Печать содержимого массива - PullRequest
0 голосов
/ 27 октября 2019

В настоящее время этот код печатает имя человека и пользователь указывает, сколько ГБ используется. Я хочу напечатать имя (ИМЯ), номер счета (ACCT), план (ПЛАН) и тип плана (ВЫБОР) в одной строке, а в другой - ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННЫЙ (ИСПОЛЬЗОВАННЫЙ) ГБ и общую стоимость (БИЛЛ) для каждогопользователь отдельно. Как мне это сделать и куда должен идти код? Любая помощь будет оценена. Спасибо!

package javacellphonebill;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class JavaCellPhoneBill {
    // define the GB limits and billing rates for each cell phone plan
    private static final double OVER_LIMIT_CHARGE = 15.0;  // price per GB over limit

    // define row index names into the PLAN array
    private static final int A = 0;   // Plan-A
    private static final int B = 1;   // Plan-B
    private static final int C = 2;   // Plan-C
    private static final int D = 3;   // Plan-D
    // define column index names into the PLAN array
    private static final int LIMIT = 0;
    private static final int PRICE = 1;   
    private static final double[][] PLAN = {
        { 0.0,   50.00},    // Plan-A
        { 2.0,   60.00},    // Plan-B
        { 4.0,   70.00},    // Plan-C
        {10.0,   90.00},    // Plan-D

    // give names for each field in the customer list
    private static final int ACCT = 0;
    private static final int NAME = 1;
    private static final int SELECTION = 2;
    private static final int USED = 3;
    private static final int BILL = 4;
    private static String[][] Accounts = {
        {"323998-9", "Dan McElroy",    "Plan-A",  "0.0",  "0.00"},
        {"264442-8", "Manuel Estrada", "Plan-C",  "0.0",  "0.00"},
        {"355591-3", "Charles Aitken", "Plan-B",  "0.0",  "0.00"},
        {"100355-4", "Linh Nguyen",    "Plan-D",  "0.0",  "0.00"},
        {"256052-9", "Alice Browne",   "Plan-D",  "0.0",  "0.00"},
        {"726619-8", "Dave Ha",        "Plan-A",  "0.0",  "0.00"},
        {"145767-3", "Rachel Bush",    "Plan-B",  "0.0",  "0.00"},
        {"767372-3", "Jose Gonzales",  "Plan-A",  "0.0",  "0.00"},
        {"531923-3", "Oscar Meyer",    "Plan-D",  "0.0",  "0.00"},


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        inputGBused ();                         // input GB used by each customer, place in array
        billEachCustomer();                     // compute bill for each customer based on plan
        printBilling();                         // display the bill for each customer

    private static void inputGBused() {
        // create the Scanner object
        Scanner stdin = new Scanner(System.in);

        System.out.println ("Enter GB for:");
        int numberOfCustomers = Accounts.length;
        for (int customer=0; customer<numberOfCustomers; customer++) {
            System.out.printf ("%15.15s %s %s: ", 
            Accounts[customer][USED] = stdin.nextLine( ); // input as a string   
        } // end of for
    } // end of inputGBused( )

    private static void billEachCustomer() {
        double GBused;
        double bill;

        int numberOfCustomers = Accounts.length;
        for (int customer=0; customer<numberOfCustomers; customer++) {
            try {
                // get amount used by customer as String, convert to double
                GBused = Double.valueOf(Accounts[customer][USED]);

                // compute bill based on the customer's plan selection
                if (Accounts[customer][SELECTION].equals("Plan-A")) {
                    bill = computeBill (GBused, PLAN[A][LIMIT], PLAN[A][PRICE]);                   

                else if (Accounts[customer][SELECTION].equals("Plan-B")) {
                   bill = computeBill (GBused, PLAN[B][LIMIT], PLAN[B][PRICE]); 

                else if (Accounts[customer][SELECTION].equals("Plan-C")) {
                   bill = computeBill (GBused, PLAN[C][LIMIT], PLAN[C][PRICE]); 

                else if (Accounts[customer][SELECTION].equals("Plan-D")) {
                   bill = computeBill (GBused, PLAN[D][LIMIT], PLAN[D][PRICE]); 

                // a non-existing plan has been selected
                else  {
                    bill = 0.00;
                // convert the bill to a String and save into the array

                Accounts[customer][BILL] = String.valueOf(bill);
            } // end of try
            catch (NumberFormatException e) {
               System.out.println ("Values for GB used must be numeric"); 

            } // end of 

        }   //end of for loop

    } // end of billEachCustomer( )

    private static double computeBill(double used, double limit, double rate) {
        double overLimit;
        double bill;

        if (used <= limit)  // see if customer used more GB than is on the plan
            overLimit = 0.0;
            overLimit = Math.ceil(used - limit);
        // the bill is the plan's base rate + any charge for GB over the plan limit
        bill = rate + overLimit * OVER_LIMIT_CHARGE;
        return bill;

    private static void printBilling() {     

        System.out.println("\n\nTable showing charges for cell phones ");
            for(int customer =0; customer < Accounts.length; customer ++ ) {
                try {

                catch(NumberFormatException e){
                    System.out.printf("**** Illegal input for: ****\n ");
                    System.out.printf("%8. 8s %s \n",
                        Accounts[customer][ACCT], Accounts[customer][NAME],Accounts[customer][BILL] );

    } // end of printBilling( )

} // end of class