Конвертировать скрипт Python в скрипт Sed - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 03 октября 2019

Чтобы перейти от Пеликан к Хьюго . Мне нужно переписать некоторые части моих файлов Markdown.

Заголовки статей, из этого:

Title: Threads                                                                                                          
Date: 2017-03-08 04:30:25                                                                                               
Modified: 2017-03-08 03:40:17                                                                                           
Category: Unix                                                                                                          
Tags: c,                                                                                                                
Slug: an-overwiew-on-threads                                                                                            
Authors: Nsukami                                                                                                        
Summary: A long, thin strand of cotton, nylon, or other fibres used in sewing or weaving.                               
Lang: en

К этому:

title: Threads                                                                                                          
date: 2017-03-08 04:30:25                                                                                               
lastmod: 2017-03-08 03:40:17                                                                                            
categories:  ['Unix']                                                                                                   
tags:  ['c',]                                                                                                           
slug: an-overwiew-on-threads                                                                                            
summary: A long, thin strand of cotton, nylon, or other fibres used in sewing or weaving.                               

И внутренние ссылки,из этого:


К этому:

[processes]({{< ref on-processes >}})

У меня уже есть скрипт Awk , преобразующий заголовки. У меня также есть этот скрипт на Python, который я хотел бы переписать с помощью Sed, или, может быть, Awk (в основном для целей обучения):

import os
import re
import sys
import glob
import shutil
from tempfile import mkstemp

def replace(file_path):
    #Create temp file
    fh, abs_path = mkstemp()
    with open(fh,'w') as new_file:
        with open(file_path, 'r') as old_file:
            for line in old_file:
                # search for something like 
                # [this: processes]({filename}/on-processes.md)
                # or this: [Threads]({filename}/images/threads-example.gif)
                match = re.search( r'(?:!| )?((\[.*\])\((\{filename\})/(.*)\.(.*)\)(?:.|,| )?)', line, re.M|re.I)
                if match:
                    old_link = match.group(1)
                    if match.group(5).startswith("md"):
                        # if md file, replace by 
                        # [processes]({{< ref on-processes >}})
                        new_link = match.group(2)+'({{< ref '+match.group(4)+' >}})'
                        # if image, replace by 
                        # [Threads](/images/threads-example.gif)
                        new_link = match.group(2)+'(/'+match.group(4)+'.'+match.group(5)+')'
                    line = line.replace(old_link, new_link)

        #Remove original file
        #Move new file to old file
        shutil.move(abs_path, file_path)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # for all md files in content folder
    for i, article in enumerate(glob.iglob("./content/post/*.*", recursive=True)):
        # replace all internals links

Я пытался использовать Sed, просто чтобы перехватить и распечатать все внутренние ссылкикоторые должны быть конвертированы:

>> sed -n /^.*\[[[:alnum:]]\]\({filename}.*\)/p on-threads.md
I've written something about [processes]({filename}/on-processes.md). Let's write some notes about threads. This is not really an introduction
to threads. It's more like a little bit of introspection, so we can have an interesting perspective of what are threads.<br><br>              
Processes each have their own address space. Threads exist as subsets of a process. Threads are just multiple workers in the same [virtual address space]({filename}/on-processes.md#vas), all threads in a process share the same memory. They can also share open files and other resources. Within that VAS, each thread has its own ID, its own stack, its own program counter, its own independent flow of control, its own registers set. A thread is just a **context of execution**.<br>
[Processes]({filename}/on-processes.md) are created with the [fork()](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/fork.2.html) system call. However, there is a separate system call, named [clone()](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/clone.2.html) which is used for creating threads. It works like fork(), but it accepts a number of flags for adjusting its behavior so the child can share some parts of the parent's execution context.
Our c script made a call to clone(), twice. And looking at _some_ of the flags that have been passed, we can see that:                        
![insert breakpoints]({filename}/images/insert-breakpoints.png)
![info proc mappings]({filename}/images/info-proc-map1.png)
![info proc mappings]({filename}/images/info-proc-map2.png)
![thread's stack]({filename}/images/stacks.png)

И я также попытался перехватить все внутренние ссылки для конвертации, на этот раз с Awk:

>> awk '/.*(filename}.*\..*)/' on-threads.md  # regex not precise enough
I've written something about [processes]({filename}/on-processes.md). Let's write some notes about threads. This is not really an introduction
to threads. It's more like a little bit of introspection, so we can have an interesting perspective of what are threads.<br><br>              
Processes each have their own address space. Threads exist as subsets of a process. Threads are just multiple workers in the same [virtual address space]({filename}/on-processes.md#vas), all threads in a process share the same memory. They can also share open files and other resources. Within that VAS, each thread has its own ID, its own stack, its own program counter, its own independent flow of control, its own registers set. A thread is just a **context of execution**.<br>
[Processes]({filename}/on-processes.md) are created with the [fork()](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/fork.2.html) system call. However, there is a separate system call, named [clone()](http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/clone.2.html) which is used for creating threads. It works like fork(), but it accepts a number of flags for adjusting its behavior so the child can share some parts of the parent's execution context.
Our c script made a call to clone(), twice. And looking at _some_ of the flags that have been passed, we can see that:                        
![insert breakpoints]({filename}/images/insert-breakpoints.png)
![info proc mappings]({filename}/images/info-proc-map1.png)
![info proc mappings]({filename}/images/info-proc-map2.png)
![thread's stack]({filename}/images/stacks.png)

IЯ застрял на том, как сказать sed / awk не просто печатать, а на этот раз заменить эти внутренние ссылки. Если возможно, я также хотел бы сделать мои регулярные выражения sed и мои регулярные выражения awk более точными. Спасибо за советы и предложения о том, как продолжить с этого момента.

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