В дополнение к предыдущему вопросу, у нас все еще есть та же проблема с ошибкой загрузки в счетах на продажу:
VBA / Json ниже по-прежнему загружает только одну строку или первую строку сведений о продукте вместо всех деталей строк продуктовпартнерство с этим счетом-фактурой продаж в таблице
Мы хотим, чтобы VBA ниже мог загружать детали счета-фактуры согласно параметру: Пример, если у нас есть номер счета-фактуры 0001 со следующими данными:
Invoice Header
Inv Number 0001
Date : 2019-10-10
Customer Name: Lukas
Address : USA
Line Details
(1) Apple Qty (20) Unit cost(5) Total (100)
(2) Orange Qty (30) Unit cost(5) Total (600)
(3) Lemonade Qty (40) Unit cost(5) Total (800)
Все вышеприведенные детали должны отображаться в Json, а НЕ только первый элемент
Private Sub CmdSales_Click()
' Const SQL_SELECT As String = "SELECT * FROM Qry3;"
Dim coll As VBA.Collection
Dim dict As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim prm As DAO.Parameter
Dim root As Dictionary
Set root = New Dictionary
Dim transaction As Dictionary
Dim transactions As Collection
Dim item As Dictionary
Dim items As Collection
Dim invoice As Dictionary
Dim invoices As Collection
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Set transactions = New Collection
Set db = CurrentDb
Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("Qry4")
For Each prm In qdf.Parameters
prm = Eval(prm.Name)
Next prm
Set rs = qdf.OpenRecordset()
Set qdf = Nothing
Do While Not rs.EOF
Set transaction = New Dictionary
transaction.Add "PosSerialNumber", DLookup("PosSerialNumber", "Qry4", "Inv =" & Me.CboInv)
transaction.Add "IssueTime", DLookup("IssueTime", "Qry4", "Inv =" & Me.CboInv)
transaction.Add "Customer", DLookup("CustomerName", "Qry4", "Inv =" & Me.CboInv)
transaction.Add "TransactionTyp", 0
transaction.Add "PaymentMode", 0
transaction.Add "SaleType", 0
'--- loop over all the items
Dim itemCount As Long
itemCount = 2
Set items = New Collection
For i = 1 To itemCount
Set item = New Dictionary
item.Add "ItemID", i
item.Add "Description", DLookup("Description", "Qry4", "Inv =" & Me.CboInv)
item.Add "BarCode", DLookup("BarCode", "Qry4", "Inv =" & Me.CboInv)
item.Add "Quantity", DLookup("Qty", "Qry4", "Inv =" & Me.CboInv)
item.Add "UnitPrice", DLookup("unitPrice", "Qry4", "Inv =" & Me.CboInv)
item.Add "Discount", DLookup("Discount", "Qry4", "Inv =" & Me.CboInv)
'--- loop over all the invoices
Dim invoiceCount As Long
invoiceCount = 3
Set invoices = New Collection
For j = 1 To invoiceCount
Set invoice = New Dictionary
invoice.Add "Total", DLookup("TotalAmount", "Qry4", "Inv =" & Me.CboInv) + j
invoice.Add "IsTaxInclusive", DLookup("Inclusive", "Qry4", "Inv =" & Me.CboInv)
invoice.Add "RRP", DLookup("RRP", "Qry4", "Inv =" & Me.CboInv)
invoices.Add invoice
Next j
item.Add "Taxable", invoices
items.Add item
Next i
transaction.Add "Items", items
transactions.Add transaction
root.Add "JSON Created", Now()
root.Add "Transactions", transactions
Dim json As String
json = JsonConverter.ConvertToJson(root, Whitespace:=3)
Debug.Print json
End Sub
Текущие результаты из вышеуказанного кода:
"JSON Created": "2019-10-10",
"Transactions": [
"PosSerialNumber": "102010",
"IssueTime": "2019-09-15",
"Customer": "J J Zingalume",
"TransactionTyp": 0,
"PaymentMode": 0,
"SaleType": 0,
"Items": [
"ItemID": 1,
"Description": "Apple (Rgb 350 ML)",
"BarCode": "6009803227328",
"Quantity": 15,
"UnitPrice": 41,
"Discount": 0,
"Taxable": [
"Total": 616,
"IsTaxInclusive": "True",
"RRP": 52.8
"Total": 617,
"IsTaxInclusive": "True",
"RRP": 52.8
"Total": 618,
"IsTaxInclusive": "True",
"RRP": 52.8
"ItemID": 2,
"Description": "Apple (Rgb 350 ML)",
"BarCode": "6009803227328",
"Quantity": 15,
"UnitPrice": 41,
"Discount": 0,
"Taxable": [
"Total": 616,
"IsTaxInclusive": "True",
"RRP": 52.8
"Total": 617,
"IsTaxInclusive": "True",
"RRP": 52.8
"Total": 618,
"IsTaxInclusive": "True",
"RRP": 52.8
"PosSerialNumber": "102010",
"IssueTime": "2019-09-15",
"Customer": "J J Zingalume",
"TransactionTyp": 0,
"PaymentMode": 0,
"SaleType": 0,
"Items": [
"ItemID": 1,
"Description": "Apple (Rgb 350 ML)",
"BarCode": "6009803227328",
"Quantity": 15,
"UnitPrice": 41,
"Discount": 0,
"Taxable": [
"Total": 616,
"IsTaxInclusive": "True",
"RRP": 52.8
"Total": 617,
"IsTaxInclusive": "True",
"RRP": 52.8
"Total": 618,
"IsTaxInclusive": "True",
"RRP": 52.8
"ItemID": 2,
"Description": "Apple (Rgb 350 ML)",
"BarCode": "6009803227328",
"Quantity": 15,
"UnitPrice": 41,
"Discount": 0,
"Taxable": [
"Total": 616,
"IsTaxInclusive": "True",
"RRP": 52.8
"Total": 617,
"IsTaxInclusive": "True",
"RRP": 52.8
"Total": 618,
"IsTaxInclusive": "True",
"RRP": 52.8
"PosSerialNumber": "102010",
"IssueTime": "2019-09-15",
"Customer": "J J Zingalume",
"TransactionTyp": 0,
"PaymentMode": 0,
"SaleType": 0,
"Items": [
"ItemID": 1,
"Description": "Apple (Rgb 350 ML)",
"BarCode": "6009803227328",
"Quantity": 15,
"UnitPrice": 41,
"Discount": 0,
"Taxable": [
"Total": 616,
"IsTaxInclusive": "True",
"RRP": 52.8
"Total": 617,
"IsTaxInclusive": "True",
"RRP": 52.8
"Total": 618,
"IsTaxInclusive": "True",
"RRP": 52.8
"ItemID": 2,
"Description": "Apple (Rgb 350 ML)",
"BarCode": "6009803227328",
"Quantity": 15,
"UnitPrice": 41,
"Discount": 0,
"Taxable": [
"Total": 616,
"IsTaxInclusive": "True",
"RRP": 52.8
"Total": 617,
"IsTaxInclusive": "True",
"RRP": 52.8
"Total": 618,
"IsTaxInclusive": "True",
"RRP": 52.8
Все детали счета должны отображаться в соответствии с параметромзапрос