Не могли бы вы попробовать следующее (здесь я считал, что ваш Input_file имеет -
хэши, показанные вами в примерах, если у вас их нет, попробуйте изменить $2
на $1
в следующем коде).
awk '
print c[b[i]]
' Input_file
Вывод будет следующим:
- re0_400.out: 20 F= -.36797147E+02 E0= -.36797147E+02 d E =0.137473E-05
- re0_400s.out: 4 F= -.18293044E+02 E0= -.18293044E+02 d E =-.640678E-02
- re0_450.out: 4 F= -.36780151E+02 E0= -.36780151E+02 d E =-.129384E-01
Объяснение: Добавление подробного объяснения для приведенного выше кода.
awk ' ##Starting awk program from here.
!a[$2]++{ ##Checking condition if $2 is NOT present in array a then put $2 in array a, so this condition will make sure each filename is coming only once in arrays.
b[++count]=$2 ##Creating an array named b whose index is variable count with increment number 1 each time and its value is $2 of current line.
} ##Closing BLOCK for this condition here.
c[$2]=$0 ##Creating an array named c whose index is $2 and value is $0. Since OP needs ALWAYS the LATEST line for files so this will keep over-writing the lines values of same file names and maintain latest file name value only.
END{ ##Starting END section of this awk program here.
for(i=1;i<=count;i++){ ##Starting a for loop from i=1 to till value of count, where variable count actually having number of file names($1 or $2, $1 without hashes in your Input_file and with hashes $2).
print c[b[i]] ##We are printing array c whose index is b[i] which will be having exact line value.
} ##Closing for loop BLOCK here.
' Input_file ##Mentioning Input_file name here.