Борьба с программным заданием, которое записывает в массивы из файла, а затем использует функции для их обработки - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 20 октября 2019

Я бился головой об этом в течение большей части 2 дней, и я, кажется, свел все до одной оставшейся ошибки. Я не могу найти ответы на этот конкретный случай в Интернете.

Я потратил много времени, пытаясь переопределить некоторые вещи, не нарушая весь код, и ничего не получил. Я надеюсь, что это достаточно хорошо прокомментировано, чтобы его можно было прочитать.

#include <iostream>
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <array>
using namespace std;
ifstream fin;

//Defining Global Variables

float employeeID[100];
float hoursWorked[100];
float hourlyRate[100];
float overtimeHours[100];
float grossPay[100];
float netPay[100];
float overtimePay[100];
float regularPay[100];
float taxesPaid[100];
char maritalStatus[100];
string firstName[100];
string lastName[100];

int writingToArrays()
    //Readying File
    ifstream inFile;

    //Checking File
    if (!inFile)
        cerr << "File not found.\n";
        return 0;

    //Loop Parameters
    int i = 0;

    //Reading File and Writing to Arrays
    while (inFile >> firstName[i] >> lastName[i] >> maritalStatus[i] >> employeeID[i] >> hoursWorked[i] >> hourlyRate[i])

    return 0;

float overtimeAndPayFunction(float hourlyRate[i], float hoursWorked[i])
    if (hoursWorked[i] > 40)
        overtimeHours[i] = hoursWorked[i] - 40;
        overtimePay[i] = overtimeHours[i] * hourlyRate[i] * 1.5;
        grossPay[i] = (hourlyRate[i] * 40) + overtimePay[i];
        regularPay[i] = grossPay[i] - overtimePay[i];
        overtimeHours[i] = 0;
        overtimePay[i] = 0;
        grossPay[i] = hourlyRate[i] * hoursWorked[i];
        regularPay[i] = grossPay[i] - overtimePay[i];


    return overtimeHours[i], overtimePay[i], grossPay[i], regularPay[i];

float netPayAndTaxFunction(char maritalStatus[i], float grossPay[i])
    float taxesPaid[100];
    //Nested If Statements to Find Tax Rate Based on Marital Status

    if (maritalStatus[i] == 'S' || maritalStatus[i] == 's')
        if (grossPay[i] <= 500)
            taxesPaid[i] = grossPay[i] * 0.05;
            netPay[i] = grossPay[i] - taxesPaid[i];
        else if (grossPay[i] <= 800)
            taxesPaid[i] = grossPay[i] * .15;
            netPay[i] = grossPay[i] - taxesPaid[i];
        else if (grossPay[i] <= 1000)
            taxesPaid[i] = grossPay[i] * .25;
            netPay[i] = grossPay[i] - taxesPaid[i];
            taxesPaid[i] = grossPay[i] * .35;
            netPay[i] = grossPay[i] - taxesPaid[i];


    else if (maritalStatus[i] == 'm' || maritalStatus[i] == 'M')
        if (grossPay[i] <= 500)
            taxesPaid[i] = grossPay[i] * 0;
            netPay[i] = grossPay[i] - taxesPaid[i];
        else if (grossPay[i] <= 800)
            taxesPaid[i] = grossPay[i] * .1;
            netPay[i] = grossPay[i] - taxesPaid[i];
        else if (grossPay[i] <= 1000)
            taxesPaid[i] = grossPay[i] * .2;
            netPay[i] = grossPay[i] - taxesPaid[i];
            taxesPaid[i] = grossPay[i] * .3;
            netPay[i] = grossPay[i] - taxesPaid[i];


    //Head of Household
    else if (maritalStatus[i] == 'H' || maritalStatus[i] == 'h')
        if (grossPay[i] <= 500)
            taxesPaid[i] = grossPay[i] * 0;
            netPay[i] = grossPay[i] - taxesPaid[i];
        else if (grossPay[i] <= 800)
            taxesPaid[i] = grossPay[i] * .05;
            netPay[i] = grossPay[i] - taxesPaid[i];
        else if (grossPay[i] <= 1000)
            taxesPaid[i] = grossPay[i] * .15;
            netPay[i] = grossPay[i] - taxesPaid[i];
            taxesPaid[i] = grossPay[i] * .25;
            netPay[i] = grossPay[i] - taxesPaid[i];

    return taxesPaid[i], netPay[i];

void outputFunction(string firstName[i], string lastName[i], char maritalStatus[i], float hoursWorked[i], float hourlyRate[i], float employeeID[i], float overtimeHours[i], float overtimePay[i], float taxesPaid[i], float regularPay[i], float grossPay[i], float netPay[i])
    //Output Header
    cout << "\nWelcome to Dr. Ebrahimi Inc. Payroll System\n";
    cout << "\nFirst    Last     MS ID   HW   HR   OTH  OTP     REGP    GROSS   TAX   NET";
    cout << "\n======== ======== == ==== ==== ==== ==== ======= ======= ======= ===== =======";

    //Outputing the Employees Information
    cout << "\n";
    cout << firstName[i] << " " << lastName[i];
    cout << "   " << maritalStatus[i] << "  ";
    cout << employeeID[i] << " ";

    //Formatting and Outputting the Hours Worked
    if (hoursWorked[i] < 10.00)
        cout << hoursWorked[i] << "    ";
        cout << hoursWorked[i] << "   ";

    //Formatting and Outputting the Hourly Rate
    if (hourlyRate[i] < 10.00)
        cout << hourlyRate[i] << "  ";
        cout << hourlyRate[i] << " ";

    //Formatting and Outputting Overtime Hours
    if (overtimeHours[i] != 0.00)
        if (overtimeHours[i] < 10.00)
            cout << "  " << overtimeHours[i] << "    ";
            cout << "  " << overtimeHours[i] << "   ";
        cout << "  N/A  ";

    //Formatting and Outputting Overtime Pay
    if (overtimePay[i] != 0.00)
        if (overtimePay[i] < 10.00)
            cout << overtimePay[i] << "       ";
        else if (overtimePay[i] < 100.00)
            cout << overtimePay[i] << "      ";
        else if (overtimePay[i] < 1000.00)
            cout << overtimePay[i] << "     ";
            cout << overtimePay[i] << "    ";
        cout << "N/A     ";

    //Formatting and Outputting Regular Pay             
    if (regularPay[i] < 10)
        cout << regularPay[i] << "       ";
    else if (regularPay[i] < 100)
        cout << regularPay[i] << "      ";
    else if (regularPay[i] < 1000)
        cout << regularPay[i] << "     ";
        cout << regularPay[i] << "    ";

    //Formatting and Outputting Gross Pay
    if (grossPay[i] < 10)
        cout << grossPay[i] << "       ";
    else if (grossPay[i] < 100)
        cout << grossPay[i] << "      ";
    else if (grossPay[i] < 1000)
        cout << grossPay[i] << "     ";
        cout << grossPay[i] << "    ";

    //Formatting and Outputting Taxes Paid

    if (taxesPaid[i] < 10)
        cout << taxesPaid[i] << "     ";
    else if (taxesPaid[i] < 100)
        cout << taxesPaid[i] << "    ";
    else if (taxesPaid[i] < 1000)
        cout << taxesPaid[i] << "   ";
        cout << taxesPaid[i] << "  ";

    //Formatting and Outputting Net Pay

    if (netPay[i] < 10)
        cout << netPay[i] << "    ";
    else if (netPay[i] < 100)
        cout << netPay[i] << "   ";
    else if (netPay[i] < 1000)
        cout << netPay[i] << "  ";
        cout << netPay[i] << " ";

    //Incrementing While Loop

int main()

    //Open File and Write to Arrays

    //Loop Parameters
    int i = 0; 
    int length = *(&hoursWorked + 1) - hoursWorked;

    while ( i < length )
        //Calling Function
        overtimeAndPayFunction(hourlyRate[i], hoursWorked[i]);

        //Calling Function
        netPayAndTaxFunction(maritalStatus[i], grossPay[i]);

        //Calling Function
        outputFunction(firstName[i], lastName[i], maritalStatus[i], hoursWorked[i], hourlyRate[i], employeeID[i], overtimeHours[i], overtimePay[i], taxesPaid[i], regularPay[i], grossPay[i], netPay[i]);

        //Looping Function Calls

    //Ending Program
    cout << "\n";

Я получаю ошибку: error C2065: 'i': undeclared identifier

Предполагается, что таблица будет выглядеть следующим образом (baseданные высасываются из файла):

First    Last     MS ID   HW   HR   OTH  OTP     REGP    GROSS   TAX   NET

======== ======== == ==== ==== ==== ==== ======= ======= ======= ===== =======

Janice   Trent    S  1111 10   10   N/A  N/A     100     100     5     95

Krystina Gibbs    M  2222 41   12   1    18      480     498     0     498

Francine Kagern   h  3333 7    40   N/A  N/A     280     280     0     280
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