Выбор победителей турнира на основе средних баллов - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 05 ноября 2019

Я пытаюсь смоделировать последовательный одиночный турнир на выбывание, основанный на наборе средних баллов прошлых игр.

Желаемый конечный результат - это таблица результатов в новом кадре данных, включая информацию о том, какие команды играли в каждой игре и какая команда выиграла.

Пока чтопопытался сделать это с последовательным циклом for, но мой код становится все более и более запутанным.

library(reshape2) # for melt

x <- 4 # number of teams in the tournament
y <- 3 # number of tournaments
# generate the order teams play in, each row is a separate, independent tournament
combos <- sample(1:x, x, replace = FALSE) 
for (i in 2:y) combos <- rbind(combos, sample(1:x, x, replace = FALSE))
row.names(combos) <- NULL # resets numbering in row names

reshaped <- melt(combos)
names(reshaped) <- c("Tournament", "Game", "Team")
reshaped <- reshaped[order(reshaped$Tournament),]

# generate average scores to use to pick new tournament winners
abilities <- matrix(rnorm(x*y, mean = 95, sd = 10), ncol = x, nrow = y)
colnames(abilities) <- paste0("Team", 1:x)

reshaped$Avg.Score <- mapply("[", list(abilities), reshaped$Tournament, reshaped$Team)

# Below is the desired result (hard coded)
# It keeps track of the tournament number, which team was first and second
# (order doesn't matter, as long as it is "new entrant" and "previous winner"), 
# and which team won that game 
# (no need to include the scores, I included them here for reference to make it clear)

bracket <- data.frame(Tournament = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3), 
                      FirstTeam = c(3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2), 
                      SecondTeam = c(4, 1, 2, 2, 4, 1, 1, 2, 4), 
                      Winner = c(4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 2))
bracket$score1 <- mapply("[", list(abilities), bracket$Tournament, bracket$FirstTeam)
bracket$score2 <- mapply("[", list(abilities), bracket$Tournament, bracket$SecondTeam)

> bracket
  Tournament FirstTeam SecondTeam Winner    score1    score2
1          1         3          4      4  99.00771 112.86913
2          1         4          1      4 112.86913  99.60916
3          1         4          2      4 112.86913  90.54338
4          2         3          2      2  96.10683 107.24082
5          2         2          4      2 107.24082  99.97850
6          2         2          1      2 107.24082  82.34939
7          3         3          1      3  89.44159  88.13147
8          3         1          2      2  88.13147  98.59814
9          3         2          4      2  98.59814  75.33383
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