У меня в игре есть следующая проблема:
На сцене два персонажа, и они могут стрелять друг в друга. Пустой игровой объект, прикрепленный перед друг другом, называется SpawnBullet, который порождает снаряд, как вы можете видеть на изображении.
![enter image description here](https://i.stack.imgur.com/bBC1r.png)
Проблема в том, что игровой объект под названием «Игрок 2» стреляет в себя, пуля движется в его направлении. Даже когда я вращаю SpawnBullet. В Player 1 он работает нормально.
Этот скрипт прикреплен к игрокам
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AI;
public class Moviment : MonoBehaviour
//player variables
public GameObject player;
public GameObject[] Personagens;
//moving variables
Vector3 targetPosition;
float posY = 1;
public float velocity = 0.2f;
public float movMax = 3;
public bool ismoving = false;
public bool moveEnabled;
public int aux;
//bullet variables
public GameObject projetil;
private GameObject SpawBala;
public float ProjetilVeloc = 500f;
private void Start()
//sets the first unit as the active unit at the start of the game
Personagens[0].GetComponent<Jogador>().isPlayer = true;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
//left mouse button to start movement
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
//raycast checks and returns an object, if it's a tile, the unit moves
Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
RaycastHit hit;
ismoving = true;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
if (hit.transform.tag == "Tile")
//checks if the tile is available based on the max movement of the unit
Tile tileAux = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent<Tile>();
Jogador scriptJog = player.GetComponent<Jogador>();
if ((tileAux.TilePostion.x - scriptJog.GridPosition.x) + (tileAux.TilePostion.y - scriptJog.GridPosition.y) >= -movMax && (tileAux.TilePostion.x - scriptJog.GridPosition.x) + (tileAux.TilePostion.y - scriptJog.GridPosition.y) <= movMax)
if ((tileAux.TilePostion.x - scriptJog.GridPosition.x) - (tileAux.TilePostion.y - scriptJog.GridPosition.y) >= -movMax && (tileAux.TilePostion.x - scriptJog.GridPosition.x) - (tileAux.TilePostion.y - scriptJog.GridPosition.y) <= movMax)
targetPosition = (hit.transform.position);
targetPosition.y = posY;
moveEnabled = true;
//right click to shoot
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
//raycast checks and returns an object, if it's a tile, the unit shoots
Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
//checks if the tile is available based on the line and column of the unit
Tile tileAux = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent<Tile>();
Jogador scriptJog = player.GetComponent<Jogador>();
if (tileAux.TilePostion.x == scriptJog.GridPosition.x || tileAux.TilePostion.y == scriptJog.GridPosition.y)
if (tileAux.TilePostion.x > scriptJog.GridPosition.x)
tileAux.TilePostion.x = 5;
tileAux.TilePostion.x = 0;
if (tileAux.TilePostion.y > scriptJog.GridPosition.y)
tileAux.TilePostion.y = 5;
tileAux.TilePostion.y = 0;
//instantiates the bullet
GameObject tiro = Instantiate(projetil, SpawBala.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, player.transform);
Rigidbody BalaRigid = tiro.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
BalaRigid.AddForce(Vector3.forward * ProjetilVeloc);
//player moves until reaches the position
if (player.transform.position != targetPosition)
player.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(player.transform.position, targetPosition, velocity);
if (player.transform.position == targetPosition)
ismoving = false;
//if player reaches position, it's deselected
if (moveEnabled && !ismoving)
player.GetComponent<Jogador>().isPlayer = false;
moveEnabled = false;
public void TurnStart()
//makes the selected unit the active unit
for (int i = 0; i < Personagens.Length; i++)
if (Personagens[i].GetComponent<Jogador>().isPlayer == true)
player = Personagens[i];
posY = player.transform.position.y;
targetPosition = player.transform.position;
SpawBala = player.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;
public void TurnEnd()
//desactivates all units
for(int i = 0; i < Personagens.Length; i++)
Personagens[i].GetComponent<Jogador>().isPlayer = false;
И я использую этот раздел (скопированный сверху) для стрельбы:
//right click to shoot
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
//raycast checks and returns an object, if it's a tile, the unit shoots
Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
//checks if the tile is available based on the line and column of the unit
Tile tileAux = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent<Tile>();
Jogador scriptJog = player.GetComponent<Jogador>();
if (tileAux.TilePostion.x == scriptJog.GridPosition.x || tileAux.TilePostion.y == scriptJog.GridPosition.y)
if (tileAux.TilePostion.x > scriptJog.GridPosition.x)
tileAux.TilePostion.x = 5;
tileAux.TilePostion.x = 0;
if (tileAux.TilePostion.y > scriptJog.GridPosition.y)
tileAux.TilePostion.y = 5;
tileAux.TilePostion.y = 0;
//instantiates the bullet
GameObject tiro = Instantiate(projetil, SpawBala.transform.position, Quaternion.identity, player.transform);
Rigidbody BalaRigid = tiro.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
BalaRigid.AddForce(Vector3.forward * ProjetilVeloc);