Bitlocker Discovery Scan по сети CSV не возвращает данные Powershell - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 13 октября 2019

Это аудитор кода, предоставленный нам для проверки предварительного аудита, если он работает, и мне интересно, нужны ли разрешения для выполнения правильного сценария, но я уже выполнил сценарий на консоли администратора, но, к сожалению,В создаваемом CSV-файле нет данных, поэтому я проверяю, в чем здесь проблема.

    Active Directory module
    WinRM enabled on target machines (for WMI)
    Local administrator on target machines

    NB. Some WMI scans do not work on all operating systems (particularly older ones)

    Complete a discovery scan of Bitlocker statuses

    Make a note of the following exceptions
        - Where the protection status is off
        - Where the encryption status is NOT 'FullyEncrypted'
    $Log = "C:\temp\Audit\$Domain Bitlocker Status $(get-date -f yyyy-MM-dd).csv"

    $Computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter {OperatingSystem -NOTLIKE "*server*" -AND Enabled -eq $TRUE} -Property Name
    $Computers = Get-Random -InputObject $Computers -Count 100

    $DriveType = "3"
    $DriveLetter = "C:"
    $Data = @()

    $OnCount = 0
    $UnknownCount = 0
    $OffCount = 0

    foreach ($Computer in $ {

            write-host "Working on $Computer"

            $LocalDrives = Get-CimInstance -Namespace 'root\CIMV2' -ClassName 'CIM_LogicalDisk' -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction 'stop' | `
                Where-Object -Property 'DriveType' -in $DriveType

            Get-CimInstance  -Namespace 'root\CIMV2\Security\MicrosoftVolumeEncryption' -ClassName 'Win32_EncryptableVolume' -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction 'stop' | `
                Where-Object -Property 'DriveLetter' -in $($LocalDrives.DeviceID) | `
                ForEach-Object {

                #  Get the drive type
                $GetDriveType = $($LocalDrives | Where-Object -Property 'DeviceID' -eq $($_.DriveLetter)) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'DriveType'

                #  Create the Result Props and make the ProtectionStatus more report friendly
                $ResultProps = [ordered]@{
                    'Drive'            = $($_.DriveLetter)
                    'ProtectionStatus' = $(
                        Switch ($_.ProtectionStatus) {
                            0 { 'OFF' }
                            1 { 'ON' }
                            2 { 'UNKNOWN' }
                    'EncryptionStatus' = $(
                        Switch ($_.ConversionStatus) {
                            0 { 'FullyDecrypted' }
                            1 { 'FullyEncrypted' }
                            2 { 'EncryptionInProgress' }
                            3 { 'DecryptionInProgress' }
                            4 { 'EncryptionPaused' }
                            5 { 'DecryptionPaused' }
                    'DriveType' = $GetDriveType

                $obj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
                $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Computer" -Value $Computer
                $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Drive" -Value $ResultProps.Drive
                $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Type" -Value $ResultProps.DriveType
                $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Protection" -Value $ResultProps.ProtectionStatus
                $obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Encryption" -Value $ResultProps.EncryptionStatus

                $Data += $obj

                if ($ResultProps.ProtectionStatus -eq 'OFF'){
                elseif ($ResultProps.ProtectionStatus -eq 'ON'){
                elseif ($ResultProps.ProtectionStatus -eq 'UNKNOWN'){

        Catch {
            write-host "WARNING: $Computer not accessible" -foregroundcolor yellow

    $Data | sort-object -property Computer,Drive | Export-Csv $Log -notype

    write-host ""
    write-host "There were $DriveCount drives listed from $ComputerCount computers"
    write-host "Protection is on: $OnCount"
    write-host "Protection is unknown: $UnknownCount" -foregroundcolor yellow
    write-host "Protection is off: $OffCount" -foregroundcolor red
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