Вызов из sql значения для изменения модуля умного слайдера Joomla - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 01 ноября 2019

У меня есть модуль Joomla: Smart Slider ( документация для изменения кода )

Я добавляю новую переменную, вызываю запрос jreviews, в данном случае: price ( jr. цена )

Я несколько раз безуспешно пробовал.

Это php-код, который я вызываю из db (который отлично работает в другом модуле):

$query = 'SELECT UCASE (jr_city) FROM `zmuvr_jrev_content` WHERE contentid = '.$item->getId();
$db->setQuery( $query );
$result = $db->loadResult();
if ($result) {
    $result = str_replace('*', '', $result);

и это php, который я буду модифицировать ...

Мой вопрос: как интегрировать приведенный выше код в приведенный ниже код (или другое решение)?

N2Loader::import('libraries.slider.generator.abstract', 'smartslider');
require_once(JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_content/helpers/route.php');

class N2GeneratorJoomlaContentArticle extends N2GeneratorAbstract {

    protected $layout = 'article';

    public function renderFields($form) {

        $filter = new N2Tab($form, 'filter', n2_('Filter'));

        $source = new N2ElementGroup($filter, 'source', n2_('Source'));
        new N2ElementJoomlaCategories($source, 'sourcecategories', n2_('Category'), 0, array(
            'isMultiple' => true
        new N2ElementJoomlaTags($source, 'sourcetags', n2_('Tags'), 0, array(
            'isMultiple' => true
        new N2ElementJoomlaAccessLevels($source, 'sourceaccesslevels', 'Access level', 0, array(
            'isMultiple' => true,
            'rowClass'   => 'n2-expert'

        $limit = new N2ElementGroup($filter, 'limit', n2_('Limit'), array(
            'rowClass' => 'n2-expert'

        new N2ElementFilter($limit, 'sourcefeatured', n2_('Featured'), 0);
        new N2ElementNumber($limit, 'sourceuserid', n2_('User ID'), '');
        new N2ElementText($limit, 'sourcearticleids', 'Included article IDs', '');
        new N2ElementText($limit, 'sourcearticleidsexcluded', 'Excluded article ids', '');
        new N2ElementText($limit, 'sourcelanguage', n2_('Language'), '*');

        $variables = new N2ElementGroup($filter, 'extravariables', n2_('Extra variables'), array(
            'rowClass' => 'n2-expert',
            'tip'      => n2_('Turn on these options to generate more variables for the slides.')

        new N2ElementOnOff($variables, 'sourcefields', 'Fields', 0);
        new N2ElementOnOff($variables, 'sourcetagvariables', 'Tags', 0);

        $date = new N2ElementGroup($filter, 'date', n2_('Date'));
        new N2ElementText($date, 'sourcedateformat', n2_('Date format'), n2_('m-d-Y'));
        new N2ElementText($date, 'sourcetimeformat', n2_('Time format'), 'G:i');
        new N2ElementTextarea($date, 'sourcetranslatedate', n2_('Translate date and time'), 'January->January||February->February||March->March', array(
            'fieldStyle' => 'width:300px;height: 100px;'

        $_order = new N2Tab($form, 'order', n2_('Order by'));
        $order  = new N2ElementMixed($_order, 'joomlaorder', n2_('Order'), 'con.created|*|desc');
        new N2ElementList($order, 'joomlaorder-1', n2_('Field'), '', array(
            'options' => array(
                ''                 => n2_('None'),
                'con.title'        => n2_('Title'),
                'cat_title'        => n2_('Category'),
                'created_by_alias' => 'User name',
                'con.featured'     => n2_('Featured'),
                'con.ordering'     => n2_('Ordering'),
                'con.hits'         => n2_('Hits'),
                'con.created'      => n2_('Creation time'),
                'con.modified'     => n2_('Modification time'),
                'cf.ordering'      => n2_('Featured article ordering')


        new N2ElementRadio($order, 'joomlaorder-2', n2_('order'), '', array(
            'options' => array(
                'asc'  => n2_('Ascending'),
                'desc' => n2_('Descending')

    public function datify($date, $format) {
        $config   = JFactory::getConfig();
        $timezone = new DateTimeZone($config->get('offset'));
        $offset   = $timezone->getOffset(new DateTime);

        $result = date($format, strtotime($date) + $offset);

        return $result;

    private function translate($from, $translate) {
        if (!empty($translate) && !empty($from)) {
            foreach ($translate AS $key => $value) {
                $from = str_replace($key, $value, $from);

        return $from;

    protected function _getData($count, $startIndex) {
        $db = JFactory::getDbo();

        $categories = array_map('intval', explode('||', $this->data->get('sourcecategories', '')));
        $tags       = array_map('intval', explode('||', $this->data->get('sourcetags', '0')));

        $query = 'SELECT ';
        $query .= 'con.id, ';
        $query .= 'con.title, ';
        $query .= 'con.alias, ';
        $query .= 'con.introtext, ';
        $query .= 'con.fulltext, ';
        $query .= 'con.created, ';
        $query .= 'con.catid, ';
        $query .= 'cat.title AS cat_title, ';
        $query .= 'cat.alias AS cat_alias, ';
        $query .= 'con.created_by, con.state, ';
        $query .= 'usr.name AS created_by_alias, ';
        $query .= 'con.images, ';
        $query .= 'con.publish_up, ';
        $query .= 'con.urls, ';
        $query .= 'con.attribs ';

        $query .= 'FROM #__content AS con ';

        $query .= 'LEFT JOIN #__users AS usr ON usr.id = con.created_by ';

        $query .= 'LEFT JOIN #__categories AS cat ON cat.id = con.catid ';

        $query .= 'LEFT JOIN #__content_frontpage AS cf ON cf.content_id = con.id ';

        $jNow  = JFactory::getDate();
        $now   = $jNow->toSql();
        $where = array(
            'con.state = 1 ',
            "(con.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR con.publish_up < '" . $now . "') AND (con.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR con.publish_down > '" . $now . "') "

        if (!in_array(0, $categories)) {
            $where[] = 'con.catid IN (' . implode(',', $categories) . ') ';

        if (!in_array(0, $tags)) {
            $where[] = 'con.id IN (SELECT content_item_id FROM #__contentitem_tag_map WHERE type_alias = \'com_content.article\' AND tag_id IN (' . implode(',', $tags) . ')) ';

        $sourceUserID = intval($this->data->get('sourceuserid', ''));
        if ($sourceUserID) {
            $where[] = 'con.created_by = ' . $sourceUserID . ' ';

        switch ($this->data->get('sourcefeatured', 0)) {
            case 1:
                $where[] = 'con.featured = 1 ';
            case -1:
                $where[] = 'con.featured = 0 ';
        $language = explode(",", $this->data->get('sourcelanguage', '*'));
        if (!empty($language[0]) && $language[0] != '*') {
            $where[] = 'con.language IN (' . implode(",", $db->quote($language)) . ') ';

        $articleIds = $this->data->get('sourcearticleids', '');
        if (!empty($articleIds)) {
            $where[] = 'con.id IN (' . $articleIds . ') ';

        $articleIdsExcluded = $this->data->get('sourcearticleidsexcluded', '');
        if (!empty($articleIdsExcluded)) {
            $where[] = 'con.id NOT IN (' . $articleIdsExcluded . ') ';

        $accessLevels = explode('||', $this->data->get('sourceaccesslevels', '*'));
        if (!in_array(0, $accessLevels)) {
            $where[] = 'con.access IN (' . implode(",", $accessLevels) . ')';

        if (count($where) > 0) {
            $query .= 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) . ' ';

        $order = N2Parse::parse($this->data->get('joomlaorder', 'con.title|*|asc'));
        if ($order[0]) {
            $query .= 'ORDER BY ' . $order[0] . ' ' . $order[1] . ' ';

        $query .= 'LIMIT ' . $startIndex . ', ' . $count;

        $result = $db->loadAssocList();

        $sourceTranslate = $this->data->get('sourcetranslatedate', '');
        $translateValue  = explode('||', $sourceTranslate);
        $translate       = array();
        if ($sourceTranslate != 'January->January||February->February||March->March' && !empty($translateValue)) {
            foreach ($translateValue AS $tv) {
                $translateArray = explode('->', $tv);
                if (!empty($translateArray) && count($translateArray) == 2) {
                    $translate[$translateArray[0]] = $translateArray[1];

        $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
        $uri = N2Uri::getBaseUri();

        $data    = array();
        $idArray = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) {
            $idArray[$i] = $result[$i]['id'];
            $r           = Array(
                'title' => $result[$i]['title']

            $article       = new stdClass();
            $article->text = N2SmartSlider::removeShortcode($result[$i]['introtext']);
            $_p            = array();
            $dispatcher->trigger('onContentPrepare', array(
            if (!empty($article->text)) {
                $r['description'] = $article->text;

            $article->text = $result[$i]['fulltext'];
            $_p            = array();
            $dispatcher->trigger('onContentPrepare', array(
            if (!empty($article->text)) {
                $result[$i]['fulltext'] = $article->text;
                if (!isset($r['description'])) {
                    $r['description'] = $result[$i]['fulltext'];
                } else {
                    $r['fulltext'] = $result[$i]['fulltext'];

            $images = (array)json_decode($result[$i]['images'], true);

            $r['image'] = $r['thumbnail'] = N2JoomlaImageFallBack::fallback($uri . "/", array(
            ), array(

            $r += array(
                'url'               => ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($result[$i]['id'] . ':' . $result[$i]['alias'], $result[$i]['catid'] . ':' . $result[$i]['cat_alias']),
                'url_label'         => sprintf(n2_('View %s'), n2_('article')),
                'category_list_url' => 'index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=' . $result[$i]['catid'],
                'category_blog_url' => 'index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=' . $result[$i]['catid'],
                'fulltext_image'    => !empty($images['image_fulltext']) ? N2ImageHelper::dynamic($uri . "/" . $images['image_fulltext']) : '',
                'category_title'    => $result[$i]['cat_title'],
                'created_by'        => $result[$i]['created_by_alias'],
                'id'                => $result[$i]['id'],
                'created_date'      => $this->translate($this->datify($result[$i]['created'], $this->data->get('sourcedateformat', n2_('m-d-Y'))), $translate),
                'created_time'      => $this->translate($this->datify($result[$i]['created'], $this->data->get('sourcetimeformat', 'G:i')), $translate),
                'id'                => $result[$i]['id'],
                'publish_up_date'   => $this->translate($this->datify($result[$i]['publish_up'], $this->data->get('sourcedateformat', n2_('m-d-Y'))), $translate),
                'publish_up_time'   => $this->translate($this->datify($result[$i]['publish_up'], $this->data->get('sourcetimeformat', 'G:i')), $translate),

            if (!empty($images)) {
                $r += $images;

            $urls = json_decode($result[$i]['urls'], true);
            if (!empty($urls['urla'])) {
                $r['urla']     = $urls['urla'];
                $r['urlatext'] = $urls['urlatext'];
            if (!empty($urls['urlb'])) {
                $r['urlb']     = $urls['urlb'];
                $r['urlbtext'] = $urls['urlbtext'];
            if (!empty($urls['urlc'])) {
                $r['urlc']     = $urls['urlc'];
                $r['urlctext'] = $urls['urlctext'];

            $attribs = (array)json_decode($result[$i]['attribs'], true);
            foreach ($attribs AS $attrib => $value) {
                if (!empty($value) && is_string($value)) {
                    $r[$attrib] = $value;

            if (isset($r['helix_ultimate_image'])) {
                $r['spfeatured_image'] = $r['helix_ultimate_image'] = '$/' . $r['helix_ultimate_image'];

            if (isset($r['helix_ultimate_gallery'])) {
                $gallery = (array)json_decode($r['helix_ultimate_gallery'], true);
                for ($j = 0; $j < count($gallery["helix_ultimate_gallery_images"]); $j++) {
                    $r['helix_ultimate_gallery_images_' . $j] = $r['spgallery_' . $j] = '$/' . $gallery["helix_ultimate_gallery_images"][$j];


            $data[] = $r;

        if (!empty($idArray)) {
            if ($this->data->get('sourcetagvariables', 0)) {
                $query = 'SELECT t.title, c.content_item_id  FROM #__tags AS t
                  LEFT JOIN #__contentitem_tag_map AS c ON t.id = c.tag_id
                  WHERE t.id IN (SELECT tag_id FROM #__contentitem_tag_map WHERE type_alias = \'com_content.article\' AND content_item_id IN (' . implode(',', $idArray) . '))';
                $result   = $db->loadAssocList();
                $tags     = array();
                $articles = array();
                foreach ($result AS $r) {
                $tags[$r['content_item_id']][] = $r['title'];
                    $articles[]                    = $r['content_item_id'];

                for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
                    if (in_array($data[$i]['id'], $articles)) {
                        $j = 1;
                        foreach ($tags[$data[$i]['id']] AS $tag) {
                            $data[$i]['tag' . $j] = $tag;

            if ($this->data->get('sourcefields', 0)) {
                $query = "SELECT fv.value, fv.item_id, f.title, f.type FROM #__fields_values AS fv LEFT JOIN #__fields AS f ON fv.field_id = f.id WHERE fv.item_id IN (" . implode(',', $idArray) . ")";
                $result    = $db->loadAssocList();
                $AllResult = array();
                foreach ($result AS $r) {
                    if ($r['type'] == 'media') {
                        $r['value'] = N2ImageHelper::dynamic($uri . "/" . $r["value"]);
                    $r['title'] = htmlentities($r['title']);
                    $keynum     = 2;
                    while (isset($AllResult[$r['item_id']][$r['title']])) {
                        $r['title'] = $r['title'] . $keynum;
                    $AllResult[$r['item_id']][$r['title']] = $r['value'];

                for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
                    if (isset($AllResult[$data[$i]['id']])) {
                        foreach ($AllResult[$data[$i]['id']] as $key => $value) {
                            $key            = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*/', '', $key);
                            $data[$i][$key] = $value;

        return $data;
