication ||
this.speculativeApp || this.isEmployee || this.isApplicant || this.isShiftWorkImaginable ||
this.searchObject.requestFilters.filter(filter =>
).some(f => f.selection !== undefined || f.selection !== null);
this.isLoading = true;
if (this.isFiltered) {
// CHOOSE_SORTING nicht mitsenden
this.searchObject.pageRequest.sortByList =
this.searchObject.pageRequest.sortByList.filter(sorting => sorting.name);
finalize(() => this.isLoading = false)
).subscribe(response => {
this.applicantsSearchResponse = response;
this.possibleFilters = response.possibleFilters;
const ageFilter: ApplicantFilter = response.requestedFilters.find(filter => filter.name === ApplicantComponent.AGE_REQUEST);
if (!ageFilter) {
name: ApplicantComponent.AGE_REQUEST,
selection: undefined,
values: undefined
const cityFilter: ApplicantFilter = response.requestedFilters.find(filter => filter.name === ApplicantComponent.CITY_WITH_RADIUS);
if (!cityFilter) {
name: ApplicantComponent.CITY_WITH_RADIUS,
selection: undefined,
values: undefined
const cityZipFilter: ApplicantFilter = response.requestedFilters.find(filter => filter.name === ApplicantComponent.CITY_WITH_ZIP_CODE);
if (!cityZipFilter) {
name: ApplicantComponent.CITY_WITH_ZIP_CODE,
selection: undefined,
values: undefined
const nationalityFilter = this.possibleFilters.find(filter => filter.name === 'nationality');
if (nationalityFilter) {
name: 'excludeNationality',
selection: undefined,
values: nationalityFilter.values
// bei Antwort vom Server setzen wir die Dropdowns auf die gewählten Werte,
// somit ist das FilterPanel in dem Zustand, den wir angefragt hatten
this.applicantsSearchResponse.requestedFilters.forEach(requestedFilter => {
const filter = this.possibleFilters.find(possibleFilter => possibleFilter.name === requestedFilter.name);
if (filter) {
if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.AGE_REQUEST) {
filter.selection = requestedFilter.values;
} else if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.CITY_WITH_RADIUS) {
filter.selection = requestedFilter.values;
} else if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.CITY_WITH_ZIP_CODE) {
filter.selection = requestedFilter.values;
} else {
filter.selection = requestedFilter.values[0];
if (filter.name === 'excludeNationality') {
} else {
public changeSorting() {
this.searchObject.pageRequest.sortByList = this.selectedSorting;
public onfilterChanged(filters: ApplicantFilter[]) {
this.searchObject.requestFilters = filters;
this.searchObject.pageRequest.pageNum = 0;
ngOnInit() {
newApplicant() {
this.dialogService.open(ApplicantCreationDialogComponent, {
header: 'Bewerber anlegen'
}).onClose.subscribe(applicantId => {
if (applicantId) {
this.router.navigate(['applicant/edit', applicantId]);
patchProposal(proposal: CityGeo, event: any = null): void {
// noinspection DuplicatedCode
if (event) {
// when enter is pressed to use a highlightedProposal, prevent the default which would be the form submitting
this.selectedCity = proposal;
(this.cityForm.get('mobility').get('city') as FormControl).patchValue(proposal.city, {emitEvent: false});
(this.cityForm.get('mobility').get('cityGeoId') as FormControl).patchValue(proposal.id, {emitEvent: false});
this.proposalsVisible = false;
const cityWithRadius = this.possibleFilters.find(filter => filter.name === ApplicantComponent.CITY_WITH_RADIUS);
cityWithRadius.selection = [proposal.id, this.radiusControl.value, proposal.city];
highlightPreviousProposal(): void {
const currentIndex = this.cityProposals.findIndex(proposal => proposal === this.highlightedCity);
let newIndex = currentIndex - 1;
if (newIndex < 0) {
newIndex = this.cityProposals.length - 1;
this.highlightedCity = this.cityProposals[newIndex];
highlightNextProposal(): void {
const currentIndex = this.cityProposals.findIndex(proposal => proposal === this.highlightedCity);
let newIndex = currentIndex + 1;
if (newIndex === this.cityProposals.length) {
newIndex = 0;
this.highlightedCity = this.cityProposals[newIndex];
public onFilterSelection() {
const requestFilters: ApplicantFilter[] = [];
for (const filter of this.possibleFilters) {
if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.ONLY_MY_APPLICANTS) {
filter.selection = this.onlyMyApplicants ? String(true) : undefined;
} else if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.IS_GLOBE) {
filter.selection = this.isGlobe ? String(true) : undefined;
} else if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.IS_MOBILE) {
filter.selection = this.isMobile ? String(true) : undefined;
} else if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.ONLY_MY_BRANCH) {
filter.selection = this.onlyMyBranch ? String(true) : undefined;
} else if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.ONLY_MY_TENANT) {
filter.selection = this.onlyMyTenant ? String(true) : undefined;
} else if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.IS_JOB_APPLICATION) {
filter.selection = this.jobApplication ? String(true) : undefined;
} else if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.IS_SPECULATIVE_APPLICATION) {
filter.selection = this.speculativeApp ? String(true) : undefined;
} else if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.IS_EMPLOYEE) {
filter.selection = this.isEmployee ? String(true) : undefined;
} else if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.IS_APPLICANT) {
filter.selection = this.isApplicant ? String(true) : undefined;
} else if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.IS_SHIFTWORK_IMAGINABLE) {
filter.selection = this.isShiftWorkImaginable ? String(true) : undefined;
if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.AGE_REQUEST && this.isSearchByAge()) {
name: filter.name,
values: [String(filter.selection[0]), String(filter.selection[1])]
} else if (filter.selection) {
if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.CITY_WITH_RADIUS) {
const values = filter.selection as string[];
name: filter.name,
values: [values[0], values[1], values[2]]
} else if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.CITY_WITH_ZIP_CODE) {
const values = filter.selection as string[];
name: filter.name,
values: [values[0]]
} else {
name: filter.name,
values: [filter.selection as string]
if (this.isSkillIncludeSearchActive()) {
name: this.skillsIncludeFilterOption === 'and' ? 'skillsAnd' : 'skillsOr',
values: this.skillsIncludeFilterValues
if (this.isSkillsExcludeSearchActive()) {
name: 'skillsNot',
values: this.skillsExcludeFilterValues
if (this.isLanguageSearchActive()) {
name: 'languages',
values: this.selectedLanguages
getChipText(filter: ApplicantFilter): string {
if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.ONLY_MY_APPLICANTS) {
return 'Meine Bewerber';
} else if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.IS_GLOBE) {
return 'Reisebereitschaft';
} else if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.IS_MOBILE) {
return 'Mobilität';
} else if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.IS_SHIFTWORK_IMAGINABLE) {
return 'Schichtarbeit';
} else if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.ONLY_MY_BRANCH) {
return 'Meine Geschäftsstelle';
} else if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.ONLY_MY_TENANT) {
return 'Meine Firma';
} else if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.IS_SPECULATIVE_APPLICATION) {
return 'Initiativbewerbung';
} else if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.IS_JOB_APPLICATION) {
return 'Stellenbewerbung';
} else if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.AGE_REQUEST) {
return `Alter ${filter.values[0]}-${filter.values[1]}`;
} else if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.CITY_WITH_RADIUS) {
return `Wunschort: ${filter.values[1]}km um ${filter.values[2]}`;
} else if (filter.name === ApplicantComponent.CITY_WITH_ZIP_CODE) {
return `Wunschort nach PLZ: ${filter.values[0]}`;
} else if (filter.name === 'skillsAnd') {
return this.skillsIncludeFilterValues.join(' & ');
} else if (filter.name === 'skillsOr') {
return this.skillsIncludeFilterValues.join(' ODER ');
} else if (filter.name === 'skillsNot') {
return `NICHT ${this.skillsExcludeFilterValues.join(' ODER ')}`;
} else if (filter.name === 'languages') {
return this.selectedLanguages.join(', ');
} else if (filter.name === 'status') {
const filterName = filter.values + '';
if (filterName === 'NEW') {
return 'Neu';
} else if (filterName === 'DECLINED') {
return 'Abgelehnt';
} else if (filterName === 'IN_WORK') {
return 'Angestellt';
} else if (filterName === 'IN_DEALING_WITH') {
return 'in Bearbeitung';
} else if (filter.name === 'applicantStatus') {
const filterName = filter.values + '';
if (filterName === 'EMPLOYEE') {
return 'Mitarbeiter(in)';
} else if (filterName === 'APPLICANT') {
return 'Bewerber(in)';
} else if (filter.name === 'state') {
const filterName = filter.values + '';
return filterName === 'reserved' ? 'Reserviert' : 'Angefragt';
} else if (filter.name === 'excludeNationality') {
return filter.values + ' ausschließend';
} else {
return typeof filter.values === 'string' ? filter.values : filter.values[0];
onPageChanged(event: any) {
this.searchObject.pageRequest.pageNum = event.page;
onFilterStatus(status: string) {
const requestFilters: ApplicantFilter[] = [];
if (status === 'RESERVED' || status === 'REQUESTED') {
if (status === 'RESERVED') {
name: 'state',
values: ['reserved']
} else {
name: 'state',
values: ['questioned']
} else {
name: 'status',
values: [status]
onAgeChanged(changeContext: ChangeContext) {
const ageFilter = this.possibleFilters.find(filter => filter.name === ApplicantComponent.AGE_REQUEST);
ageFilter.selection = [changeContext.value, changeContext.highValue];
onZipCodeFilterChanged(event) {
const zipFilter = this.possibleFilters.find(filter => filter.name === ApplicantComponent.CITY_WITH_ZIP_CODE);
zipFilter.selection = [event.target.value];
possibleFiltersHaveAgeFilter(): boolean {
return this.possibleFilters.find(filter => filter.name === ApplicantComponent.AGE_REQUEST) !== undefined;
possibleFiltersHaveCityRadius(): boolean {
return this.possibleFilters.find(filter => filter.name === ApplicantComponent.CITY_WITH_RADIUS) !== undefined;
possibleFiltersHaveCityWithZipCode(): boolean {
return this.possibleFilters.find(filter => filter.name === ApplicantComponent.CITY_WITH_ZIP_CODE) !== undefined;
private isSkillIncludeSearchActive(): boolean {
return this.skillsIncludeFilterValues.length > 0;
private isSkillsExcludeSearchActive() {
return this.skillsExcludeFilterValues.length > 0;
// noinspection DuplicatedCode
private initLocationSubscription() {
const jobLocation = this.cityForm.get('mobility').get('city');
tap(() => {
this.selectedCity = null;
this.highlightedCity = null;
this.proposalsVisible = false;
debounce(() => timer(300)),
switchMap(value => {
// only show results if user typed something
if (value.length > 0) {
return this.applicantService.findCitiesByNameOrZip(value);
return of([] as CityGeo[]);
tap(proposals => {
// automatically select city if it's the only option
if (proposals.length === 1 && proposals[0].city === jobLocation.value) {
this.selectedCity = proposals[0];
// mark first proposal as highlighted
if (proposals.length > 0) {
this.highlightedCity = proposals[0];
this.proposalsVisible = true;
).subscribe(proposals => {
this.cityProposals = proposals;
private createForm() {
this.cityForm = this.fb.group({
mobility: this.fb.group({
city: '',
cityGeoId: '', // bleibt fuer den Post enthalten
jobLocationRadius: '',
zipCode: ''
// noinspection JSMethodCanBeStatic
private isNotABooleanFilter(filter) {
return filter.name !== ApplicantComponent.ONLY_MY_APPLICANTS &&
filter.name !== ApplicantComponent.ONLY_MY_BRANCH &&
filter.name !== ApplicantComponent.ONLY_MY_TENANT &&
filter.name !== ApplicantComponent.IS_GLOBE &&
filter.name !== ApplicantComponent.IS_MOBILE &&
filter.name !== ApplicantComponent.IS_JOB_APPLICATION &&
filter.name !== ApplicantComponent.IS_SPECULATIVE_APPLICATION &&
filter.name !== ApplicantComponent.IS_APPLICANT &&
filter.name !== ApplicantComponent.IS_SHIFTWORK_IMAGINABLE &&
filter.name !== ApplicantComponent.IS_EMPLOYEE;
private setSelectionForAllBooleanFilter() {
this.setSelectionForBooleanFilter(ApplicantComponent.ONLY_MY_APPLICANTS, this.onlyMyApplicants);
this.setSelectionForBooleanFilter(ApplicantComponent.ONLY_MY_TENANT, this.onlyMyTenant);
this.setSelectionForBooleanFilter(ApplicantComponent.ONLY_MY_BRANCH, this.onlyMyBranch);
this.setSelectionForBooleanFilter(ApplicantComponent.IS_MOBILE, this.isMobile);
this.setSelectionForBooleanFilter(ApplicantComponent.IS_GLOBE, this.isGlobe);
this.setSelectionForBooleanFilter(ApplicantComponent.IS_SPECULATIVE_APPLICATION, this.speculativeApp);
this.setSelectionForBooleanFilter(ApplicantComponent.IS_APPLICANT, this.isApplicant);
this.setSelectionForBooleanFilter(ApplicantComponent.IS_EMPLOYEE, this.isEmployee);
this.setSelectionForBooleanFilter(ApplicantComponent.IS_JOB_APPLICATION, this.jobApplication);
this.setSelectionForBooleanFilter(ApplicantComponent.IS_SHIFTWORK_IMAGINABLE, this.isShiftWorkImaginable);
private setSelectionForBooleanFilter(filterName: string, isActive: boolean) {
this.searchObject.requestFilters.filter(filter => filter.name === filterName)
.forEach(filter => filter.selection = String(isActive));
private fetchPossibleFilters() {
const searchPossibleFilters: ApplicantSearch = {
pageRequest: {
pageNum: 0,
pageSize: 1
this.isLoading = true;
finalize(() => this.isLoading = false)
).subscribe(response => {
this.possibleFilters = response.possibleFilters;
const nationalityFilter = this.possibleFilters.find(filter => filter.name === 'nationality');
if (nationalityFilter) {
name: 'excludeNationality',
selection: undefined,
values: nationalityFilter.values
if (!this.possibleFiltersHaveAgeFilter()) {
name: ApplicantComponent.AGE_REQUEST,
selection: undefined,
values: undefined
if (!this.possibleFiltersHaveCityRadius()) {
name: ApplicantComponent.CITY_WITH_RADIUS,
selection: undefined,
values: undefined
if (!this.possibleFiltersHaveCityWithZipCode()) {
name: ApplicantComponent.CITY_WITH_ZIP_CODE,
selection: undefined,
values: undefined
private isLanguageSearchActive() {
return this.selectedLanguages.length > 0;
Вот полезная нагрузка, которую я отправляю на сервер:
и это пример ответа:
page: {content: [{id: "4381eac1-01a9-44d0-a4c2-c8df3c54e615", firstName: null, lastName: null,…},…],…}
content: [{id: "4381eac1-01a9-44d0-a4c2-c8df3c54e615", firstName: null, lastName: null,…},…]
0: {id: "4381eac1-01a9-44d0-a4c2-c8df3c54e615", firstName: null, lastName: null,…}
age: null
anonymous: true
applicantStatus: "APPLICANT"
availableFrom: "2019-10-28"
bestMatch: 75
city: "Silz, Pfalz"
contractType: "Festanstellung"
email: null
firstContactReceived: "2019-10-28"
firstName: null
id: "4381eac1-01a9-44d0-a4c2-c8df3c54e615"
isFromMyBranch: false
isFromMyTenant: false
isGlobe: false
isJobApplication: true
isMobile: true
isOwnApplicant: true
isPossibleDuplicate: true
isShiftWorkImaginable: true
isSpeculativeApplication: false
languages: []
lastName: null
nationality: null
phoneNumber: null
profession: "Kaufmann / Kauffrau für Spedition und Logistikdienstleistung"
profileCompleteness: 22
reservations: []
skills: ["Prüfplan"]
0: "Prüfplan"
status: "NEW"
tenantId: "57ce8d3e-7fb1-4efc-8e83-66148508e22c"
twentyFourHourWarning: false
vehicle: "CAR"
zipCode: ""
1: {id: "4dbcefba-f69a-416b-9ada-5ba2adf24824", firstName: "John", lastName: "Macintosh",…}
2: {id: "288923f5-17dd-4d8a-96a3-5756ec1d6a1b", firstName: "John", lastName: "MacintoshderZweite",…}
3: {id: "13c578d4-37c2-4275-89f6-e33ace8181af", firstName: "Gerti", lastName: "Müller",…}
4: {id: "e7af4b2d-35c4-4e9d-b30c-e151333e0fed", firstName: "Gertrude", lastName: "Müller",…}
5: {id: "350db96d-44ed-4ceb-84c7-2b6ef495fb81", firstName: "Lisa", lastName: "Schubert",…}
6: {id: "bc8412dd-f4dc-4a93-852d-8448c2da2ce8", firstName: "Snooze", lastName: "Light",…}
7: {id: "ced250ca-d346-4227-ab7b-f9b2fa8a012d", firstName: "Michael", lastName: "Zimmermann",…}
8: {id: "e3c55e9e-c916-4199-bdaa-a01a15e07813", firstName: "Moritz", lastName: "Zimmermann",…}
9: {id: "f8618617-f757-4161-b715-ed61631abfa9", firstName: "Mina", lastName: "Kreuzer",…}
10: {id: "df0650c9-aaf5-4630-9924-2a25224683d7", firstName: "Theo", lastName: "Dor",…}
15: {id: "eae55a93-727e-47cb-8dfd-074c92bdbc48", firstName: "Jan", lastName: "Janssen",…}
totalCount: 61
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всегда будет в 16.