Основным понятием фрагмента ниже является то, что вы должны создать Array из Objects и манипулировать этим в JS, а также выводить только получившиеся HTML . Это лучше, чем манипулировать DOM .
// Array of Objects - the questions and answers and other
// needed information
const questions = [{
position: 0,
side: 1,
q: "0Animals giving birth to young ones:",
a: ["Oviparous", "Oviviviparous", "Viviparous", "Both a and b"]
position: 1,
side: 1,
q: "1Animals giving birth to young ones:",
a: ["Oviparous", "Oviviviparous", "Viviparous", "Both a and b"]
position: 2,
side: 1,
q: "2Animals giving birth to young ones:",
a: ["Oviparous", "Oviviviparous", "Viviparous", "Both a and b"]
position: 3,
side: 1,
q: "3Animals giving birth to young ones:",
a: ["Oviparous", "Oviviviparous", "Viviparous", "Both a and b"]
position: 4,
side: 1,
q: "4Animals giving birth to young ones:",
a: ["Oviparous", "Oviviviparous", "Viviparous", "Both a and b"]
// adding the created HTML to the DOM
const populateSides = questions => {
// filling out left and right sides
document.getElementById('right').innerHTML = questionListHtml(questions.filter(e => e.side === 1))
document.getElementById('left').innerHTML = questionListHtml(questions.filter(e => e.side === -1))
// adding click event listener to each question
document.querySelectorAll('.question').forEach(e => {
e.addEventListener('click', function(ev) {
questions.find(el => el.position === Number(e.getAttribute('data-order'))).side *= -1
// template for the list
const questionListHtml = questions => {
let html = ''
html += '<ol>'
questions.forEach(e => {
html += `<li class="question" data-order="${e.position}">${singleQuestion(e)}</li>`
html += '</ol>'
return html
// template for the single question
const singleQuestion = q => {
let html = ''
html += `${q.q}`
html += `<ol>`
q.a.forEach(e => {
html += `<li>${e}</li>`
html += `</ol>`
return html
#left {
background: red;
#right {
background: yellow
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/twitter-bootstrap/4.3.1/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootswatch/4.3.1/cerulean/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div id="left" class="col left">
<div id="right" class="col">