Я считаю, что моя главная проблема в том, что я не знаю, как обновить словарь соседних цветов. Допустим, вершина окрашивается как 2, в этот момент словарь цветов не будет обновляться. В словаре просто останутся все значения, установленные как их значения по умолчанию 1. Мое решение, как правило, тоже плохо себя чувствует, поэтому любая помощь / советы приветствуются.
def greedy(graph, vOrder):
#graphOut represents the final coloring of vertices
#colorDict represents each vertices current neighbor colors
graphOut = {}
colorDict = {}
originalOrder = []
# Records original order of graph for outputting the colored graph in original graph order later
for z in graph:
# Setting the order of the graph to the order of vOrder user input (will reset to original order for output later)
for x in vOrder:
graph[x] = graph.pop(x)
# Initializes all colors to 1
for v in vOrder:
graphOut[v] = 1
# Dictionary that stores all current colors. Key is specific vertex, values are all neighbor colors
for vertice in graph:
colorDict[vertice] = []
for neighbor in graph[vertice]:
# (skip the first for greedy algorithm, default set is 1 and the first gets 1 no matter what)
vert = iter(graphOut)
# Where the coloring happens The minimum color is 1, all colors default set to 1, so if a neighbor color is 1 the current color of the vertex will continue to increase until it is different than its neighbors color
for vert in graphOut:
while graphOut[x] in colorDict[x]:
graphOut[x] += 1
# Reset graphOut to original order of graph
for x in originalOrder:
graphOut[x] = graphOut.pop(x)
пример ввода
greedy({"A" : ["B"],"B" : ["A","C"],"C" : ["B","D"],"D" : ["C"]},["A","D","B","C"])
{"A": 1, "B": 2, "C": 3, "D": 1}