Инструмент Chrome Dev показывает вызов их API
import re
import requests
import json
resp = requests.get('https://api.racing.com/v1/en-au/race/results/5149117/7/?callback=angular.callbacks._b')
# Returned JSONP so we remove the function call: keep only what is between ()
m = re.search(r'\((.*)\)', resp.text, flags=re.S)
data = json.loads(m.group(1))
# dict_keys(['race', 'resultCollection', 'exoticCollection'])
# {'position': {'at400m': 12, 'at800m': 20, 'finish': 1, 'positionAbbreviation': '1st', 'positionDescription': '', 'positionType': 'Finished'}, 'scratched': False, 'winningTime': 20117, 'margin': None, 'raceEntryNumber': 23, 'number': 23, 'barrierNumber': 19, 'isDeadHeat': False, 'weight': '51kg', 'rating': {'handicapRating': 109, 'ratingProgression': 0}, 'prizeMoney': 4000000.0, 'horse': {'fullName': 'Cross Counter (GB)', 'code': 5256710, 'urlSegment': 'cross-counter-gb', 'silkUrl': '//s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/racevic.silks/bb/12621.png', 'age': 5, 'sex': 'Gelding', 'colour': 'Bay', 'sire': 'Teofilo (IRE)', 'dam': 'Waitress (USA)', 'totalPrizeMoney': '$4,576,227', 'averagePrize': '$508,470'}, 'trainer': {'fullName': None, 'shortName': 'C.Appleby', 'code': 20658431, 'urlSegment': 'charlie-appleby-gb'}, 'jockey': {'fullName': 'K.McEvoy', 'shortName': 'K.McEvoy', 'code': 25602, 'urlSegment': 'kerrin-mcevoy', 'allowedClaim': 0.0, 'apprentice': False}, 'gear': {'hasChanges': True, 'gearCollection': [{'changeDate': '2018-11-02T00:00:00', 'currentChange': True, 'description': 'Bandages (Front): On', 'name': 'Bandages (Front)', 'status': 'On', 'comments': None}, {'changeDate': '2018-08-01T00:00:00', 'currentChange': False, 'description': 'Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only)', 'name': 'Ear Muffs (Pre-Race Only)', 'status': 'On', 'comments': None}, {'changeDate': '2018-08-01T00:00:00', 'currentChange': False, 'description': 'Lugging Bit', 'name': 'Lugging Bit', 'status': 'On', 'comments': 'Rubber ring bit'}, {'changeDate': '2018-08-01T00:00:00', 'currentChange': False, 'description': 'Cross-over Nose Band', 'name': 'Cross-over Nose Band', 'status': 'On', 'comments': None}], 'currentGearCollection': None}, 'odds': {'priceStart': '$9.00', 'parimutuel': {'returnWin': '12', 'returnPlace': '4.40', 'isFavouriteWin': False}, 'fluctuations': {'priceOpening': '$10.00', 'priceFluc': '$10.00'}}, 'comment': 'Bit Slow Out Settled Down near tail lucky to avoid injured horse was checked though 12l bolting Turn Straightened Up Off Mid-Field 7-8l gets Clear 400 and charged home to score. big win # very good from back', 'extendedApiUrl': '/v1/en-au/form/horsestat/5149117/7/5256710', 'extendedApiUrlMobile': '/v1/en-au/form/horsestatmobile/5149117/7/5256710', 'last5': ['-', '4', '3', '-', '4']}