У меня есть программа на Фортране 95, работающая в CodeBlocks 17.12. Эта программа не будет создаваться из-за проблемы несоответствия рангов, связанной с вызовом подпрограммы. Это единственная проблема со сборкой. Я прилагаю код ниже.
Что я должен сделать, чтобы решить эту проблему? Я пытался решить эту проблему в течение трех дней.
program GNUPLOT_Control
implicit none
! Below are default parameters which control linewidth, colors and terminal type
character(len=3), parameter :: default_linewidth='1'
character(len=100), parameter :: default_color1='blue'
character(len=100), parameter :: default_color2='dark-green'
character(len=100), parameter :: default_color3='orange-red'
character(len=100), parameter :: default_color4='dark-salmon'
character(len=100), parameter :: default_terminal='wxt'
character(len=100), parameter :: default_palette='CMY'
! Set up an interface block for the program subroutines
subroutine plot_1(x1,y1,style,pause_in,color1,terminal,filename,polar,persist,input,linewidth)
intent (in) x1,y1, style, pause_in,color1,terminal,filename,polar,persist,input,linewidth
end subroutine
subroutine read_date_and_time(f_result)
intent(in) f_result
end subroutine
subroutine output_terminal(f_result_1)
intent(in) f_result_1
end subroutine
end interface
! Declare and define by type variables related to the following subroutines
real :: x1(100),y1(100)
integer :: i, ierror, ios, file_unit, Nx1
integer :: pause_in=-1
integer, parameter :: Nc=20
character(len=8),parameter :: linewidth='1'
character(len=100) :: output_terminal_1
character(len=30),parameter :: style='linespoints'
character(len=8),parameter :: color1='red', terminal='wxt', filename='harry' !*******
character(len=8),parameter :: polar='no', persist='-p', input='fang'
character(len=100) :: data_file_name, command_file_name, my_linewidth
character(len=100) :: my_date_and_time
character(len=20) :: my_line_type1, my_color1, my_range, my_pause, my_persist
character(len=*),parameter :: pause='-1'
! Define the x1 and y1 values to plot a parabola below,
! using the x1 and y1 arrays
do i = 1,21
x1(i)=-1 +(i-1)*0.1
y1(i)= x1(i)*x1(i)
end do
! Call the subroutine plot_1 to define the plot files required
! for gnuplot to draw the parabola defined above
!** This is the subroutine call statement causing the Rank Mismatch - x1 scalar and rank-1 error ****
call plot_1(x1,y1,style,pause_in,color1,terminal,filename,polar,persist,input,linewidth)
end program GNUPLOT_Control
! Subroutines follow
subroutine read_date_and_time(f_result)
! This subroutine creates a string, f_result, with the current
! date and time. f_result is used to timestamp output files
implicit none
character(len=8) :: date
character(len=10) :: time
character(len=33) :: f_result
call date_and_time(date,time)
f_result= 'Date '//date(7:8)//'-'//date(5:6)//'-'//date(1:4)//' Time is '//time(1:2)//':'//time(3:4)//' '
end subroutine read_date_and_time
subroutine output_terminal(f_result1)
! This subroutine defines the terminal type to be used by gnuplot.
! It uploads the selected terminal type using string variable f_result1
implicit none
character(len=50) :: terminal_1
integer :: Nc=35
character(len=20) :: f_result1
f_result1 = terminal_1
end subroutine output_terminal
subroutine plot_1(x1,y1,style,pause_in,color1,terminal,filename,polar,persist,input,linewidth)
! This subroutine takes in and formats all of the desired settings
! listed in the call statement, creating a data.txt file and associoated
! command plot file, command.plt to define and control the output plot
! created and drawn by gnuplot.
! It then plots one two-dimensional line graph using the x1 and y1 arrays
! passed into it after taking them in from the main program
implicit none
real(kind=8), intent(in) :: x1(100), y1(100)
real(kind=8),optional :: linewidth
integer :: len
integer :: i, ierror, ios, file_unit, Nx1, Nx2
integer,optional :: pause_in
integer :: Nc=20
character(len=*),optional :: color1, terminal, filename, polar, persist, input
character(len=*),parameter :: pause='-1'
character(len=*), optional :: style
character(len=100) :: data_file_name, command_file_name, my_linewidth
character(len=100) :: default_color1, default_linewidth,default_terminal
character(len=100) :: output_terminal, my_date_and_time
character(len=20) :: my_line_type1, my_color1, my_range, my_pause, my_persist
! Define the names for the command file and data file below
if (present(input)) then
end if
! Check to see if the length of the X1 and y1 data arrays are the same
if ((size(x1).ne.size(y1))) then
print *,'subroutine plot ERROR: size(x) is not equal to size(y)'
end if
! Check to see if the style variable length is longer than 3 characters
! Call get_unit(file_unit) to get an available file_unit number
! into which the subroutine can use to write all of the x1 and y1 array
! data into the data.txt file to be used by gnuplot later
call get_unit(file_unit)
if (file_unit==0) then
print *,'write_vector_data - fatal error! Could not get a free FORTRAN unit.'
end if
open (unit=file_unit, file=data_file_name, status='replace', iostat=ios)
if (ios/=0) then
print *,'write_vector_data - fatal error! Could not open the terminal data file.'
end if
! Write plot data, from the x1 and y1 arrays into the plot data file
! Later this data will be written into the datafile.txt
do i=1,Nx1
write (file_unit,'(2E15.7)') x1(i), y1(i)
end do
close (unit=file_unit)
! Call get_unit(file_unit) to get the an available file_unit number
! into which the subroutine can use to write the linestyle, linetype,
! (lines, linespoints or points), linewidth, line color, and other
! plotting variable alues to be used by gnuplot later
ierror = 0
call get_unit(file_unit)
if (file_unit==0) then
print *,'write_vector_data - fatal error! Could not get a free FORTRAN unit.'
end if
open (unit=file_unit, file=command_file_name, status='replace', iostat=ios)
if (ios/=0) then
print *,'write_vector_data - fatal error! Could not open the terminal command file.'
end if
! Define the value for the type of line to be drawn by gnuplot
if (present(style)) then
if ((style(3:3)=='-')) then
end if
end if
! Define the value for the linewidth to be drawn by gnuplot
if (present(linewidth)) then
write ( my_linewidth,'(e9.3)') linewidth
end if
! Define the value for the line color to be drawn by gnuplot
if (present(color1)) then
end if
! Define and write the values for the persistence, terminal output
! filename, output timestamp, and default output screen used by
! gnuplot for controlling the data plot
my_persist='persist '
if (present(persist).and.(persist=='no')) my_persist=' '
if (present(terminal)) then
write ( file_unit, '(a)' ) 'set terminal '// trim(output_terminal)
if (present(filename)) then
write ( file_unit, '(a)' ) 'set output "'// trim(filename) //'"'
write ( file_unit, '(a)' ) 'set output "'//my_date_and_time()//'"'
end if
write ( file_unit, '(a)' ) 'set terminal ' // trim(default_terminal) // ' ' &
& //trim(my_persist) //' title "Gnuplot"'
end if
! Define and write the values for the values related to the key value,
! xrange, yrange, size square, polar, polar grid, or rectangular
! grid for controlling the gnuplot data plot
write ( file_unit, '(a)' ) 'unset key'
if (present(polar).and.(polar=='yes')) then
write (my_range,'(e15.7)') maxval(abs(y1))
write ( file_unit, '(a)' ) 'set xrange [-'//trim(my_range)//':'//trim(my_range)//']'
write ( file_unit, '(a)' ) 'set yrange [-'//trim(my_range)//':'//trim(my_range)//']'
write ( file_unit, '(a)' ) 'set size square'
write ( file_unit, '(a)' ) 'set polar'
write ( file_unit, '(a)' ) 'set grid polar'
write ( file_unit, '(a)' ) 'set grid'
end if
! Define and write the values for the values related to the line type,
! line width, point type, line color into the data file.txt
! for controlling the gnuplot data plot
if (present(style)) then
write ( file_unit, '(a,i2,a)' ) 'plot "' // trim (data_file_name) &
&//'" using 1:2 with ' // trim(my_line_type1) // ' pointtype ' // &
& style(1:2) // ' linecolor rgb ' // trim(my_color1) // ' linewidth '// trim(my_linewidth)
write ( file_unit, '(a,i2,a)' ) 'plot "' // trim (data_file_name) &
& //'" using 1:2 with ' // trim(my_line_type1) // ' linecolor rgb '&
& // trim(my_color1) // ' linewidth '// trim(my_linewidth)
end if
! Define and write the values for the value set for the control
! variable pause for controlling the output gnuplot data plot
if (present(pause_in)) then
if (pause_in<0.0) then
write ( file_unit, '(a)' ) 'pause -1 "press RETURN to continue"'
write ( my_pause,'(e9.3)') pause_in
write ( file_unit, '(a)' ) 'pause ' // trim(my_pause)
end if
write ( file_unit, '(a)' ) 'pause 0'
end if
! Using the command below, write 'q' to plot file telling gnuplot
! to quit
write ( file_unit, '(a)' ) 'q'
close ( unit = file_unit )
! Using the call command below send the command file to gnuplot
! telling how gnuplot should draw and set up the plot, and to
! plot the data in the x1, y1 arrays
call run_gnuplot (command_file_name)
end subroutine plot_1
subroutine run_gnuplot(command_file_name)
implicit none
character (len = 100) command
character (len = *) command_file_name
integer status
integer system
! Issue a command to the system that will startup GNUPLOT, using
! the file we just wrote as input.
write (command, *) 'gnuplot ' // trim (command_file_name)
if (status.ne.0) then
print *,'RUN_GNUPLOT - Fatal error!'
end if
end subroutine run_gnuplot
subroutine get_unit(iunit)
implicit none
integer i
integer ios
integer iunit
logical lopen
! This subroutine looks for the unit number for an unused terminal
! which can be used to write setup, formatting, control and plot
! information related to gnuplot drawing and plotting the input
! data in arrays x1 and y1 as specified by the user.
do i=1,99
if (i/= 5 .and. i/=6) then
inquire (unit=i, opened=lopen, iostat=ios)
if (ios==0) then
if (.not.lopen) then
end if
end if
end if
end do
end subroutine get_unit