У меня есть функция в plpgsql, которая, когда я запускаю ее с одним и тем же пользователем на одной и той же таблице в одной и той же базе данных, я получаю разные результаты между вызовом JDBC и psql или psycopg2.
SELECT id,name,
g2j(date_deadline) AS converted_date
FROM project_task
WHERE NOT date_deadline ISNULL ;
приводит к psycopg2 и psql:
id | name | date_deadline | converted_date
21 | Document management | 2019-10-29 | 1398-08-06
26 | Create new components | 2019-09-21 | 1398-06-29
11 | You can set a deadline on a task | 2019-11-13 | 1398-08-21
23 | User interface improvements | 2020-04-08 | 1399-01-19
24 | Planning and budget | 2019-10-19 | 1398-07-26
17 | Room 1: Decoration | 2019-10-14 | 1398-07-21
16 | Black Chairs for managers | 2019-10-19 | 1398-07-26
15 | Noise Reduction | 2019-10-24 | 1398-08-01
31 | Unit Testing | 2019-02-16 | 1397-11-26
(9 rows)
Результаты JDBC в консоли pyCharm postgres:
21 Document management 2019-10-29 1398-08-07
26 Create new components 2019-09-21 1398-06-30
11 You can set a deadline on a task 2019-11-13 1398-08-22
23 User interface improvements 2020-04-08 1399-01-20
24 Planning and budget 2019-10-19 1398-07-27
17 Room 1: Decoration 2019-10-14 1398-07-22
16 Black Chairs for managers 2019-10-19 1398-07-27
15 Noise Reduction 2019-10-24 1398-08-02
31 Unit Testing 2019-02-16 1397-11-27
Второй результат (JDBC) правильный.
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | integer | | not null | nextval('project_task_id_seq'::regclass)
name | character varying | | not null |
date_deadline | date | | |
Почему я получаю это? & - |
Я использую PostgreSQL 10.9 в Ubuntu
версия также 10,9
- Функция: g2j (отметка времени счасовой пояс)
- ФУНКЦИЯ КАПЛИ g2j (отметка времени с часовым поясом);
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION g2j(in_date timestamp with time zone)
RETURNS character varying AS
y smallint;
aday smallint;
amonth smallint;
ayear smallint;
value smallint;
a1 char(4);
b1 char(2);
c1 char(2);
Tday smallint;
Tmonth smallint;
Tyear smallint;
temp smallint;
CabisehYear smallint;
TMonthEnd smallint;
numdays int;
now_day timestamp without time zone;
a timestamp without time zone;
Const_Date timestamp without time zone;
set datestyle to MDY;
Const_Date = cast('3/21/1921' as timestamp without time zone);
--if(length(cast(in_date as text))< 14 )then
-- in_date=in_date+time '01:30';
--return in_date;
--end if;
numdays = DATE_PART('day',in_date - Const_Date);
aday = 1;
amonth = 1;
ayear = 1300;
CabisehYear =cast((numdays / 1461) as int);
numdays = numdays - CabisehYear * 1461;
Tyear = cast((numdays / 365) as int);
If Tyear = 4 then
Tyear = Tyear - 1;
end if;
numdays = numdays - Tyear * 365;
Tmonth =cast((numdays / 31) as int);
If (Tmonth > 6) then
Tmonth = 6;
end if;
numdays = numdays - Tmonth * 31;
TMonthEnd = 0;
If (numdays >= 30 And Tmonth = 6 ) then
TMonthEnd =cast((numdays / 30) as int);
If TMonthEnd >= 5 then
TMonthEnd = 5;
end if;
numdays = numdays - TMonthEnd * 30;
End if;
Tmonth = (TMonthEnd + Tmonth);
Tday = numdays;
Tyear = (Tyear + CabisehYear * 4);
ayear = (ayear + Tyear);
amonth = amonth + Tmonth;
aday = aday + Tday;
a1 = ayear;
b1 = amonth;
c1 = aday;
If length(b1) = 1 then
b1 = '0' || b1;
end if;
If length(c1) = 1 then
c1 = '0' || c1;
end if;
return a1 || '-' || b1 || '-' || c1;
COST 100;