Я хочу больше узнать о внутренних принципах машинного обучения, поэтому я написал кое-что в Typescript, чтобы разобраться с основами. Это не учиться однако. Я создал небольшой скрипт для клонирования проекта и его визуализации: https://gist.github.com/teh-mICON/7192320a97653a77a95fdc1b7621656c
однако вот соответствующий код:
activate(activation: number, memory: Memory, connection: Connection = null) {
if (connection !== null)
this.activationValues[connection.innovation] = activation;
// if there has been no activations in this forward pass, the activation passed here is the initial input
if (this.activations == 0) {
this.netInput = activation;
} else {
// otherwise, add the activation to the input
this.netInput += activation;
// if all incoming node connections have fired
if (++this.activations >= this.connectionsBackward.length) {
// reset the activations counter
this.activations = 0;
// calculate the activation value (squash input+ bias)
// except if input node
const output = this.getActivation();
// fire on all outgoing connections
_.each(this.connectionsForward, (connection: Connection) => {
if (!memory.allowed(connection.innovation)) return;
connection.to.activate(output * connection.weight, memory, connection);
∂Eₜₒₜₐₗ / ∂wᵢⱼ = ( ∂Eₜₒₜₐₗ / ∂outⱼ ) * ( ∂outⱼ / ∂netⱼ ) * ( ∂netⱼ / ∂wᵢⱼ )
∂Eₜₒₜₐₗ / ∂outⱼ = - ( target - outⱼ)
∂outⱼ / ∂netⱼ = outⱼ (1 - outⱼ) (derivative of activation function, here: sigmoid)
∂netⱼ / ∂wᵢⱼ = outᵢ
Δw = -η * ∂Eₜₒₜₐₗ / ∂wᵢⱼ = -η * ∂ⱼ * outᵢ
propagateOutput(ideal, learningRate) {
// calculate partial derivatives
const partialDerivativeErrorOut = -(ideal - this.getActivation());
const partialDerivativeOutNetinput = this.getActivation(true);
// for all incoming connections
_.each(this.connectionsBackward, (connection: Connection) => {
const partialDerivativeNetinputWeight = connection.from.getActivation();
// calculate partial derivative for error to weight of connection
const derivativeErrorWeight = partialDerivativeErrorOut * partialDerivativeOutNetinput * partialDerivativeNetinputWeight;
// assign weight adjustment to connection
connection.adjustment = connection.delta = -learningRate * derivativeErrorWeight;
// propagate error backwards
if (connection.from.type == NODE_TYPE.input) return;
connection.from.propagateHidden(partialDerivativeErrorOut, learningRate);
∂Eₜₒₜₐₗ / ∂wᵢⱼ = ( ∂Eₜₒₜₐₗ / ∂outⱼ ) * ( ∂outⱼ / ∂netⱼ ) * ( ∂netⱼ / ∂wᵢⱼ )
∂Eₜₒₜₐₗ / ∂outⱼ = Σ [ (∂Eₖ₁ / doutⱼ) + (∂Eₖ₂ / doutⱼ) + ... (∂Eₖₙ / / doutⱼ) ]
-> ∂Eₖ / ∂outⱼ = ∂Eₖ * / ∂netₖ
-> ∂netₖ / ∂outⱼ = wᵢⱼ
∂outⱼ / ∂netⱼ = outⱼ (1 - outⱼ)
∂netⱼ / ∂wᵢⱼ = input from this connection
Δw = -η * ∂Eₜₒₜₐₗ / ∂wᵢⱼ
propagateHidden(partialDerivativeErrorOutConnected, learningRate) {
// add up all incoming error derivatives
this.partialDerivativeErrorOutConnectedSum += partialDerivativeErrorOutConnected;
// if all incoming connections have backpropagated
if (++this.propagations == this.connectionsForward.length) {
this.propagations = 0;
// calculate partial derivatives
const partialDerivativeOutNetinput = this.getActivation(true);
const partialDerivativeNetinputBias = 1;
// calculate partial derivative for error to bias
const derivativeErrorBias = this.partialDerivativeErrorOutConnectedSum * partialDerivativeOutNetinput * partialDerivativeNetinputBias;
// assign bias adjustment to node
this.adjustment = -learningRate * derivativeErrorBias;
// for all incoming connections
_.each(this.connectionsBackward, (connection: Connection) => {
const partialDerivativeNetinputWeight = this.activationValues[connection.innovation];
// calculate partial derivative for error to weight of connection
const derivativeErrorWeight = this.partialDerivativeErrorOutConnectedSum * partialDerivativeOutNetinput * partialDerivativeNetinputWeight;
// assign weight adjustment to connection
connection.adjustment = connection.delta = -learningRate * derivativeErrorWeight;
// propagate errors backwards
if (connection.from.type == NODE_TYPE.input) return;
connection.from.propagateHidden(this.partialDerivativeErrorOutConnectedSum, learningRate);
adjust(memory) {
// actually adjust bias and connection weights (recursively)
this.bias += this.adjustment;
this.adjustment = 0;
_.each(this.getConnectionsBackward(), (connection: Connection) => {
if (!memory.allowed(connection.innovation)) return;
connection.weight += connection.adjustment;
connection.adjustment = 0;
getActivation(derivative = false) {
if(this.type == NODE_TYPE.input) {
return this.netInput;
return this.squash(this.netInput + this.bias, derivative);
Например, если я хочу, чтобы он отражал ввод / выводЯ получаю одинаковый вывод на каждом узле после нескольких тысяч итераций:
То же самое для AND: https://i.imgur.com/fjFIayK.png
То же самое для XOR: https://i.imgur.com/XTAbuXP.png
Буду очень признателен, если кто-то сможет помочьменя с этим.
С уважением, MICON