Я решил перейти к 1970-м годам и попытаться освоить emacs :-) Поскольку я хочу использовать некоторые полезные дополнения, я решил перейти на spacemacs. К сожалению, у меня не было ничего, кроме проблем с установкой. Поскольку я совершенно новичок в emacs, у меня возникли серьезные проблемы с попыткой понять проблему, не говоря уже о ее решении: - (
Я устанавливаю на Fedora 30.
В качестве первого шага у меня естьустановил базовый emacs, версия 26.2. Я смог запустить emacs без проблем. Затем я установил spacemacs, используя команду git:
git clone https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemac ~/.emacs.d
Затем я запустил emacs с помощью опции --insecure, так как ячитал о проблеме https, если эта опция не указана.
Затем установка продолжается и заполняет верхнее и нижнее окна, как показано ниже (с извинениями за объем текста):
0.200.13@26.2 (spacemacs)
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Found 90 new package(s) to install...
--> refreshing package archive: gnu... [3/3]
--> installing package: adaptive-wrap@spacemacs-editing-visual... [4/90]
Package adaptive-wrap is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
--> installing package: evil@spacemacs-bootstrap... [19/90]
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
An error occurred while installing evil (error: (error Package ‘undo-tree-0.1.3’ is unavailable))
--> installing package: evil-anzu@spacemacs-evil... [20/90]
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
An error occurred while installing evil-anzu (error: (error Package ‘undo-tree-0.1.3’ is unavailable))
--> installing package: evil-args@spacemacs-evil... [21/90]
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
An error occurred while installing evil-args (error: (error Package ‘undo-tree-0.1.3’ is unavailable))
--> installing package: evil-ediff@spacemacs-evil... [22/90]
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
An error occurred while installing evil-ediff (error: (error Package ‘undo-tree-0.1.3’ is unavailable))
--> installing package: evil-exchange@spacemacs-evil... [24/90]
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
An error occurred while installing evil-exchange (error: (error Package ‘undo-tree-0.1.3’ is unavailable))
--> installing package: evil-iedit-state@spacemacs-evil... [25/90]
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
An error occurred while installing evil-iedit-state (error: (error Package ‘undo-tree-0.1.3’ is unavailable))
--> installing package: evil-indent-plus@spacemacs-evil... [26/90]
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
An error occurred while installing evil-indent-plus (error: (error Package ‘undo-tree-0.1.3’ is unavailable))
--> installing package: evil-lisp-state@spacemacs-evil... [27/90]
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
An error occurred while installing evil-lisp-state (error: (error Package ‘undo-tree-0.1.3’ is unavailable))
--> installing package: evil-matchit@spacemacs-evil... [28/90]
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
An error occurred while installing evil-matchit (error: (error Package ‘undo-tree-0.1.3’ is unavailable))
--> installing package: evil-mc@spacemacs-evil... [29/90]
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
An error occurred while installing evil-mc (error: (error Package ‘undo-tree-0.1.3’ is unavailable))
--> installing package: evil-surround@spacemacs-evil... [33/90]
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
An error occurred while installing evil-surround (error: (error Package ‘undo-tree-0.1.3’ is unavailable))
--> installing package: evil-tutor@spacemacs-evil... [34/90]
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
An error occurred while installing evil-tutor (error: (error Package ‘undo-tree-0.1.3’ is unavailable))
--> installing package: evil-visual-mark-mode@spacemacs-evil... [36/90]
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
An error occurred while installing evil-visual-mark-mode (error: (error Package ‘undo-tree-0.1.3’ is unavailable))
--> installing package: evil-visualstar@spacemacs-base... [37/90]
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
An error occurred while installing evil-visualstar (error: (error Package ‘undo-tree-0.1.3’ is unavailable))
--> installing package: paradox@spacemacs-ui... [71/90]
Package spinner is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
An error occurred while installing paradox (error: (error Package ‘spinner-1.7.3’ is unavailable))
--> installing package: undo-tree@spacemacs-editing... [83/90]
Package undo-tree is unavailable. Is the package name misspelled?
--> installing package: ws-butler@spacemacs-editing... [90/90]
Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading ‘/home/andy/.emacs.d/init.el’:
File is missing: Cannot open load file, No such file or directory, evil
To ensure normal operation, you should investigate and remove the
cause of the error in your initialization file. Start Emacs with
the ‘--debug-init’ option to view a complete error backtrace.
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