Предполагая, что ваши данные на самом деле выглядят так -
main_dict = {
"__class": "Tape",
"Clips": [
"__class": "MotionClip",
"Id": 4280596098,
"TrackId": 4094799440,
"IsActive": 1,
"StartTime": 180,
"Duration": 48,
"ClassifierPath": "world\/maps\/error\/timeline\/moves\/error_intro_walk.msm",
"GoldMove": 0,
"CoachId": 0,
"MoveType": 0,
"__class": "MotionClip",
"Id": 2393481294,
"TrackId": 4094799440,
"IsActive": 1,
"StartTime": 372,
"Duration": 48,
"ClassifierPath": "world\/maps\/error\/timeline\/moves\/error_ve_opening.msm",
"GoldMove": 0,
"CoachId": 0,
"MoveType": 0,
Вы можете сделать следующее -
#Accessing a specific key in a dict, in this case Clips (list of dicts)
list_dicts = main_dict.get('Clips')
#Function to fix/edit specific values in the list of dict based on what key they belong to
def fix_value(k,v):
if k=='Duration':
return '00000'+str(v)
#Add more elseif in between with various things you wanna handle
return v
#Iterating over each key, value in each dict in list of dicts and applying above function on the values
[{k:fix_value(k,v) for k,v in i.items()} for i in list_dicts]
Результат -
[{'__class': 'MotionClip',
'Id': 4280596098,
'TrackId': 4094799440,
'IsActive': 1,
'StartTime': 180,
'Duration': '0000048',
'ClassifierPath': 'world\\/maps\\/error\\/timeline\\/moves\\/error_intro_walk.msm',
'GoldMove': 0,
'CoachId': 0,
'MoveType': 0},
{'__class': 'MotionClip',
'Id': 2393481294,
'TrackId': 4094799440,
'IsActive': 1,
'StartTime': 372,
'Duration': '0000048',
'ClassifierPath': 'world\\/maps\\/error\\/timeline\\/moves\\/error_ve_opening.msm',
'GoldMove': 0,
'CoachId': 0,
'MoveType': 0}]