Не то чтобы было много заинтересованных людей, которые хотели бы увидеть код 6309, но вот он:
Совместим с OS9 C ABI.
Указатель на результат и выдвинутые аргументыстек справа налево.
0 2 4 8 10
* 10,s pointer to long result
* 4,s 4 byte value
* 8,s 2 byte shift
* x = pointer to result
pshs u
ldx 10,s * load pointer to result
ldd 8,s * load shift
* if shift amount is greater than 31 then
* just return zero. OS9 C standard.
cmpd #32
blt _10x
ldq #0
stq 4,s
bra _13x
* if shift amount is greater than 16 than
* move bottom word of value into top word
* and clear bottom word
cmpb #16
blt _1x
ldu 6,s
stu 4,s
clr 6,s
clr 7,s
* setup pointer u and offset e into mult table _2x
leau _2x,pc
andb #15
* if there is no shift value just return value
beq _13x
aslb * need to double shift to use as word table offset
stb 8,s * save double shft
tfr b,e
* shift top word q = val.word.high * multtab[shft]
ldd 4,s
muld e,u
stw ,x * result.word.high = low word of mult
* shift bottom word q = val.word.low * multtab[shft]
lde 8,s * reload double shft
ldd 6,s
muld e,u
stw 2,x * result.word.low = low word of mult
* The high word or mult needs to be corrected for sign
* if val is negative then muld will return negated results
* and need to un negate it
lde 8,s * reload double shift
tst 4,s * test top byte of val for negative
bge _11x
addd e,u * add the multtab[shft] again to top word
* if multtab[shft] is negative (shft is 15 or shft<<1 is 30)
* also need to un negate result
cmpe #30
bne _12x
addd 6,s * add val.word.low to top word
* combine top and bottom and save bottom half of result
ord ,x
std ,x
bra _14x
* this is only reached if the result is in value (let result = value)
ldq 4,s * load value
stq ,x * result = value
puls u,pc
_2x fdb $01,$02,$04,$08,$10,$20,$40,$80,$0100,$0200,$0400,$0800
fdb $1000,$2000,$4000,$8000