привет, я начинающий игрок ...
from recon.core.module import BaseModule
import json
class Module(BaseModule):
meta = {
'name': 'ipstack',
'author': 'Siarhei Harbachou (Tech.Insiders), Gerrit Helm (G) and Tim Tomes (@LaNMaSteR53)',
'description': 'Leverages the ipstack.com API to geolocate a host by IP address. Updates the \'hosts\' table with the results.',
'required_keys': ['ipstack_api'],
'query': 'SELECT DISTINCT ip_address FROM hosts WHERE ip_address IS NOT NULL',
def module_run(self, hosts):
for host in hosts:
api_key = self.keys.get('ipstack_api')
url = 'http://api.ipstack.com/%s?access_key=%s' % (host, api_key)
resp = self.request(url)
if resp.json:
jsonobj = resp.json
self.error('Invalid JSON response for \'%s\'.\n%s' % (host, resp.text))
region = ', '.join([str(jsonobj[x]).title() for x in ['city', 'region_name'] if jsonobj[x]]) or None
country = jsonobj['country_name'].title()
latitude = str(jsonobj['latitude'])
longitude = str(jsonobj['longitude'])
self.output('%s - %s,%s - %s' % (host, latitude, longitude, ', '.join([x for x in [region, country] if x])))
self.query('UPDATE hosts SET region=?, country=?, latitude=?, longitude=? WHERE ip_address=?', (region, country, latitude, longitude, host))
---- ошибка выполнения ----
[!] KeyError: 'city'
File "/usr/share/recon-ng/modules/recon/hosts-hosts/ipstack.py", line 24, in module_run.