Вы можете разделить на StockCode
И sign(NullIf([ClosePrice],0))
вместо необходимости знать торговые дни.
Declare @YourTable Table ([datekey] date,[StockCode] varchar(50),[ClosePrice] money)
Insert Into @YourTable Values
Select *
,AvgPrice = AVG(ClosePrice) over (partition by StockCode,sign(NullIf([ClosePrice],0)) order By datekey rows between 3 preceding and 1 preceding )
from @YourTable
Order By datekey
datekey StockCode ClosePrice AvgPrice
2019-06-15 xyx 5.00 NULL
2019-06-16 xyx 10.00 5.00
2019-06-17 xyx NULL NULL
2019-06-18 xyx 0.00 NULL
2019-06-19 xyx 15.00 7.50
2019-06-20 xyx 20.00 10.00
Немного страшнее, но, возможно, что-то вроде этого
Select *
,AvgPrice = case when sum(1) over (partition by StockCode,sign(NullIf([ClosePrice],0)) order By datekey rows between 3 preceding and 1 preceding ) = 3
then avg(ClosePrice) over (partition by StockCode,sign(NullIf([ClosePrice],0)) order By datekey rows between 3 preceding and 1 preceding )
else null end
from @YourTable
Order By datekey