Это пример кода, используемого с коннектором SAP для .NET, пусть он будет полезен для тех, кто ищет то же самое. Спасибо всем, кто помог.
var RateForDate = 20190701;
ECCDestinationConfig cfg = new ECCDestinationConfig();
RfcDestination dest = RfcDestinationManager.GetDestination("mySAPdestination");
RfcRepository repo = dest.Repository;
IRfcFunction sapFunction = repo.CreateFunction("RFC_READ_TABLE");
sapFunction.SetValue("QUERY_TABLE", "TCURR");
// fields will be separated by semicolon
sapFunction.SetValue("DELIMITER", ";");
// Parameter table FIELDS contains the columns you want to receive
// here we query 3 fields, FCURR, TCURR and UKURS
IRfcTable fieldsTable = sapFunction.GetTable("FIELDS");
fieldsTable.SetValue("FIELDNAME", "FCURR");
//fieldsTable.SetValue("FIELDNAME", "TCURR");
//fieldsTable.SetValue("FIELDNAME", "UKURS");
// the table OPTIONS contains the WHERE condition(s) of your query
// here a single condition, KUNNR is to be 0012345600
// several conditions have to be concatenated in ABAP syntax, for instance with AND or OR
IRfcTable optsTable = sapFunction.GetTable("OPTIONS");
var dateVal = 99999999 - RateForDate;
optsTable.SetValue("TEXT", "gdatu = '" + dateVal + "' and KURST = 'EURX'");
var companyCodeList = sapFunction.GetTable("DATA");
DataTable Currencies = companyCodeList.ToDataTable("DATA");
//Add additional column for rates
Currencies.Columns.Add("Rate", typeof(double));
sapFunction = repo.CreateFunction("BAPI_EXCHANGERATE_GETDETAIL");
//rate type of your system
sapFunction.SetValue("rate_type", "EURX");
sapFunction.SetValue("date", RateForDate.ToString());
//Main currency of your system
sapFunction.SetValue("to_currncy", "EUR");
foreach (DataRow item in Currencies.Rows)
sapFunction.SetValue("from_curr", item[0].ToString());
IRfcStructure impStruct = sapFunction.GetStructure("EXCH_RATE");
item["Rate"] = impStruct.GetDouble("EXCH_RATE_V");
dtCompanies.DataContext = Currencies;