Эта ручка из codepen не работает на localhost, но все остальное работает правильно. Я хочу знать, почему это не пробуждает и как я могу заставить это работать? https://codepen.io/demaine/pen/NZdXvV
Я скомпилировал файл scss в css и включил его в заголовок. Я добавил дополнительные файлы (внешние скрипты), которые указаны в настройках JS.
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/poly-decomp@0.3.0/build/decomp.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/matter-js@0.14.2/build/matter.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
/* line 1, ../sass/manybana.scss */
box-sizing: border-box;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
// Set window height and width variables
let width = window.innerWidth,
height = window.innerHeight;
// This project uses Matter so load in the modules as necessary
var Engine = Matter.Engine,
Render = Matter.Render,
Runner = Matter.Runner,
World = Matter.World,
Mouse = Matter.Mouse,
Body = Matter.Body,
Bodies = Matter.Bodies,
Vertices = Matter.Vertices,
Composite = Matter.Composite;
// Create an engine
var engine = Engine.create();
// Create a renderer
var render = Render.create({
element: document.body,
engine: engine,
options: {
showAngleIndicator: false,
wireframes: false,
background: "#f7f7f8",
width: width,
height: height,
showAngleIndicator: false,
showCollisions: false,
showInternalEdges: false,
showVelocity: false
// Set the global gravity variables to be slower than normal
engine.world.gravity.y = 0.05;
engine.world.gravity.x = 0;
engine.world.gravity.scale = 0.001;
// Create runner
const runner = Runner.create();
Runner.run(runner, engine);
// Add container walls
World.add(engine.world, [
Bodies.rectangle(width / 2, height + 150, width * 2, 60, {
label: "ground",
isStatic: true,
render: {
visible: false
Bodies.rectangle(-30, height / 2, 60, height * 2, {
label: "left-wall",
isStatic: true,
render: {
visible: false
Bodies.rectangle(width + 30, height / 2, 60, height * 2, {
label: "right-wall",
isStatic: true,
render: {
visible: false
// Define the banana shape with a set of coordinates
const bananaSet = Vertices.fromPath(
"0 47.6 1.6 41.2 14.4 38.6 36.8 39.2 55.2 33.6 71.2 20.2 74.8 14.2 72.6 3.2 79.8 0 77.2 4.2 78.8 13.2 84.2 16.2 85.8 29.2 75.2 48 55.2 60.4 31.6 63.8 7.4 58.2"
// Define how to create a new banana object
const banana = function(xPos, yPos) {
// Add a subtle random spin
let spin = Math.random() * 0.4 - 0.2;
return Bodies.fromVertices(
// Add a label to check for collisions
label: "banana",
// Add some elasticity for bouncy bananas
restitution: 1,
// Zero the frictions for slippery bananas
friction: 0,
frictionAir: 0,
// Add the initial rotating force
torque: spin,
// Add a little downward force to minimise objects sticking together
force: { x: 0, y: 0.02 },
// Render the banana
render: {
fillStyle: "#ffe417",
strokeStyle: "#ffe417"
// To avoid adding too many bananas
function bananaBalancer() {
// Check the total objects in the world minus the 3 walls (and mouse influencer but remembering that the count starts at 0)
let total = Composite.allBodies(engine.world).length - 3;
// Make the comparison
if (total <= bananaCount) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Define the function to cancel the timeout
function cancelTimeout() {
// Clear the interval
// Don't add any more bananas
addBananas = false;
// Exit the function
// Create a collision event for the bananas that hit the ground
Matter.Events.on(engine, "collisionStart", function(event) {
let pairs = event.pairs;
pairs.forEach(function(pair) {
// Check if the collision is between the banana and the ground
if (pair.bodyB.label === "banana" && pair.bodyA.label === "ground") {
// If the addBananas timeout is running then cancel it
if (addBananas) {
// Remove the banana from the world
World.remove(engine.world, pair.bodyB.parent, [(deep = true)]);
// Run the banana restrictor function which returns true if it is ok to add a new banana
if (bananaBalancer()) {
// Store the exit point for where the banana hits the ground
let exitPoint = pair.bodyB.parent.position.x;
// Add a new banana using the exit point
World.add(engine.world, banana(exitPoint, -80));
// Add an object to represent the mouse position on the screen
const influencer = Bodies.circle(0, 0, 5, {
isStatic: true,
render: {
// Make it invisible
visible: false
// Add the influencer to the world
World.add(engine.world, influencer);
// Add a mouse controller
const mouse = Mouse.create(render.canvas);
// Define what happens when the mouse moves
Matter.Events.on(engine, "afterUpdate", function() {
// Early exit condition
if (!mouse.position.x) {
const offset1 = {
x: 0,
y: 0
const offset2 = {
x: 0,
y: 0
// Move the influencer to the mouse position
Body.translate(influencer, {
x: mouse.position.x - influencer.position.x - offset1.x,
y: mouse.position.y - influencer.position.y + offset1.y
// Set the addBananas variable as true so that it can be switched into a interval function later
let addBananas = true;
// Run the engine
// Run the renderer
// Count the number of bananas that are created
let bananaCount = 0;
// Define how many columns of bananas will be dropped on screen
let columns = 1;
// Give adequate spacing to avoid new bananas sticking together
const bananaSpacing = 150;
// When the document has loaded
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
// Calculate the number of columns of bananas to drop
columns = Math.floor(width / bananaSpacing);
// Start an interval for adding bananas
addBananas = setInterval(function() {
for (let i = 0; i < columns - 1; i++) {
// Increment the x axis distance to drop the banana from
let distance = (i + 1) * bananaSpacing;
// If the function is still running then add a new banana
World.add(engine.world, banana(distance, -50));
// Count the number of bananas added
}, 400);
Ошибка не отображается. Это просто пустой экран в браузере.