У меня есть код для построения кривой доходности, но я хочу извлекать доходность каждые 0,25 месяца. Я не знаю, где это изменить в коде. Если извлечь переменные y1, y2 и y3, то ставки, которые я получу, относятся только к целочисленным срокам погашения, т.е. 1,2,3 и т. Д. на кривой. Где мне нужно сменить код, который я получаю по ставкам 0,25, 0,5, 0,75 и т. Д.
#ve c t o r with the swap r a t e s (
swaps <- c(0.002, 0.00225, 0.003, 0.004)
#ve c t o r o f cash f low
vector.cf <- c(0.002, 0.00225, 0.003, 0.004)
#ve c t o r o f ma t u r i t i e s f o r observed swaps
maturities <- c(1,2,3,4)
#ve c t o r o f p r i c e s
prices <- c(rep(1, length(swaps)))
#time v e c t o r s needed to c r e a t e the cash f low mat rix
tj <- seq(1:length(swaps))
#ve c t o r ma t u r i t i e s to LLP
t <- seq(1:length(vector.cf))
#func t i on that c r e a t e s the cash f l ows o f swaps
fCashFlowMatrix <- function(s=c(), tt, ttj, n) {
M <- matrix(, length(ttj), length(tt))
for(i in 1:length(ttj)) {
M[i,] <- c(rep(s[i], n[i]-1), 1+s[1],
rep(0, length(M[i,])-n[i]))
#cash f low mat r ix
cf <- fCashFlowMatrix(swaps, t, tj, maturities)
tcf <- t(cf)
#l a s t l i q u i d point
LLP <- 20
#func t i on f o r c a l c u l a t i n g the Heart o f Wilson in one point
fHeart.v.u <- function(v, u, a){
#Heart o f Wilson f o r u as ve c t o r
fHeart.v <- function(v, u=c(), a){
heart.v <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(u)){
heart.v[i]=fHeart.v.u(v, u[i], a)
#func t i on f o r the d e r i v a t i v e o f the Heart o f Wilson
fGuv <- function(v, u,a){
guve <- NULL
else guv=a*exp(-a*v)*(sinh(a*u))
#func t i on f o r the d e r i v a t i v e o f the Heart o f Wilson
#with u as ve c t o r
fGuv.v <- function(v, u=c(),a){
guv.v<- NULL
for(i in 1:length(u)){
guv.v[i]=fGuv(v,u[i], a)
#f u n c ti o n f o r the Wilson f u n ti o n i n one poi n t
fWilson <- function(v, u, ufr, alpha){
#f u n c ti o n f o r the Wilson ma t rix
fWilsonMatrix <- function(tt=c(), ufr, alpha){
W=matrix(length(tt), length(tt), length(tt))
for(k in 1:length(tt)){
for(i in 1:length(tt)){
Wv[i] <- fWilson(tt[k], tt[i], ufr, alpha)
W[k,] <- Wv
UFR = log(1+0.042)
alpha= 0.123760
wilson <- fWilsonMatrix(t, UFR, alpha)
#func t i on to c a l c u l a t e the parameter z e ta
zeta.function <- function(X=matrix(), W=matrix(), pr, ufr, u){
mu <- exp(-ufr*u)
zeta <- (solve(X%*%W%*%t(X)))%*%(pr-X%*%mu)
zeta <- zeta.function(cf, wilson, prices, UFR, t)
#funt i on to compute the quas i?cons tant k :
kfunction <- function(a, u=c(), ufr, X=matrix(), z){
mu <- exp(-ufr*u)
dmu <- diag(mu)
Q <- dmu%*%t(X)
k <- (1+a*u%*%Q%*%z)/((sinh(a*u))%*%Q%*%z)
#check k
k <- kfunction(alpha, t, UFR, cf, zeta)
#check Qzeta
mu <- exp(-UFR*t)
dmu <- diag(mu)
Q <- dmu%*%t(cf)
#func t i on f o r the conve rgenc e point
cpt.function <- function(llp){
T <- max(llp+40, 60)
T <- cpt.function(LLP)
#func t i on f o r the conve rgenc e pe r i od
cpd.function <- function(llp){
S <- max(40,60-llp)
S <- cpd.function(LLP)
#func t i on f o r the upper forward i n t e n s i t y
f.function <- function(w, a, K, v){
g.alpha.1 <- abs(f.function(UFR, alpha, k, T)-UFR)
#func t i on g . alpha
g.alpha.function <- function(a){
wilson <- fWilsonMatrix(t, UFR, a)
zeta <- zeta.function(cf, wilson, prices, UFR, t)
k <- kfunction(a, t, UFR, cf, zeta)
sg <- a/(abs(1-k*exp(a*T)))
g.alpha.2 <- g.alpha.function(alpha)
#e u r i s t i c s o l u t i o n
a.lower = 0.05
while (g.alpha.function(a.lower)>=0.0001){
#opt imi z ed alpha
alpha.opt <- a.lower
#p r i c e func t i on t given time v
fPresentValue <- function(ufr, v,u,q,z,alp) {
pv <- exp(-ufr*v)*(1+fHeart.v(v,u,alp)%*%q%*%z)
#spot i n t e n s i t y func t i on
fYieldIntensity <- function(ufr, v,u,q,z,alp){
yi = (-log(fPresentValue(ufr,v,u,q,z,alp)))/v
#y i e l d i n t e n s i t y at time 0
one.vec <- rep(1, length(zeta))
y.zero <- UFR-alpha*one.vec%*%Q%*%zeta+alpha*(exp(-alpha*t)%*%Q%*%zeta)
#y i e l d i n t e n s i t y
x1 <- c(0, seq(from=1, to=30, by=1))
y1 <- c()
y1[1] <- y.zero*100
for(i in seq(from=1, to=30, by=1)) {
y1[i+1] <- c(fYieldIntensity(UFR, x1[i+1], t,Q, zeta, alpha)*100)
#annual i z ed y i e l d r a t e func t i on
fAnnualRate <- function(ufr,v,u,q,z,alp){
ar = (fPresentValue(ufr, v,u,q,z,alp))^(-1/v)-1
#annual r a t e at time 0
rate.zero <- exp(y.zero)-1
#annual r a t e s
y2 <- c()
y2[1] <- rate.zero*100
for(i in seq(from=1, to=30, by=1)){
y2[i+1] <- c(fAnnualRate(UFR, x1[i+1],t,Q,zeta, alpha)*100)
#forward i n t e n s i t y func t i on
fForwardIntensity <- function(ufr,v,u,q,z,alp){
#forward i n t e n s i t y
y3 <- c()
y3[1]<- y.zero*100
for(i in seq(from=1, to=30, by=0.1)){
y3[i+1] <- c(fForwardIntensity(UFR, x1[i+1],t,Q,zeta,alpha)*100)
#pl o t
plot(x1, y3, type="l", pch=19,
xlim=c(0,30), ylim=c(-0.22,5), xlab="Maturity",
ylab="Yields(%)", col="red")
lines(x1, y2, col="green")
lines(x1, y1, col="blue")
legend("bottomright", c("forward intensity", "annual rate",
"yield to maturity"), bty = "n", lty =c(1,1,1),
col=c("red", "green", "blue"))