Как отобразить выбранные цвета без быстрого обновления (мастер игра) - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 18 октября 2019

Я хотел бы отобразить 4 цвета, выбранные пользователем из цветовой сетки 3x3. Тем не менее, он появляется, но только на короткое время. Я хотел бы, чтобы цветной дисплей обновлялся, если бы. оно достигло более 4 цветов (т.е. начало нового списка). Мне удалось получить правильный вывод на консоли, но не в окне Pygame. Кроме того, как вы отображаете обновление черно-белого счетчика?

def main():

    import pygame
    import random

    pygame.init()  # initialize modules

    # window dimensions
    screen_width = 560
    screen_height = 630

    # colors
    black = (0, 0, 0)
    white = (255, 255, 255)
    red = (255, 0, 0)
    green = (0, 255, 0)
    blue = (0, 0, 255)
    yellow = (255, 255, 0)
    orange = (255, 165, 0)
    purple = (128, 0, 128)
    maroon = (128, 0, 0)
    pink = (255, 105, 80)
    brown = (139, 69, 19)

    # color dictionary
    color_dict = {
        1: red,
        2: green,
        3: blue,
        4: yellow,
        5: orange,
        6: purple,
        7: maroon,
        8: pink,
        9: brown,

    # initialization block
    i = 1
    guess_list = []
    black_count = 0
    white_count = 0
    no_of_guess = 0
    keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() # list of all keyboard keys
    display_list = []
    display_lower_row = False

    # randomization block
    ans_list = []
    for x in range(1, 5):  # loops from 1 to no_of_colors
        ans_list.append(color_dict[random.randint(1, 9)])  # 1 to 9

    # UI block
    game_screen = pygame.display.set_mode((355, screen_height))
    game_font = pygame.font.SysFont('Comic Sans MS', 40)
    display_text = game_font.render('MasterMind', True, white)
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()

    # main game loop
    execute = True
    while execute:
        # display block
        game_screen.fill(black)  # black background
        # title
        game_screen.blit(display_text, (screen_width*(0.885/7), screen_height*(1/7)))

        # display the rectangles. args: ((screen where the object is to be displayed), (color), (position(x,y)), (dimensions))
        pygame.draw.rect(game_screen, red, 
            ((1 / 7) * screen_width, (screen_height // 2) - 80, 40, 40)
        pygame.draw.rect(game_screen, green,
            ((3 / 7) * screen_width - 80, (screen_height // 2) - 80, 40, 40),
        pygame.draw.rect(game_screen, blue,
            ((5 / 7) * screen_width - 160, (screen_height // 2) - 80, 40, 40),
        pygame.draw.rect(game_screen, yellow, 
            ((1 / 7) * screen_width, (screen_height // 2), 40, 40)
        pygame.draw.rect(game_screen, orange, 
            ((3 / 7) * screen_width - 80, (screen_height // 2), 40, 40)
        pygame.draw.rect(game_screen, purple,
            ((5 / 7) * screen_width - 160, (screen_height // 2), 40, 40),
        pygame.draw.rect(game_screen, maroon, 
            ((1 / 7) * screen_width, (screen_height // 2) + 80, 40, 40)
            ((3 / 7) * screen_width - 80, (screen_height // 2) + 80, 40, 40),
            ((5 / 7) * screen_width - 160, (screen_height // 2) + 80, 40, 40),

        # event block
        for event in pygame.event.get():  # loop through user events i.e. keyboard, mouse
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:  # exit button
                execute = False
            if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                i += 1
                if no_of_guess > 12:
                    print("YOU LOSE!!")
                    print("Play Again? (Y)-yes | (any keys)-no")
                    # try again block via recursion
                    if keys[pygame.K_Y]:
                    x_mouse, y_mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # mouse coordinates

                    if 80 <= x_mouse <= 120 and 235 <= y_mouse <= 275:
                    elif 160 <= x_mouse <= 200 and 235 <= y_mouse <= 275:
                    elif 240 <= x_mouse <= 280 and 235 <= y_mouse <= 275:
                    elif 80 <= x_mouse <= 120 and 315 <= y_mouse <= 365:
                    elif 160 <= x_mouse <= 200 and 315 <= y_mouse <= 365:
                    elif 240 <= x_mouse <= 280 and 315 <= y_mouse <= 365:
                    elif 80 <= x_mouse <= 120 and 395 <= y_mouse <= 435:
                    elif 160 <= x_mouse <= 200 and 395 <= y_mouse <= 435:
                    elif 240 <= x_mouse <= 280 and 395 <= y_mouse <= 435:
                    else:  # clicks outside the squares
                        print("Only click on the colored squares!!")  # this loops 48 times (fix ASAP)
                        pass # essentially does nothing (prevents extra terms to be printed)

                    if len(guess_list) == 4:
                        display_lower_row = True
                        no_of_guess += 1

                        # scoring block
                        display_list = guess_list
                        final_guess_list = guess_list
                        for index in range(len(ans_list)):
                            if ans_list[index] == final_guess_list[index]:
                                black_count += 1
                            if final_guess_list[index] in ans_list:
                                white_count += 1

                        if black_count == 4 and white_count == 4:
                            print("Guess #{}:".format(no_of_guess))
                            print("4B - 4W")
                            print("YOU WIN!!")
                            print("Play Again? (Y)-yes | (any keys)-no")
                            # try again block via recursion
                            if keys[pygame.K_Y]:
                            print("Guess #{}:".format(no_of_guess))
                            print("{black}B - {white}W".format(black = black_count, white = white_count))

                    if display_lower_row:
                        # output display block
                            ((0.5 / 7) * screen_width, (screen_height // 2) + 160, 30, 30)
                        pygame.draw.rect(game_screen, guess_list[1],
                            ((2.5 / 7) * screen_width - 100, (screen_height // 2) + 160, 30, 30),
                        pygame.draw.rect(game_screen, guess_list[2],
                            ((4.5 / 7) * screen_width - 200, (screen_height // 2) + 160, 30, 30),
                        pygame.draw.rect(game_screen, guess_list[3],
                            ((6.5 / 7) * screen_width - 300, (screen_height // 2) + 160, 30, 30),

                        # reset counter
                        black_count = 0
                        white_count = 0
                        guess_list = []


        clock.tick(40)  # sets fps


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