Я изо всех сил пытаюсь перенести некоторый код JavaScript (который включает в себя функции асинхронности и графики) на R. Помогите, пожалуйста!
Вот что я пытаюсь портировать:
import jsonpFetch from"./jsonpFetch";импорт шины из '../bus';
* This function builds a graph from google's auto-suggestions.
export default function buildGraph(entryWord, pattern, MAX_DEPTH, progress) {
entryWord = entryWord && entryWord.trim();
if (!entryWord) return;
entryWord = entryWord.toLocaleLowerCase();
const insertPosition = pattern.indexOf('...');
if (insertPosition < 0) {
throw new Error('Query pattern is missing "..."');
const queryPosition = pattern.indexOf('[query]');
if (queryPosition < 0) {
throw new Error('Query pattern is missing "[query]" keyword');
if (insertPosition < queryPosition) {
throw new Error('[query] should come before ...');
let cancelled = false;
let pendingResponse;
let graph = require('ngraph.graph')();
graph.maxDepth = MAX_DEPTH;
let queue = [];
let requestDelay = 300 + Math.random() * 100;
return {
function dispose() {
cancelled = true;
if (pendingResponse) {
pendingResponse = null;
function startQueryConstruction() {
graph.addNode(entryWord, {depth: 0});
function loadSiblings(parent, results) {
let q = fullQuery(parent).toLocaleLowerCase();
var parentNode = graph.getNode(parent);
if (!parentNode) {
throw new Error('Parent is missing for ' + parent);
results.filter(x => x.toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(q) === 0)
.map(x => x.substring(q.length))
.forEach(other => {
const hasOtherNode = graph.hasNode(other);
const hasOtherLink = graph.getLink(other, parent) || graph.getLink(parent, other);
if (hasOtherNode) {
if (!hasOtherLink) {
graph.addLink(parent, other);
let depth = parentNode.data.depth + 1;
graph.addNode(other, {depth});
graph.addLink(parent, other);
if (depth < MAX_DEPTH) queue.push(other);
setTimeout(loadNext, requestDelay);
function loadNext() {
if (cancelled) return;
if (queue.length === 0) {
bus.fire('graph-ready', graph);
let nextWord = queue.shift();
progress.updateLayout(queue.length, nextWord);
function fetchNext(query) {
pendingResponse = getResponse(fullQuery(query));
.then(res => onPendingReady(res, query))
.catch((msg) => {
const err = 'Failed to download ' + query + '; Message: ' + msg;
function onPendingReady(res, query) {
if (res.length >= 2) {
loadSiblings(query, res[1]);
} else {
throw new Error('Unexpected response');
function fullQuery(query) {
return pattern.replace('[query]', query).replace('...', '');
function getResponse(query) {
return jsonpFetch('//suggestqueries.google.com/complete/search?client=firefox&q=' + encodeURIComponent(query));
И это то, что я до сих пор имел в R:
# This function builds a graph from Google's Auto-Suggestions
buildGraph <- function(entryWord, pattern) {
graph <- igraph::make_empty_graph() # setup empty graph
entryWord <- trimws(entryWord) #remove leading/trailing whitespace
entryWord <- tolower(entryWord) # lowercase technology name
requestDelay <- 0.3 + runif(1, 0, 1) * 0.1 # 300 milliseconds (0.3 seconds) + some number between 0 and 1 * 100 milliseconds (0.1 seconds)
dispose <- function() {
cancelled <- TRUE
if (pendingResponse) {
# pendingResponse.cancel();
# pendingResponse = null;
startQueryConstruction <- function() {
graph %>% igraph::add.vertices(entryWord)
loadSiblings <- function(parent, results) {
q = tolower(fullQuery(parent))
parentNode <- igraph::vertex_attr(graph, parent)
if (!parentNode) {
# throw new Error('Parent is missing for ' + parent);
stderr(paste0('Parent is missing for ', parent))
# results.filter(x => x.toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(q) === 0)
# .map(x => x.substring(q.length))
# .forEach(other => {
# const hasOtherNode = graph.hasNode(other);
# const hasOtherLink = graph.getLink(other, parent) || graph.getLink(parent, other);
# if (hasOtherNode) {
# if (!hasOtherLink) {
# graph.addLink(parent, other);
# }
# return;
# }
# let depth = parentNode.data.depth + 1;
# graph.addNode(other, {depth});
# graph.addLink(parent, other);
# if (depth < MAX_DEPTH) queue.push(other);
# });
# setTimeout(loadNext, requestDelay);
# }
loadNext <- function() {
# if (cancelled) return;
if (length(queue) == 0) {
# bus.fire('graph-ready', graph)
# return;
nextWord <- queue.shift() # what is queue.shift in R?????
# progress.updateLayout(queue.length, nextWord) -- I think this is only for Vue UI
fetchNext <- function(query) {
pendingResponse = getResponse(query)
pendingResponse %...>%
res = onPendingReady(res, query) %...!%
(function(error) {
print(paste("Failed to download: ", query, "; Message: ", error$message))
onPendingReady <- function(res, query) {
if (length(res) >= 2) {
loadSiblings(query, res[1])
} else {
# catch and print error
# console.error(res)
# throw error
# throw new Error('Unexpected response');
fullQuery <- function(query) {
# return pattern.replace('[query]', query).replace('...', '')
getResponse <- function(query) {
json_response <- future::future(jsonlite::fromJSON('//suggestqueries.google.com/complete/search?client=firefox&q=' + encodeURIComponent(query)))
Обратите внимание, что я включил некоторые закомментированные некоторыестроки кода JavaScript, где я не уверен, что такое эквивалент RБольшая часть мрачного кода для меня сосредоточена на том, как делать вещи в igraph
и как делать вещи асинхронно в R (используя promises
и / или futures
Заранее спасибо!