Поскольку я новичок в powershell, мне нужна помощь, чтобы отредактировать популярный Get-DirStats.ps1 таким образом, чтобы он принимал новый параметр (глубина), который будет определять, сколько подкаталогов он будет читать и выводить статистику.
В настоящее время код выведет все подкаталоги, которые мне нужно ограничить по глубине.
Это должно быть в PowerShell 2.0, поскольку у меня есть несколько машин с Windows 7.
PS1 можно скачать здесь: https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/Outputs-directory-size-964d07ff
Я узнал из этой темы: Ограничить глубину рекурсии Get-ChildItem
Что этодолжно быть общим решением: $ Depth = 2 $ Levels = "*" * $ Depth
Но добавление этого в Get-DirStats.ps1 приводит к ошибкам.
# Written by Bill Stewart
# Outputs file system directory statistics.
#requires -version 2
Outputs file system directory statistics.
Outputs file system directory statistics (number of files and the sum of all file sizes) for one or more directories.
Specifies a path to one or more file system directories. Wildcards are not permitted. The default path is the current directory (.).
.PARAMETER LiteralPath
Specifies a path to one or more file system directories. Unlike Path, the value of LiteralPath is used exactly as it is typed.
Outputs statistics for a directory but not any of its subdirectories.
Outputs statistics for every directory in the specified path instead of only the first level of directories.
.PARAMETER FormatNumbers
Formats numbers in the output object to include thousands separators.
Outputs a summary object after all other output that sums all statistics.
[String[]] $LiteralPath,
[Switch] $Only,
[Switch] $Every,
[Switch] $FormatNumbers,
[Switch] $Total
begin {
$ParamSetName = $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName
if ( $ParamSetName -eq "Path" ) {
$PipelineInput = ( -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Path") ) -and ( -not $Path )
elseif ( $ParamSetName -eq "LiteralPath" ) {
$PipelineInput = $false
# Script-level variables used with -Total.
[UInt64] $script:totalcount = 0
[UInt64] $script:totalbytes = 0
# Returns a [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] object if it exists.
function Get-Directory {
param( $item )
if ( $ParamSetName -eq "Path" ) {
if ( Test-Path -Path $item -PathType Container ) {
$item = Get-Item -Path $item -Force
elseif ( $ParamSetName -eq "LiteralPath" ) {
if ( Test-Path -LiteralPath $item -PathType Container ) {
$item = Get-Item -LiteralPath $item -Force
if ( $item -and ($item -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) ) {
return $item
# Filter that outputs the custom object with formatted numbers.
function Format-Output {
process {
$_ | Select-Object Path,
@{Name="Files"; Expression={"{0:N0}" -f $_.Files}},
@{Name="Size"; Expression={"{0:N0}" -f $_.Size}}
# Outputs directory statistics for the specified directory. With -recurse,
# the function includes files in all subdirectories of the specified
# directory. With -format, numbers in the output objects are formatted with
# the Format-Output filter.
function Get-DirectoryStats {
param( $directory, $recurse, $format )
Write-Progress -Activity "Get-DirStats.ps1" -Status "Reading '$($directory.FullName)'"
$files = $directory | Get-ChildItem -Force -Recurse:$recurse | Where-Object { -not $_.PSIsContainer }
if ( $files ) {
Write-Progress -Activity "Get-DirStats.ps1" -Status "Calculating '$($directory.FullName)'"
$output = $files | Measure-Object -Sum -Property Length | Select-Object `
@{Name="Path"; Expression={$directory.FullName}},
@{Name="Files"; Expression={$_.Count; $script:totalcount += $_.Count}},
@{Name="Size"; Expression={$_.Sum; $script:totalbytes += $_.Sum}}
else {
$output = "" | Select-Object `
@{Name="Path"; Expression={$directory.FullName}},
@{Name="Files"; Expression={0}},
@{Name="Size"; Expression={0}}
if ( -not $format ) { $output } else { $output | Format-Output }
process {
# Get the item to process, no matter whether the input comes from the
# pipeline or not.
if ( $PipelineInput ) {
$item = $_
else {
if ( $ParamSetName -eq "Path" ) {
$item = $Path
elseif ( $ParamSetName -eq "LiteralPath" ) {
$item = $LiteralPath
# Write an error if the item is not a directory in the file system.
$directory = Get-Directory -item $item
if ( -not $directory ) {
Write-Error -Message "Path '$item' is not a directory in the file system." -Category InvalidType
# Get the statistics for the first-level directory.
Get-DirectoryStats -directory $directory -recurse:$false -format:$FormatNumbers
# -Only means no further processing past the first-level directory.
if ( $Only ) { return }
# Get the subdirectories of the first-level directory and get the statistics
# for each of them.
$directory | Get-ChildItem -Force -Recurse:$Every |
Where-Object { $_.PSIsContainer } | ForEach-Object {
Get-DirectoryStats -directory $_ -recurse:(-not $Every) -format:$FormatNumbers
end {
# If -Total specified, output summary object.
if ( $Total ) {
$output = "" | Select-Object `
@{Name="Path"; Expression={"<Total>"}},
@{Name="Files"; Expression={$script:totalcount}},
@{Name="Size"; Expression={$script:totalbytes}}
if ( -not $FormatNumbers ) { $output } else { $output | Format-Output }
PS C: \ Users \ user \ Desktop>. \ Get-DirStats.ps1 "C: \ Program Files" 2 Где 2 - глубина