Если я правильно понял ваш вопрос, вы пытаетесь найти способ найти ближайшее число к введенному номеру. Если это так, используйте метод Сита Эратосфена для вычисления всех простых чисел до заданного диапазона, а затем найдите простое число для введенного вами числа
# Import math for the infinity functionality
import math
# The Sieve of Eratosthenes method of calculating the primes less than the limit
def getPrimes(limit):
# The list of prime numbers
primes = []
# The boolean list of whether a number is prime
numbers = [True] * limit
# Loop all of the numbers in numbers starting from 2
for i in range(2, limit):
# If the number is prime
if numbers[i]:
# Add it onto the list of prime numbers
# Loop over all of the other factors in the list
for n in range(i ** 2, limit, i):
# Make them not prime
numbers[n] = False
# Return the list of prime numbers
return primes
# The number to find the closest prime of
number = int(input("Enter a number: > "))
# The list of primes using the function declared above
primes = getPrimes(number + 100)
# The distance away from the closest prime
maxDist = math.inf
# The closest prime
numb = 0
# Loop all of the primes
for p in primes:
# If the prime number is closer than maxDist
if abs(number - p) < maxDist:
# Set maxDist to the number
maxDist = abs(number - p)
# Set numb to the number
numb = p
# Print the output
print(numb, "is the closest prime number to the number you entered!")
Я надеюсь, что это ответ на ваш вопрос
Вы сказали, что не можете использовать библиотеку математики python, поэтому ниже приведен слегка скорректированный код, который не использует ее:
# The Sieve of Eratosthenes method of calculating the primes less than the limit
def getPrimes(limit):
# The list of prime numbers
primes = []
# The boolean list of whether a number is prime
numbers = [True] * limit
# Loop all of the numbers in numbers starting from 2
for i in range(2, limit):
# If the number is prime
if numbers[i]:
# Add it onto the list of prime numbers
# Loop over all of the other factors in the list
for n in range(i ** 2, limit, i):
# Make them not prime
numbers[n] = False
# Return the list of prime numbers
return primes
# The number to find the closest prime of
number = int(input("Enter a number: > "))
# The list of primes using the function declared above
primes = getPrimes(number + 100)
# The distance away from the closest prime
maxDist = 99999999
# The closest prime
numb = 0
# Loop all of the primes
for p in primes:
# If the prime number is closer than maxDist
if abs(number - p) < maxDist:
# Set maxDist to the number
maxDist = abs(number - p)
# Set numb to the number
numb = p
# Print the output
print(numb, "is the closest prime number to the number you entered!")