Не могу нажать на поля формы при редактировании / создании одного контроллера в laravel на мобильном устройстве - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 09 ноября 2019

У меня есть веб-приложение, которое использует Laravel с надстройкой рюкзака.

Недавно я обнаружил эту проблему, когда некоторые поля в маршруте создания / редактирования в контроллере недоступны для выбора в мобильном устройстве (как если бы они былитолько для чтения). Это происходит только в мобильных устройствах (во всех браузерах) и на этом конкретном контроллере.

Я также должен указать, что поля, которые не работают, не имеют реандонного «стиля» (более темный, серый текст). они кажутся нормальными, я не могу просто выбрать их (нажать на них).

problem photo

Это часть формы, поля в красномкоробки - это те, которые работают, те, что снаружи, не работают.

Вот код в функции настройки контроллера:

public function setup()
     //if (!backpack_user()->hasRole('administrator'))
     //   abort(403);
    | CrudPanel Basic Information
    $this->crud->setRoute(config('backpack.base.route_prefix') . '/travel');
    $this->crud->setEntityNameStrings('travel', 'travels');


    | CrudPanel Configuration
    if ((backpack_user()->hasRole('administrator'))||(backpack_user()->hasRole('superuser'))) //se utente è admin

     // TODO: remove setFromDb() and manually define Fields and Columns

     // add asterisk for fields that are required in TravelRequest
     $this->crud->setRequiredFields(StoreRequest::class, 'create');
     $this->crud->setRequiredFields(UpdateRequest::class, 'edit');



           'name'  => 'user_id',
           'type'  => 'hidden',
           'value' => backpack_user()->id,

         $this->crud->modifyField('calendar_header', [
            'name' => 'calendar_header', 
            'label' => "Intestazione Calendario", 
            'type' => 'text' 

     $this->crud->modifyField('client_id', [  // Select2
           'label' => "Cliente",
           'type' => 'select2',
           'name' => 'client_id', 
           'entity' => 'client', 
           'attribute' => 'businessname', 
           'model' => "App\Models\Client", 
           'placeholder' => 'Seleziona un Cliente', 
           'options'   => (function ($query) {
              return $query->orderBy('id', 'ASC')->where('user_id', backpack_user()->id)->get();
        $this->crud->modifyField('date_start', [  
           'name' => 'date_start',
           'type' => 'datetime',
           'label' => 'Data-Ora di Inizio',
           'default' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
           'attributes' => [
           // optional:
           /*'datetime_picker_options' => [
              'format' => 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm',
              'language' => 'it'
        $this->crud->modifyField('departure', [
           'name' => 'departure', // the db column name (attribute name)
           'label' => "Luogo di Partenza", // the human-readable label for it
           'type' => 'text' // the kind of column to show
        $this->crud->modifyField('destination', [
           'name' => 'destination', // the db column name (attribute name)
           'label' => "Luogo di destinazione", // the human-readable label for it
           'type' => 'text' // the kind of column to show
        $this->crud->modifyField('passenger', [
           'name' => 'passenger', // the db column name (attribute name)
           'label' => "Passeggero", // the human-readable label for it
           'type' => 'text' // the kind of column to show
        $this->crud->modifyField('passenger_number', [
           'name' => 'passenger_number', // the db column name (attribute name)
           'label' => "N° di Passeggeri", // the human-readable label for it
           'type' => 'number', // the kind of column to show
           'attributes' => ["step" => "any"],

        $this->crud->modifyField('payment_type', [ // select_from_array
           'name' => 'payment_type',
           'label' => "Tipo Pagamento",
           'type' => 'select_from_array',
           'options' => ['Fattura' => 'Fattura', 'Carta Di Credito' => 'Carta Di Credito', 'Contanti' => 'Contanti', 'Carte di credito da remoto' => 'Carte di credito da remoto', 'Conto' => 'Conto', 'Paypal' => 'Paypal'],
           'allows_null' => true,
           'default' => 'one',
           // 'allows_multiple' => true, // OPTIONAL; needs you to cast this to array in your model;
     $this->crud->modifyField('dare', [
           'name' => 'dare', // the db column name (attribute name)
           'label' => "Dare €", // the human-readable label for it
           'type' => 'number', // the kind of column to show
           'attributes' => ["step" => "any"],
        $this->crud->modifyField('avere', [
           'name' => 'avere', // the db column name (attribute name)
           'label' => "Avere €", // the human-readable label for it
           'type' => 'number', // the kind of column to show
           'attributes' => ["step" => "any"],
        $this->crud->modifyField('driver_id', [  // Select2
           'label' => "Autista",
           'type' => 'select2',
           'attributes' => [
           'name' => 'driver_id', // the db column for the foreign key
           'entity' => 'driver', // the method that defines the relationship in your Model
           'attribute' => 'businessname', // foreign key attribute that is shown to user
           'model' => "App\Models\Driver", // foreign key model
           'placeholder' => 'Seleziona un Autista', // placeholder for the select
           'options'   => (function ($query) {
              return $query->orderBy('id', 'ASC')->where('user_id', backpack_user()->id)->get();

        $this->crud->modifyField('car_id', [  // Select2
           'label' => "Mezzo",
           'type' => 'select2',
           'name' => 'car_id', // the db column for the foreign key
           'entity' => 'car', // the method that defines the relationship in your Model
           'attribute' => 'fullcar', // foreign key attribute that is shown to user
           'model' => "App\Models\Car", // foreign key model
           'placeholder' => 'Seleziona un Mezzo', // placeholder for the select
           'options'   => (function ($query) {
              return $query->orderBy('id', 'ASC')->where('user_id', backpack_user()->id)->get();
        $this->crud->modifyField('service_id', [  // Select2
           'label' => "Servizio",
           'type' => 'select2',
           'name' => 'service_id', // the db column for the foreign key
           'entity' => 'service', // the method that defines the relationship in your Model
           'attribute' => 'type', // foreign key attribute that is shown to user
           'model' => "App\Models\Service", // foreign key model
           'placeholder' => 'Seleziona un Servizio', // placeholder for the select
           'options'   => (function ($query) {
              return $query->orderBy('id', 'ASC')->where('user_id', backpack_user()->id)->get();
        $this->crud->modifyField('category_id', [  // Select2
           'label' => "Tipo Mezzo",
           'type' => 'select2',
           'name' => 'category_id', // the db column for the foreign key
           'entity' => 'category', // the method that defines the relationship in your Model
           'attribute' => 'name', // foreign key attribute that is shown to user
           'model' => "App\Models\Category", // foreign key model
           'placeholder' => 'Seleziona una Categoria', // placeholder for the select
           'options'   => (function ($query) {
              return $query->orderBy('id', 'ASC')->where('user_id', backpack_user()->id)->get();

        $this->crud->modifyField('general_notes', [
           'name' => 'general_notes', // the db column name (attribute name)
           'label' => "Note Generali", // the human-readable label for it
           'type' => 'textarea' // the kind of column to show
        $this->crud->modifyField('state_booked', [   // Checkbox
           'name' => 'state_booked',
           'label' => 'Prenotato',
           'type' => 'checkbox'
        $this->crud->modifyField('state_inprogress', [   // Checkbox
           'name' => 'state_inprogress',
           'label' => 'In Corso',
           'type' => 'checkbox'
        $this->crud->modifyField('state_ended', [   // Checkbox
           'name' => 'state_ended',
           'label' => 'Concluso',
           'type' => 'checkbox'
        $this->crud->modifyField('state_canceled', [   // Checkbox
           'name' => 'state_canceled',
           'label' => 'Annullato',
           'type' => 'checkbox'
        $this->crud->modifyField('state_receipt', [   // Checkbox
           'name' => 'state_receipt',
           'label' => 'Ricevuta',
           'type' => 'checkbox'
        $this->crud->modifyField('state_creditcard', [   // Checkbox
           'name' => 'state_creditcard',
           'label' => 'Carta Di Credito',
           'type' => 'checkbox'
        $this->crud->modifyField('state_cash', [   // Checkbox
           'name' => 'state_cash',
           'label' => 'Contanti',
           'type' => 'checkbox'
        $this->crud->modifyField('state_confirmed', [   // Checkbox
           'name' => 'state_confirmed',
           'label' => 'Confermato',
           'type' => 'checkbox'
        $this->crud->modifyField('state_to_confirm', [   // Checkbox
           'name' => 'state_to_confirm',
           'label' => 'Da Confermare',
           'type' => 'checkbox'
        $this->crud->modifyField('state_shared', [   // Checkbox
           'name' => 'state_shared',
           'label' => 'Condiviso',
           'type' => 'checkbox'
        $this->crud->modifyField('passenger_phonenumber', [
           'name' => 'passenger_phonenumber', // the db column name (attribute name)
           'label' => "Numero di Telefono Passeggero", // the human-readable label for it
           'type' => 'text' // the kind of column to show
        $this->crud->modifyField('flight_number', [
           'name' => 'flight_number', // the db column name (attribute name)
           'label' => "Ind. Volo", // the human-readable label for it
           'type' => 'text' // the kind of column to show
        $this->crud->modifyField('amount_taxable', [
           'name' => 'amount_taxable', // the db column name (attribute name)
           'label' => "Imponibile €", // the human-readable label for it
           'type' => 'amount_senzaiva', // the kind of column to show
           'attributes' => ["step" => "any"]
        $this->crud->modifyField('amount', [
           'name' => 'amount', // the db column name (attribute name)
           'label' => "Importo €", // the human-readable label for it
           'type' => 'amount_coniva', // the kind of column to show
           'attributes' => ["step" => "any"],

        $this->crud->modifyField('discount_number', [
           'name' => 'discount_number', // the db column name (attribute name)
           'label' => "sconto (€)", // the human-readable label for it
           'type' => 'number', // the kind of column to show
           'attributes' => ["step" => "any"],
        $this->crud->modifyField('discount_percent', [
           'name' => 'discount_percent', // the db column name (attribute name)
           'label' => "sconto (%)", // the human-readable label for it
           'type' => 'number', // the kind of column to show
           'attributes' => ["step" => "any"],

        $this->crud->modifyField('amount_final', [
           'name' => 'amount_final', // the db column name (attribute name)
           'label' => "Importo Scontato", // the human-readable label for it
           'type' => 'amount_final', // the kind of column to show
           'attributes' => ["step" => "any"],

        $this->crud->modifyField('amount_cash', [
           'name' => 'amount_cash', // the db column name (attribute name)
           'label' => "Importo Pagamento Diretto", // the human-readable label for it
           'type' => 'number', // the kind of column to show
           'attributes' => ["step" => "any"],

        $this->crud->modifyField('end_date', [   // date_picker
           'name' => 'end_date',
           'type' => 'datetime',
           'label' => 'Data-Ora di Fine',
           'default' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
           // optional:
           /*'datetime_picker_options' => [
              'format' => 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm',
              'language' => 'it'
        $this->crud->modifyField('km', [
           'name' => 'km', // the db column name (attribute name)
           'label' => "Kilometri", // the human-readable label for it
           'type' => 'number', // the kind of column to show
           'attributes' => ["step" => "any"],
        $this->crud->modifyField('kmdeparture', [
           'name' => 'kmdeparture', // the db column name (attribute name)
           'label' => "Kilometri Partenza", // the human-readable label for it
           'type' => 'number', // the kind of column to show
           'attributes' => ["step" => "any"],
        $this->crud->modifyField('kmarrival', [
           'name' => 'kmarrival', // the db column name (attribute name)
           'label' => "Kilometri Arrivo", // the human-readable label for it
           'type' => 'number', // the kind of column to show
           'attributes' => ["step" => "any"],
        $this->crud->modifyField('hours', [
           'name' => 'hours', // the db column name (attribute name)
           'label' => "Ore Totali", // the human-readable label for it
           'type' => 'number', // the kind of column to show
           'attributes' => ["step" => "any"],
        $this->crud->modifyField('waiting_hours', [
           'name' => 'waiting_hours', // the db column name (attribute name)
           'label' => "Ore Totali di attesa", // the human-readable label for it
           'type' => 'number', // the kind of column to show
           'attributes' => ["step" => "any"],
        $this->crud->modifyField('report_notes', [
           'name' => 'report_notes', // the db column name (attribute name)
           'label' => "Note sul Report", // the human-readable label for it
           'type' => 'textarea' // the kind of column to show
        $this->crud->modifyField('invoice_description', [
           'name' => 'invoice_description', // the db column name (attribute name)
           'label' => "Descrizione Fattura", // the human-readable label for it
           'type' => 'textarea' // the kind of column to show
        $this->crud->modifyField('sign', [ // image
           'label' => "Immagine Cartello",
           'name' => "sign",
           'type' => 'image',
           'upload' => true,
           'disk' => 'public'

        //Rimuovo le colonne che non servono


        $this->crud->addButtonFromModelFunction('line', 'send_mail', 'sendMail', 'beginning');
        $this->crud->addButtonFromModelFunction('line', 'print_doc', 'printDoc', 'beginning');
  elseif (backpack_user()->hasRole('base')) { //se utente è base
     $this->crud->denyAccess(['list', 'create', 'delete']);
     $this->crud->setRequiredFields(UpdateRequest::class, 'edit');

        'name' => 'kmdeparture', // the db column name (attribute name)
        'label' => "Kilometri alla partenza", // the human-readable label for it
        'type' => 'text' // the kind of column to show
        'name' => 'kmarrival', // the db column name (attribute name)
        'label' => "Kilomertri all'arrivo", // the human-readable label for it
        'type' => 'text' // the kind of column to show
     $this->crud->addField([   // Checkbox
        'name' => 'state_canceled',
        'label' => 'Annullato',
        'type' => 'checkbox'
     $this->crud->addField([   // Checkbox
        'name' => 'state_confirmed',
        'label' => 'Confermato',
        'type' => 'checkbox'
     $this->crud->addField([   // Checkbox
        'name' => 'state_to_confirm',
        'label' => 'Da Confermare',
        'type' => 'checkbox'
     $this->crud->addField([   // date_picker
        'name' => 'end_date',
        'type' => 'datetime',
        'label' => 'Data-Ora di Fine',
        'default' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
        // optional:
        /*'datetime_picker_options' => [
           'format' => 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm',
           'language' => 'it'
        'name' => 'waiting_hours', // the db column name (attribute name)
        'label' => "Ore Totali di attesa", // the human-readable label for it
        'type' => 'number', // the kind of column to show
        'attributes' => ["step" => "any"],
        'name' => 'report_notes', // the db column name (attribute name)
        'label' => "Note sul Report", // the human-readable label for it
        'type' => 'textarea' // the kind of column to show


Я уже пытался удалить $this->crud->setFromDb(); и установитьстолбцы и поля вручную с $this->crud->addColumn и $this->crud->addField, но ничего не меняется.

Я довольно новичок в рюкзаке и за его пределами, что я действительно не знаю, что делать.

Яиспользуя рюкзак 3.5 и laravel 5.7.26

** обратите внимание, что я исключил все modifyColumn из кода


Я пытался закомментировать случайные части кода и, по-видимому, это:

this->crud->modifyField('sign', [ // image
           'label' => "Immagine Cartello",
           'name' => "sign",
           'type' => 'image',
           'upload' => true,
           'disk' => 'public'

, который вызывает проблему, все же я не понимаю причину
