передача JSON в хранимых процедурах - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 19 октября 2019

Я вызываю хранимую процедуру, и она дает синтаксическую ошибку, я не могу понять это. Кто-нибудь может помочь?

    "sqlMessage": "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '\"billToId\":137,\"shipToId\":137,\"loadingId\":137,\"loadingLocationId\":2,\"billToLocat' at line 1",

Это JSON, который я передаю в виде строки.

Вот хранимая процедура:

drop procedure if exists createRequisition;
CREATE PROCEDURE createRequisition(p_reqBranchId INT,p_unloadingJson JSON,locationsString text,p_quantity FLOAT,
p_expectedDeliveryDate DATE,p_loadingDate DATE,p_refId VARCHAR(255),p_notes TEXT,p_createdBy VARCHAR(255),p_vehicleId INT, p_vehicleName VARCHAR(255),p_isWeb int,p_priority int,p_editId int)
-- call SP_TMS_CreateRequisition()
  declare lastReqCode int;
  declare d_ReqCode text;
  declare d_branchCode text;
  declare lastInsert INT;
  declare d_branchIdsStr text;
  START transaction;
    if(p_editId is null) then
            SET d_branchCode = (select group_concat(freighterCode) from Freighters join Branches on freighterId = branchFreighterId where branchId = p_reqBranchId);
            SET d_branchIdsStr = (select group_concat(branchId) from Branches where branchFreighterId = (select branchFreighterId from Branches where branchId = p_reqBranchId) );
            SET lastReqCode = (SELECT if(max(CAST(substring(reqCode,5) AS UNSIGNED))>0,max(CAST(substring(reqCode,5) AS UNSIGNED)),0) FROM Requisitions where find_in_set(reqBranchId,d_branchIdsStr));
            set d_ReqCode = (select concat(d_branchCode,lastReqCode+1));

            INSERT INTO Requisitions(reqCode,reqBranchId,vehicleId,vehicleName,loadingUnloadingJson,quantity,originalQuantity,deliveryDate,loadingDate,referenceNumber,notes,createdAt,createdBy,updatedAt,reqIsWeb,priority)
            VALUES(d_ReqCode,p_reqBranchId,p_vehicleId, p_vehicleName,p_unloadingJson,p_quantity,p_quantity,p_expectedDeliveryDate,p_loadingDate,p_refId,p_notes,NOW(),p_createdBy,NOW(),p_isWeb,p_priority);

            set lastInsert = (SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID());
            set locationsString = replace(locationsString,'reqId',lastInsert);
            set @reqLocationInsert = concat('INSERT INTO RequisitionDetails (requisitionId,billToBranchId,shipToBranchId,loadingBranchId,loadingLocationId,billToLocationId,shipToLocationId,skuId,skuQuantity,skuWeight,requisitionJson) VALUES',locationsString);
            PREPARE stmt from @reqLocationInsert;
            EXECUTE stmt;

            select lastInsert as reqId;
            UPDATE `Requisitions`
                `vehicleId` = p_vehicleId,
                `vehicleName` = p_vehicleName,
                `loadingDate` = loadingDate,
                `referenceNumber` = p_refId,
                `notes` = p_notes,
                `updatedAt` = now(),
                `updatedBy` = p_createdBy,
                `priority` = p_priority
                WHERE `reqId` = p_editId;

            DELETE from RequisitionDetails where requisitionId = p_editId;
            set @reqLocationInsert = concat('INSERT INTO RequisitionDetails (requisitionId,billToBranchId,shipToBranchId,loadingBranchId,loadingLocationId,billToLocationId,shipToLocationId,skuId,skuQuantity,skuWeight,requisitionJson) VALUES',locationsString);
            PREPARE stmt from @reqLocationInsert;
            EXECUTE stmt;

            select lastInsert as reqId;
    end if;

И параметры, которые яПрохожу: call createRequisition (5, null, '(reqId, 137,137,137,2,2,2,493, {\ "billToId \": 137, \ "shipToId \": 137, \ "loadingId \": 137, \ "loadingLocationId \ ": 2, \" billToLocationId \ ": 2, \" shipToLocationId \ ": 2, \" skuId \ ": 493, \" skuWeight \ ": 30, \" loadingbranchName \ ": \" New Branch \ ", \ "loadingCompanyName \": \ "Teja & Teja Pvt. Ltd \", \ "loadingErpCode \": \ "WERT \", \ "loadingShortName \": \ "Калькутта \", \ "loadingLongName \": \ "Западная Бенгалия, Индия \ ", \" shipToCompanyName \ ": \" Teja & Teja Pvt. Ltd \ ", \" shipTobranchName \ ": \" New Branch \ ", \" shipToErpCode \ ": \" WERT \ ", \"shipToShortName \": \ "Калькутта \", \ "shipToLongName \": \ "Западная Бенгалия, Индия \", \ "billToBranchName \": \ "New Branch \", \ "billToCompanyName \": \ "Teja & TejaPvt. Ltd \ ", \" billToErpCode \ ": \" WERT \ ", \" billToShortName \ ": \" Калькутта \ ", \" billToLongName \ ": \" Западная Бенгалия, Индия \ ", \" skuQuantity \ ": 10}) ', 10, null,' 2019-10-18 ','111', 'Just Do It', '17', 2, 'Open Daala zzz', 1, 'HIGH', null)

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