У меня есть код, который готов, но автогрейдер выдает ошибку:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class PigLatin {
public static void main(String[] args) { // main method
Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
String englishPhrase = readPhrase(scan); // this method will call readPhrase to get the input
String pigLatinPhrase = convertPhrase(englishPhrase); // this method will call converPhrase to covert to pig
// latin
printResult(englishPhrase, pigLatinPhrase); // this method will call the printResult function to print result
public static String readPhrase(Scanner console) // this method will take an input of English phrase from the user
String phrase0;
System.out.println("This program will convert an English phrase into Pig Latin.\n");
String phrase;
System.out.print("Please enter a phrase ==> ");
phrase = console.nextLine();
return phrase;
public static String convertPhrase(String englishPhrase) // this method will convert the English to Pig Latin phrase
String pigLatinPhrase = "";
String words[] = englishPhrase.split(" "); // this method grabs the words from the phrase and split them with a
// space between them
for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) // this is the loop that convert each word to pig Latin and add it to
// result string
if (i < words.length - 1)
pigLatinPhrase += convertWord(words[i]) + " ";
if (words.length > 0) // this if statement will convert the last word to Pig Latin
pigLatinPhrase += convertWord(words[words.length - 1]);
return pigLatinPhrase;
public static String convertWord(String englishWord) // this method convert a word to Pig Latin and return it
String pigLatinWord;
if (isVowel(englishWord.charAt(0)))
pigLatinWord = englishWord + "-" + "way";
else if (englishWord.startsWith("th") || englishWord.startsWith("Th") || englishWord.startsWith("tH")
|| englishWord.startsWith("TH")) {
pigLatinWord = englishWord.substring(2) + "-" + englishWord.substring(0, 2) + "ay";
} else
pigLatinWord = englishWord.substring(1) + "-" + englishWord.charAt(0) + "ay";
return pigLatinWord;
public static boolean isVowel(char c) // this method will return true if the vowl is "c" false otherwise
return ("aeiouAEIOU".contains(c + "")); // this will return true if c is a,e,i,o or u in any upper or smaller
// case
public static void printResult(String englishPhrase, String pigLatinPhrase) // this method will print the result of
// translation
System.out.println("\"" + englishPhrase + "\"" + "\n in Pig Latin is\n" + "\"" + pigLatinPhrase + "\"");
сообщение автогрейдера:
-20: testReadPhrase(PigLatinTest)
Description: Prompt is incorrect expected:<[Please enter a phrase
==> ]> but was:<[This program will convert an English phrase into Pig Latin.
Please enter a phrase ==> ]>
-30: testConvertPhrase(PigLatinTest)
Description: String index out of range: 0