Как исправить Junit Test, чтобы вернуть значение? - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 26 октября 2019

Мой проект структур данных по очереди требует прохождения всех тестов junit, кроме одного. тест «removeFrontRemoveRear». Он продолжает возвращать ноль вместо имени студента.

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

public class Dequeue <E> {
private int front;
private int rear;
private E[] elements;
private static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 5;

 * Constructor sets up an empty double-ended
 * queue
public Dequeue() {
    elements  = (E[]) new Object[DEFAULT_CAPACITY];
    front = 0;
    rear = elements.length  - 1;    

 * Inserts item at the front of the dequeue. Throws 
 * an exception if the item could not be inserted
 * @param anEntry the item to be added (Student)
 * @return true 
public boolean addFront(E anEntry) {
    if (empty()) {
        front = rear = 0;
        elements[front] = anEntry;
    else if (isFull()) {
        front = (front + (elements.length - 1)) % elements.length;
    else {
        front = (front + (elements.length - 1)) % elements.length;
    elements[front] = anEntry;
    return true;

 * private method to check if the dequeue is full
 * @return true only if dequeue is full (has 
 * 1 empty spot) 
private boolean isFull() {
    if (size() == elements.length -1) {
        return true; 
    return false;

 *Doubles and adds 1 to the size of the dequeue
 *then reallocates the data.
private void reallocate() {
    E[] newData = (E[]) new Object[size() * 2 + 1];
    int indexOfFront = front;
    for(int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
        newData[i] = elements[indexOfFront];
        indexOfFront = (indexOfFront + 1) % elements.length;
    rear = size() - 1;
    front = 0;
    elements = newData;
 * Inserts item at the rear of the dequeue. 
 * Throws an exception if the item could not be inserted
 * @param anEntry the entry being inserted into the end of the queue
 * @return true
public boolean addRear(E anEntry) {

    if (empty()) {
        front = rear = 0;
        elements[rear] = anEntry;
    else if (isFull()) {
        rear = (rear + 1) % elements.length;
    else {
        rear = (rear + 1) % elements.length;
    elements[rear] = anEntry;
    return true;

 * This method checks if the dequeue is empty
 * @return true if the dequeue is empty. otherwise
 * returns false
public boolean empty() {
        if (front == 0 && rear == elements.length-1) {
        return true;
        return false;

 * @return the dequeue's iterator
public Iterator<E> iterator() {
    return new dequeueIterator();

 * implementation of Iterator interface 
 * with inner class
private class dequeueIterator implements Iterator<E> {
    private int index;
    private int count = 0;

     * references the front dequeue element 
     * and initializes the dequeueIterator object
    public dequeueIterator(){
        index = front;

     *@return true it there are additional
     * elements in the dequeue
    public boolean hasNext() {
        return  count < size();

     * @return the next element in the queue
    public E next() {
        if(!hasNext()) {
            throw new NoSuchElementException();
        E returnValue = elements[index];
        index = (index + 1) % elements.length;
        return returnValue;

     * removes the elements accessed by the 
     * iterator object
    public void remove() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

 * //Returns the entry at the front of the 
 * dequeue without removing it; returns
 * NoSuchElementException if the dequeue 
 * is empty
 * @return the object at the front of dequeue
public E peekFront() {
    if (empty())
        throw new NoSuchElementException();
        return elements[front];


 * returns the item at the rear of the dequeue, throws
 * NoSuchElementException if empty.
 * @return the element in the rear
public E peekRear() {
    if (empty())
        throw new NoSuchElementException();
        return elements[rear];

 *Removes the entry at the front of the dequeue and
 *returns it if the dequeue is not empty. If the 
 *dequeue is empty, throws a NoSuchElementException
 * @return front element before removing it
public E removeFront() {
    if (empty()) 
        throw new NoSuchElementException();
        E temp = elements[front];
        elements[front] = null;
        front = (front++) % elements.length;
        return temp;

 * Removes the entry at the rear of the dequeue and
 *returns it if the dequeue is not empty. If the 
 *dequeue is empty, throws a NoSuchElementException
 * @return rear element before removing it
public E removeRear() {
    if (empty()) 
        throw new NoSuchElementException();
        E temp = elements[rear];
        elements[rear] = null;
        rear = (rear + elements.length - 1) % elements.length;
        return temp;

 * Gets the amount of elements in the dequeue
 * @return the number of elements in the dequeue
public int size() {
    int count = 0;
    int indexOfFront = front;
    int nextRearPosition = (rear + 1) % elements.length;
    while(indexOfFront != nextRearPosition) {
        indexOfFront = (indexOfFront + 1) % elements.length;
    return count;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;

import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

public class DequeueTest {
Dequeue<Student> q;
Student s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8;

public void setUp() throws Exception {
    q = new Dequeue<Student> ();
    s1 = new Student("John", "Doe");
    s2 = new Student ("Jane", "Smith");
    s3 = new Student ("Bob", "Taylor");
    s4 = new Student ("Anne", "Frank");
    s5 = new Student("Frank", "Gauvin");
    s6 = new Student("Kevin", "Austin");
    s7 = new Student ("Cindy", "Bryant");
    s8 = new Student ("Peter", "Lander");

public void testaddFrontAddRear() {
    assertThat(q.peekFront(), is(s3));     // assertEquals(s3, q.peekFront());
    assertThat(q.peekRear(), is(s7));      // assertEquals(s7, q.peekRear());
    assertThat(q.size(), is(7));           // assertEquals(7, q.size());

public void testRemoveFrontRemoveRear() {
    assertThat(q.removeFront(), is(s6));   // assertEquals(s6, q.removeFront());
    assertThat(q.removeRear(), is(s7));    // assertEquals(s7, q.removeRear());
    assertThat(q.removeFront(), is(s3));   // assertEquals(s3, q.removeFront() );
    assertThat(q.size(), is(4));           // assertEquals(4, q.size());
    assertThat(q.removeRear(), is(s5));    // assertEquals(s5, q.removeRear());
    assertThat(q.removeFront(), is(s2));   // assertEquals(s2, q.removeFront());
    assertThat(q.size(), is(2));           // assertEquals(2, q.size());
    assertThat(q.removeFront(), is(s1));   // assertEquals(s1, q.removeFront());
    assertThat(q.removeRear(), is(s4));    // assertEquals(s4, q.removeRear());
    assertTrue(q.size() == 0);  


public void testIterator() {
    assertEquals(4, q.size() );
    assertEquals(7, q.size() );
    Iterator <Student> iter = q.iterator();
    ArrayList<Student> list = new ArrayList<Student>();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        list.add(iter.next() );
    assertThat(list.get(0), is(s6));       // assertEquals(s6, list.get(0));
    assertThat(list.get(1), is(s3));       // assertEquals(s3, list.get(1));
    assertThat(list.get(2), is(s2));       // assertEquals(s2, list.get(2));
    assertThat(list.get(3), is(s1));       // assertEquals(s1, list.get(3));
    assertThat(list.get(4), is(s4));       // assertEquals(s4, list.get(4));
    assertThat(list.get(5), is(s5));       // assertEquals(s5, list.get(5));
    assertThat(list.get(6), is(s7));       // assertEquals(s7, list.get(6));

public void testPeekFrontOnEmptyQueue() throws NoSuchElementException  {
    assertThrows(NoSuchElementException.class, () ->
      {Dequeue<Student> q = new Dequeue<Student>();

public void testRearFrontOnEmptyQueue() throws NoSuchElementException{
    assertThrows(NoSuchElementException.class, () ->
      {Dequeue<Student> q = new Dequeue<Student>();

public void testRemoveFrontOnEmptyQueue() throws NoSuchElementException {
    assertThrows(NoSuchElementException.class, () ->
      {Dequeue<Student> q = new Dequeue<Student>();

public void testRemoveRearOnEmptyQueue() throws NoSuchElementException
    assertThrows(NoSuchElementException.class, () ->
      {Dequeue<Student> q = new Dequeue<Student>();

/** Abstraction of a Student entity */

public class Student implements Comparable <Student> {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;

/** Initialize a Student
  @param first firstName
  @param last lastName
public Student(String first, String last) {
  firstName = first;
  lastName = last;

/** Mutator Method
  @param aName firstName
public void setFirstName(String aName) {
  firstName = aName;

/** Accessor Method
  @return firstName of this Student
public String getFirstName() {
  return firstName;

/** Mutator Method
  @param aName lastName
public void setLastName(String aName) {
  lastName = aName;

/** Accessor Method
  @return lastName of this Student
public String getLastName() {
  return lastName;

public String toString() {
  String str = "";
  str += (lastName + "," + firstName);
  return str;

 /* this version overloads the equals method (note the
 signature of this method).
 public boolean equals(Student s) {
  return ( (this.lastName.equalsIgnoreCase(s.lastName)) &&


 /* We need to override this method so indexOf and
 contains methods work.  Both of them use this version
 equals method
 public boolean equals(Object obj) {
     if (obj == null) return false;
     if (obj == this) return true;
     if (!(obj instanceof Student)) return false;
     else {
         Student s = (Student) obj;
         return ( this.equals(s));  // calls the 
equals(Student) method

a negative integer if "s1 < s2"; 0 if "s1 == s2"
a positive integer if "s1 > s2"
public int compareTo(Student s) {
  int result = lastName.compareToIgnoreCase(s.lastName);
  if (result != 0) return result;
      return (firstName.compareToIgnoreCase(s.firstName));

Ожидаемый результат, но фактический результат был нулевым. Я не уверен, что попробовать. Я рисую бланк. Ошибка выявлена ​​в строке 55 dequeueTest.
