Я просто хочу получать полученные письма в gmail с python, в настоящее время у меня есть этот код, но я получаю только ограниченное количество писем: также я просто хочу 10 последних писем и просто не понимаю, как использовать pop3.
Источник кода: https://www.code -learner.com / python-use-pop3-to-read-email-example /
import poplib
import smtplib, ssl
def guess_charset(msg):
# get charset from message object.
charset = msg.get_charset()
# if can not get charset
if charset is None:
# get message header content-type value and retrieve the charset from the value.
content_type = msg.get('Content-Type', '').lower()
pos = content_type.find('charset=')
if pos >= 0:
charset = content_type[pos + 8:].strip()
return charset
def decode_str(s):
value, charset = decode_header(s)[0]
if charset:
value = value.decode(charset)
return value
# variable indent_number is used to decide number of indent of each level in the mail multiple bory part.
def print_info(msg, indent_number=0):
if indent_number == 0:
# loop to retrieve from, to, subject from email header.
for header in ['From', 'To', 'Subject']:
# get header value
value = msg.get(header, '')
if value:
# for subject header.
if header=='Subject':
# decode the subject value
value = decode_str(value)
# for from and to header.
# parse email address
hdr, addr = parseaddr(value)
# decode the name value.
name = decode_str(hdr)
value = u'%s <%s>' % (name, addr)
print('%s%s: %s' % (' ' * indent_number, header, value))
# if message has multiple part.
if (msg.is_multipart()):
# get multiple parts from message body.
parts = msg.get_payload()
# loop for each part
for n, part in enumerate(parts):
print('%spart %s' % (' ' * indent_number, n))
print('%s--------------------' % (' ' * indent_number))
# print multiple part information by invoke print_info function recursively.
print_info(part, indent_number + 1)
# if not multiple part.
# get message content mime type
content_type = msg.get_content_type()
# if plain text or html content type.
if content_type=='text/plain' or content_type=='text/html':
# get email content
content = msg.get_payload(decode=True)
# get content string charset
charset = guess_charset(msg)
# decode the content with charset if provided.
if charset:
content = content.decode(charset)
print('%sText: %s' % (' ' * indent_number, content + '...'))
print('%sAttachment: %s' % (' ' * indent_number, content_type))
# input email address, password and pop3 server domain or ip address
email = 'yourgmail@gmail.com'
password = 'yourpassword'
# connect to pop3 server:
server = poplib.POP3_SSL('pop.gmail.com')
# open debug switch to print debug information between client and pop3 server.
# get pop3 server welcome message.
pop3_server_welcome_msg = server.getwelcome().decode('utf-8')
# print out the pop3 server welcome message.
# user account authentication
# stat() function return email count and occupied disk size
print('Messages: %s. Size: %s' % server.stat())
# list() function return all email list
resp, mails, octets = server.list()
# retrieve the newest email index number
#index = len(mails)
index = 3
# server.retr function can get the contents of the email with index variable value index number.
resp, lines, octets = server.retr(index)
# lines stores each line of the original text of the message
# so that you can get the original text of the entire message use the join function and lines variable.
msg_content = b'\r\n'.join(lines).decode('utf-8')
# now parse out the email object.
from email.parser import Parser
from email.header import decode_header
from email.utils import parseaddr
import poplib
# parse the email content to a message object.
msg = Parser().parsestr(msg_content)
# get email from, to, subject attribute value.
email_from = msg.get('From')
email_to = msg.get('To')
email_subject = msg.get('Subject')
print('From ' + email_from)
print('To ' + email_to)
print('Subject ' + email_subject)
for part in msg.walk():
if part.get_content_type():
body = part.get_payload(decode=True)
print_info(msg, len(msg))
# delete the email from pop3 server directly by email index.
# server.dele(index)
# close pop3 server connection.
Я также пробовалэтот код, но он не работал:
import imaplib, email, base64
def fetch_messages(username, password):
messages = []
conn = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL("imap.gmail.com", 993)
conn.login(username, password)
typ, data = conn.uid('search', None, 'ALL')
for num in data[0].split():
typ, msg_data = conn.uid('fetch', num, '(RFC822)')
for response_part in msg_data:
if isinstance(response_part, tuple):
typ, response = conn.store(num, '+FLAGS', r'(\Seen)')
return messages
и этот, который также не работал для меня ...
import poplib
from email import parser
pop_conn = poplib.POP3_SSL('pop.gmail.com')
messages = [pop_conn.retr(i) for i in range(1, len(pop_conn.list()[1]) + 1)]
# Concat message pieces:
messages = ["\n".join(mssg[1]) for mssg in messages]
#Parse message intom an email object:
messages = [parser.Parser().parsestr(mssg) for mssg in messages]
for message in messages: