Попробуйте этот код
arrA: .word 1,2,3,4,5,6
arrB: .word 1,1,1,1,1,1
.globl main
la $a0,arrA #load address of arrA into $a0 register (first parameter)
la $a1,arrB #load address of arrB into $a1 register (second parameter)
li $a2,4 # load $a2 register with 3 (threeth parameter)
li $a3,3 # load $a3 register with 3 (fourth parameter)
jal addArray # call addArray function
exit: # syscall to exit the programm
li $v0, 10
addi $sp,$sp,-4 #allocate space in stack
sw $ra,0($sp)
move $t0,$a2 #copy a content of $a2 register into $t0
move $t1,$a3 #copy a content of $a3 register into $t1
mulu $t0,$t0,4 # multiplication by 4 with the value of $t0, because each number have 4 bytes as offset
addu $a0,$a0,$t0 #
lw $t3,($a0) # arrA[i]
addi $a0,$a0,4 # i+1
lw $t4,($a0) # arrA[i+1]
add $t5,$t3,$t4 # arrA[i] + arrA[i + 1]
mul $t1,$t1,4 # j
addu $a1,$a1,$t1
sw $t5,($a1) # arrB[j] = arrA[i] + arrA[i + 1];
lw $s0,($a1)
li $v0, 1 #print the input number
move $a0, $s0
lw $ra,0($sp) # free stack and return to main
addi $sp,$sp,4
jr $ra