Я делаю кроссплатформенный проект с использованием Xamarin. Теперь я застрял в проблеме с данными API JSON, классом данных и ListView.
Так вот код в моем классе TideInfo:
public class TideRoot {
public string EventType { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public DateTime DateTime { get; set; }
public bool IsApproximateTime { get; set; }
public double Height { get; set; }
public bool IsApproximateHeight { get; set; }
public bool Filtered { get; set; }
public string DisplayTide => $"Height: {EventType ?? string.Empty}, {Height}";
public class TideRootList {
public List<TideRoot> ListItem { get; set; } }
Я использую json2csharp для того, чтобыполучить список TideRoot, добавил DisplayTide, чтобы я мог одновременно отображать EventType и Height в списке. В последнее время я добавил TideRootList, чтобы получить список 7-дневной информации о приливах.
Это файл JSON:
"EventType": "LowWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-08T01:32:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 1.8388111705145762,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "HighWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-08T08:56:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 4.2101062451792144,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "LowWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-08T14:03:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 1.7989273407141986,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "HighWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-08T21:04:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 4.070738079705702,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "LowWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-09T02:16:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 1.6184884034712226,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "HighWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-09T09:34:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 4.4085443850273309,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "LowWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-09T14:44:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 1.5501832117158008,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "HighWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-09T21:44:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 4.2701942634884968,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "LowWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-10T02:56:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 1.4077035385806112,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "HighWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-10T10:09:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 4.5597566246677248,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "LowWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-10T15:20:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 1.33459759647378,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "HighWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-10T22:21:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 4.4226776330873276,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "LowWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-11T03:32:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 1.2396397924330329,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "HighWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-11T10:44:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 4.6557658698506978,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "LowWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-11T15:55:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 1.1711223007079854,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "HighWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-11T22:57:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 4.5263662430387752,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "LowWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-12T04:08:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 1.1263357912996472,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "HighWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-12T11:17:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 4.7038380223666625,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "LowWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-12T16:29:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 1.0599435514996523,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "HighWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-12T23:29:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 4.5937485679887731,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "LowWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-13T04:42:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 1.0650050994934075,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "HighWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-13T11:48:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 4.7189203663268842,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "LowWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-13T17:02:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 0.99227216956188025,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "HighWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-14T00:00:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 4.6379169444371362,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "LowWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-14T05:17:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 1.0460921771289937,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "HighWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-14T12:17:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 4.7116384452230751,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
}, {
"EventType": "LowWater",
"DateTime": "2019-11-14T17:36:00",
"IsApproximateTime": false,
"Height": 0.9624477944154356,
"IsApproximateHeight": false,
"Filtered": false
И вот как я обрабатываю API:
public async Task<TideRootList> GetTideInfo(string id, string duration)
using (var client = new HttpClient())
// Request headers
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key", "223604c97163487bb857cfb554c96c90");
var url = string.Format(TideInfo, id, duration);
var json = await client.GetStringAsync(url);
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(json))
return null;
json.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
//deserialize the array into a list of Result objects, and take the object at index zero.
var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<TideRootList>>(json);
return result[0];
Последняя часть - модель представления, которая выполняет метод API и передает информацию в XAML. Оба здесь:
TideRootList tidelist;
public TideRootList TideList
get { return tidelist; }
set { tidelist = value; OnPropertyChanged(); }
TideList = await WeatherService.GetTideInfo("0065", "7");
<StackLayout Padding="10" Spacing="10">
<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding TideRootList.ListItem}"
RefreshCommand="{Binding GetWeatherCommand}"
IsRefreshing="{Binding IsBusy, Mode=OneWay}"
<OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="Color" iOS="Transparent"/>
<StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal" Padding="10,0,0,0">
<StackLayout Padding="10" Spacing="5">
<Label Text="{Binding DisplayTide}"
Style="{DynamicResource ListItemTextStyle}"/>
<Label Text="{Binding DisplayTide}"
Style="{DynamicResource ListItemDetailTextStyle}"/>
После многих различных тестов я не могу отобразить DisplayTide в приложении, и это всего лишь пустое место. Пожалуйста, скажите мне, что мне не хватает. Спасибо.