Я ужасно новичок в Java, я студент и изучаю его. Я хотел знать, как я могу управлять одной "пустотой за раз" public static void PracticeMath ()
. Таким образом, в консоли отображается только тело для этого, а не все остальное, включенное в метод main. Я использую затмение.
public class Ch2Challenges
* Complete at least 3 of the following problems
* using Dialog boxes. You choice of which ones.
public static void PracticeMath ()
* Use the MathClass to create a program that
* will calculate and display the following:
* 1. absolute value of posNum and negNum (Google it)
* 2. num1 raised to the power of num2
* 3. The square root of square
* 4. the maximum and minimum values of num1 and num2 (Google it)
* 5. the distance between posNum and negNum (Google it)
* 6. the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle
* when the user inputs two values for leg1 and leg2
* rounded to 2 decimal places
Scanner sc2 = new Scanner(System.in);
int posNum = 12, negNum = -15;
int num1 = 2, num2 = 6;
int square = 49;
double leg1, leg2, hypotenuse;
System.out.println("Data Set");
System.out.println("posNum = " + posNum);
System.out.println("negNum = " + negNum);
System.out.println("num1 = " + num1);
System.out.println("num2 = " + num2);
System.out.println("Square = "+ square);
int posNum1 = java.lang.Math.abs(posNum);
int negNum1 = java.lang.Math.abs(negNum);
int range = (posNum-negNum);
int range1 = java.lang.Math.abs(range);
System.out.println("The absolute value of posNum is " + posNum1 + ", and the absolute value of negNum is " + negNum1 + "." );
System.out.println("num1 ^ num2 = " + Math.pow(num1, num2));
System.out.println("Maximum number of num1 & num2 = " + Math.max(num1, num2));
System.out.println("Minimum number of num1 & num2 = " + Math.min(num1, num2));
System.out.println("The between posNum & negNum contains " + range + " numbers.");
System.out.println("Lets calculate the hypotenuse of a right triangle...");
System.out.print("Enter in a value for the first leg of your triangle ===> ");
leg1 = sc2.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter in a value for the second leg of your triangle ===> ");
leg2 = sc2.nextDouble();
hypotenuse = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(leg1, 2)+(Math.pow(leg2, 2)));
System.out.printf("With leg 1 = %.2f and leg 2 = %.2f Your hypotonuse is %.2f", leg1 , leg2 , hypotenuse );
public static void Time ()
* Write a program that allows the user to enter the number of seconds.
* The program should calculate the equivalent number of hours,
* minutes and seconds.
* Example: 9999 seconds = 2 hours, 46 minutes, and 39 seconds.
* (Hint: modulus is your friend)
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Seconds Converter");
System.out.print("Enter the amount of seconds you would like converted ===> ");
int seconds = sc.nextInt();
int secs = seconds % 60;
int hrs = seconds / 60;
int mins = hrs % 60;
System.out.print( hrs + " Hours, " + mins + " Minutes, " + secs + " Seconds.");
public static void Paint ()
* 1. Declare integers length, width, height
* 2. Declare doubles totalSqFt, paintNeeded
* 3. Declare and initialize object scanner
* 4. Prompt for and read in the length of the room
* 5. Prompt for and read in the height of the room
* 6. Prompt for and read in the width of the room
* calculations
* 7. Compute the total square feet of the walls to be painted
* 8. Compute the amount of paint needed
* Remember, you can't buy a fraction of a paint can
* Round UP!
* output
* 9. calculations rounded to 2 decimal places
* 10. Print the length, width, and height of the room
* and the gallons of paint needed.
public static void IDNumbers()
* Different identification numbers have different ways of
* calculating their check-digit.
* Write a program that will calculate the check digit for
* airline tickets using the following information:
* Airline tickets divide the actual identification
* number by 7 and assign the remainder to the check digit.
* ID Numbers can be of any length.
* Example: 12358 check # 3
public static void RestaurantBill ()
* Write a program that computes the tax and tip on a restaurant bill.
* The program should ask the user to enter the charge for the meal.
* The tax should be 7.5 percent of the meal charge.
* The tip should be 18 percent of the total after adding the tax.
* Display the meal charge, tax amount, tip amount, and total bill on the screen.
* Ensure the display is professional, absent of any typos and clear.
* All dollar amounts should be formatted with commas, two decimal places.
* All percents should be rounded to one decimal place.
Scanner sc1 = new Scanner(System.in);
double stateTax = 0.255;
double bill;
System.out.println("Restaurant Bill Calc");
System.out.print("Enter the Bill ===> ");
bill = sc1.nextDouble();
//some tax things
double billWithTax = (bill*stateTax);
//some tip things
double totalCost = (bill + billWithTax);
System.out.printf("With the tax equaling 7.5%% of the bill and the tip equaling 18%%, the total is equal to %.2f", totalCost);
public static void MaleFemale ()
* Write a program that asks the user for the number of males and
* the number of females registered in a class.
* The program should display the percentage of males and females in the class.
* Ensure the display is professional, absent of any typos and clear.
* Challenges: These are available to everyone; Give them a try!
public static void PaintDoorWindow()
* Suppose the room has doors and windows that don't need painting.
* Ask the user to enter the number of doors and number of windows
* in the room, and adjust the total square feet to be painted accordingly.
* Assume that each door is 25 square feet and each window is 20 square feet.
public static void AmexIdNumber ()
* An American Express traveler’s check has a check digit so that
* it makes the sum of the digits, including the check digit,
* evenly divisible by 7.
* For this activity, assume there are 4 digits ID numbers, plus a check digit.
* Example: 3875 check # 5
public static void main(String [] args)