У меня проблемы с использованием массива для оператора case для моего конечного автомата. Большинство сайтов упоминают, что массив не может использоваться для операторов case, поэтому я пытался обойти его, но пока он не удался. Буду очень признателен за любую помощь или предложения для этого. Для уточнения : я не хочу жестко кодировать состояния, я пытаюсь сделать программу таким образом, чтобы, если пользователь только изменяет порядок в fsm_state_array [], программа выполнялась в таком порядкетолько без изменения чего-либо еще в цикле void ().
Вот то, что я пробовал до сих пор, я использовал функции для жесткого кода, чтобы проверить предыдущее состояние, текущее состояние и следующее состояние, когда пользователь вводит свою последовательность состояний в массив, поэтому в моем коде нижесостояния должны идти от 0 -> 2 -> 3 -> 1, однако я получаю 0 -> 2 -> 1 -> 3. Я знаю, что эту проблему легко решить, если я просто использую массивв случае утверждения, но компилятор выдает мне ошибку. Я был бы очень признателен за любую помощь или предложения для этого.
Мой код показан ниже:
//Objectives: Use input from laser to control pre-amp on adc. Multiplex the inputs on Pre-Amp
//Type: Pulse, Freq:20Hz (50ms), Amp:5.0 Vpp, Offset:500mV, Width = 100ns
//-----------------------PROJECT LIBRARIES----------------------------------
#include <Bounce2.h>
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/wdt.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
//Declare Laser Input Pin
#define LASER_PIN 2
//Declare Reset Pin
#define RESET_PIN 3
typedef enum {
} fsm_state;
//User can change or remove states here
fsm_state fsm_state_Array[] = {STATE_0, STATE_2, STATE_3, STATE_1};
//*eNextstate controls on which state the program starts the state machine, default is STATE_00, Must be same value as Transition_State[0]
fsm_state eNextState = fsm_state_Array[0];
int Current_State = 0;
int Next_State = 0;
int Previous_State = 0;
// -------------------------CONSTANTS (won't change)-------------------------------------
const unsigned long period = 1000; //the value is a number of milliseconds
//-------------------------VARIABLES (will change)-------------------------------------
bool only_for_print = false;//used only for print state ments
int reset_switch = 1;//Start HIGH to avoid reset
int PulseCount = 0; //Pulse count from X-RAY
int Output = 0;//Switch state on the Pre-Amp
int wait = 0;//wait for pulses count
int N = 20;//no. of pulses to count before switching states
volatile int IRQcount = 0;
volatile boolean reset_flag = false;
unsigned long start_time = 0;
unsigned long current_time = 0;
//----------------------------USER DEFINED FUNCTIONS---------------------------------
void fsm();
void loop();
void setup();
void WDT_RESET();
void IRQcounter();
void CountPulses();
//-----------------------------DEBOUNCE FUNCTIONS---------------------------------------
//--------------------------------MAIN SETUP--------------------------------------
void setup()
//Pin Setup
attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(LASER_PIN), IRQcounter, RISING);//attach interrupt handler to laser input
attachInterrupt (digitalPinToInterrupt (RESET_PIN), RESET_ISR, FALLING); // attach interrupt handler to reset, wait for user press button or switch
start_time = millis(); //initial start time
sei();//Turn on Interrupts
WaitForPulses();//Waits to detect 20 pulses
//--------------------------------MAIN LOOP----------------------------------
void loop()
current_time = millis();
fsm();//State machine
//--------------------------------PULSE COUNT FUNCTION--------------------------------------------
void CountPulses()
// current_time = millis();
if ((current_time - start_time) >= period)
start_time = current_time;
cli();//disable interrupts
PulseCount = IRQcount;
IRQcount = 0;
Serial.print(F("Pulse Count is = "));
sei();//enable interrupts
//--------------------------------STATE MACHINE FUNCTION--------------------------------------------
void fsm()
switch (eNextState)
case STATE_0:
/////////Print Statement only for debugging//////////
while (only_for_print == false)
Serial.println("The state is 0");
only_for_print = true;
///////// Count Pulses Setup /////////////////
Previous_State = fsm_state_Array[3];
Current_State= 0;
Next_State = fsm_state_Array[1];
current_time = millis();
Output = 0;
if (PulseCount == N)
PulseCount = 0;//Reset Pulse Count
only_for_print = false; //used only for print statments
State_Check_0_to_1();//Move to next state
case STATE_1:
/////////Print Statement only for debugging//////////
while (only_for_print == false)
Serial.println("The state is 1");
only_for_print = true;
///////// Count Pulses Setup /////////////////
Previous_State = fsm_state_Array[0];
Current_State= 1;
Next_State = fsm_state_Array[2];
current_time = millis();
Output = 1;
if (PulseCount == N)
PulseCount = 0;//Reset Pulse Count
only_for_print = false; //used only for print statments
State_Check_1_to_2();//Move to next state
case STATE_2:
/////////Print Statement only for debugging//////////
while (only_for_print == false)
Serial.println("The state is 2");
only_for_print = true;
///////// Count Pulses Setup /////////////////
Previous_State = fsm_state_Array[1];
Current_State= 2;
Next_State = fsm_state_Array[3];
current_time = millis();
Output = 2;
if (PulseCount == N)
PulseCount = 0;//Reset Pulse Count
only_for_print = false; //used only for print statments
State_Check_2_to_3();//Move to next state
case STATE_3:
/////////Print Statement only for debugging//////////
while (only_for_print == false)
Serial.println("The state is 3");
only_for_print = true;
///////// Count Pulses Setup /////////////////
Previous_State = fsm_state_Array[2];
Current_State= 3;
Next_State = fsm_state_Array[0];
current_time = millis();
Output = 3;
if (PulseCount == N)
PulseCount = 0;//Reset Pulse Count
only_for_print = false; //used only for print statments
State_Check_3_to_0();//Move to next state
//----------------------------------RESET SWITCH ISR-------------------------------------
void RESET_ISR()
reset_flag = true;
if (reset_flag == true)
// Serial.println("System will now Reset");// Only for debugging
reset_flag = false;//Reset reset switch flag
wdt_enable(WDTO_500MS);//Reset after 0.5 seconds
while (1)
// wdt_reset(); // uncomment to avoid reboot
//-----------------------PULSE COUNT ISR---------------------------------------
void IRQcounter()
//-----------------------WAIT FOR PULSES---------------------------------------
void WaitForPulses()
while (wait < 20)
if (bit_is_set(EIFR, INTF0))
Serial.println("Pulse is detected ");
wait = 0;//reset
void State_Check_0_to_1()//Check values of state 0 before going to state 1
if(Previous_State == fsm_state_Array[3] && Current_State == 0 && Next_State == fsm_state_Array[1])
eNextState = Next_State;
void State_Check_1_to_2()//Check values of state 1 before going to state 2
if((Previous_State == fsm_state_Array[0]) && (Current_State == 1) && (Next_State == fsm_state_Array[2]))
eNextState = Next_State;
void State_Check_2_to_3()//Check values of state 2 before going to state 3
if((Previous_State == fsm_state_Array[1]) && (Current_State == 2) && (Next_State == fsm_state_Array[3]))
eNextState = Next_State;
void State_Check_3_to_0()//Check values of state 3 before going to state 0
if((Previous_State == fsm_state_Array[2]) && (Current_State == 3) && (Next_State == fsm_state_Array[0]))
eNextState = Next_State;
Вот что показывает мой последовательный монитор:
Pulse is detected
Pulse is detected
Pulse is detected
Pulse is detected
Pulse is detected
Pulse is detected
Pulse is detected
Pulse is detected
Pulse is detected
Pulse is detected
Pulse is detected
Pulse is detected
Pulse is detected
Pulse is detected
Pulse is detected
Pulse is detected
Pulse is detected
Pulse is detected
Pulse is detected
Pulse is detected
The state is 0 -----> State 0
Pulse Count is = 72
Pulse Count is = 19
Pulse Count is = 20
The state is 2 -----> State 2
Pulse Count is = 20
The state is 1 -----> State 1
Pulse Count is = 21
Pulse Count is = 19
Pulse Count is = 21
Pulse Count is = 19
Pulse Count is = 21
Pulse Count is = 19
Pulse Count is = 21
Pulse Count is = 19
Pulse Count is = 21
Pulse Count is = 20
The state is 3 -----> State 3
Pulse Count is = 20
The state is 0
Pulse Count is = 20
The state is 2
Pulse Count is = 20
The state is 1
Pulse Count is = 20
The state is 3
Отдельнокод для проверки FSM с указателями, как предлагается в комментариях:
typedef void (*current_state)();
void state0();
void state1();
void state2();
void state3();
current_state states[4]={&state0,&state2,&state3,&state1};
current_state next_state;
void setup()
void loop()
void state0()
next_state = states[1]; // No parenthesis!
Serial.println("I am in STATE 0");
void state1()
next_state = states[2]; // No parenthesis!
Serial.println("I am in STATE 1");
void state2()
next_state = states[3]; // No parenthesis!
Serial.println("I am in STATE 2");
void state3()
next_state = states[0]; // No parenthesis!
Serial.println("I am in STATE 3");