Я нахожу ваш вопрос интересной задачей, поэтому вот код, который делает то, что вы хотите, делать это, используя только Regex
, это невозможно, потому что есть вложенное выражение, это решение, использующее комбинацию Regex
и строкиманипуляции для обработки вложенных выражений:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
RE_IDENTIFIER = r'\b[a-z]\w*\b(?!\s*[\[\("\'])'
RE_INDEX_ONLY = re.compile(r'(##)(\d+)(##)')
RE_INDEX = re.compile('##\d+##')
def extract_expression(string):
""" extract all identifier and getitem expression in the given order."""
def remove_brackets(text):
# 1. handle `[...]` expression replace them with #{#...#}#
# so we don't confuse them with word[...]
pattern = '(?<!\w)(\s*)(\[)([^\[]+?)(\])'
# keep extracting expression until there is no expression
while re.search(pattern, text):
text = re.sub(pattern, r'\1#{#\3#}#', string)
return text
def get_ordered_subexp(exp):
""" get index of nested expression."""
index = int(exp.replace('#', ''))
subexp = RE_INDEX.findall(expressions[index])
if not subexp:
return exp
return exp + ''.join(get_ordered_subexp(i) for i in subexp)
def replace_expression(match):
""" save the expression in the list, replace it with special key and it's index in the list."""
match_exp = match.group(0)
current_index = len(expressions)
expressions.append(None) # just to make sure the expression is inserted before it's inner identifier
# if the expression contains identifier extract too.
if re.search(RE_IDENTIFIER, match_exp) and '[' in match_exp:
match_exp = re.sub(RE_IDENTIFIER, replace_expression, match_exp)
expressions[current_index] = match_exp
return '##{}##'.format(current_index)
def fix_expression(match):
""" replace the match by the corresponding expression using the index"""
return expressions[int(match.group(2))]
# result that will contains
expressions = []
string = remove_brackets(string)
# 2. extract all expression and keep track of there place in the original code
pattern = r'\w+\s*\[[^\[]+?\]|{}'.format(RE_IDENTIFIER)
# keep extracting expression until there is no expression
while re.search(pattern, string):
# every exression that is extracted is replaced by a special key
string = re.sub(pattern, replace_expression, string)
# some times inside brackets can contains getitem expression
# so when we extract that expression we handle the brackets
string = remove_brackets(string)
# 3. build the correct result with extracted expressions
result = [None] * len(expressions)
for index, exp in enumerate(expressions):
# keep replacing special keys with the correct expression
while RE_INDEX_ONLY.search(exp):
exp = RE_INDEX_ONLY.sub(fix_expression, exp)
# finally we don't forget about the brackets
result[index] = exp.replace('#{#', '[').replace('#}#', ']')
# 4. Order the index that where extracted
ordered_index = ''.join(get_ordered_subexp(exp) for exp in RE_INDEX.findall(string))
# convert it to integer
ordered_index = [int(index[1]) for index in RE_INDEX_ONLY.findall(ordered_index)]
# 5. fix the order of expressions using the ordered indexes
final_result = []
for exp_index in ordered_index:
# for debug:
# print('final string:', string)
# print('expression :', expressions)
# print('order_of_expresion: ', ordered_index)
return final_result
code = 'foo + bar[1] + baz[1:10:var1[2+1]] + qux[[1,2,int(var2)]] + bob[len("foobar")] + func() + func2 (var3[0])'
code2 = 'baz[1:10:var1[2+1]]'
code3 = 'baz[[1]:10:var1[2+1]:[var3[3+1*x]]]'
['foo', 'bar[1]', 'baz[1:10:var1[2+1]]', 'var1[2+1]', 'qux[[1,2,int(var2)]]', 'var2', 'bob[len("foobar")]', 'var3[0]']
['baz[1:10:var1[2+1]]', 'var1[2+1]']
['baz[[1]:10:var1[2+1]:[var3[3+1*x]]]', 'var1[2+1]', 'var3[3+1*x]', 'x']
Я тестировал этот код на очень сложных примерах, и он работал отлично. и обратите внимание, что порядок извлечения такой же, как вы хотели, надеюсь, что это то, что вам нужно.