Я пытаюсь показать, что плитка на шахматной доске выбрана, выделив ее зеленым цветом.
Мне удалось нарисовать контур, когда была нажата эта конкретная область плитки, но контур исчезаетчерез несколько миллисекунд.
Итак, я подумал, что имеет какое-то отношение к обновлению дисплея (функция, которую я уже вызываю внутри метода highlight_tile ()).
- это основной цикл
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
# mouse handling
for unit in white_army:
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
mouse_position = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if unit.tile_area.collidepoint(mouse_position):
и вот полный код
import pygame
import sys
from coordinator import coordinator
# set up the display
window_size = (800, 800)
game_window = pygame.display.set_mode(size=window_size)
pygame.display.set_caption('My Game')
# defines classes and related methods
class WhiteSquare:
def __init__(self):
self.height = int(window_size[0] / 8)
self.width = int(window_size[1] / 8)
self.white_square = pygame.Surface((self.height, self.width))
self.white_square.fill((255, 255, 255))
class BlackSquare:
def __init__(self):
self.height = int(window_size[0] / 8)
self.width = int(window_size[1] / 8)
self.black_square = pygame.Surface((self.height, self.width))
self.black_square.fill((0, 0, 0))
class ChessBoard:
def __init__(self):
self.ws = ws
self.bs = bs
self.white_columns = white_columns
self.black_columns = black_columns
def draw(self):
for w_columns in self.white_columns:
game_window.blit(self.ws.white_square, w_columns)
for b_columns in self.black_columns:
game_window.blit(self.bs.black_square, b_columns)
# declare letters and numbers
letters = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H']
numbers = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8']
# create coordinates
coordinates = []
for item_letter in letters:
letter = item_letter
for item_number in numbers:
number = item_number
coordinates.append(letter + number)
# create coordinates values components
x_values = []
for number in range(0, 800, 100):
x = number
y_values = []
for number in range(0, 800, 100):
y = number
# create coordinate values
coordinate_values = []
for x in x_values:
for y in y_values:
coordinate_values.append((x, y))
# assign values to coordinates
squares_coordinates = dict(zip(coordinates, coordinate_values))
# Background for units
class CircleSurface:
def __init__(self):
self.circle_surface = pygame.Surface((100, 100), flags=pygame.SRCALPHA)
pygame.draw.circle(self.circle_surface, (255, 0, 0), (50, 50), 45)
# define colours
black = (0, 0, 0)
white = (255, 255, 255)
gold = (153, 153, 0)
green = (0, 255, 0)
dark_green = (0, 200, 0)
class Unit:
def __init__(self, colour, position):
# define Unit colour
self.colour = colour
# define Unit position
self.position = position
class Knight(Unit):
def __init__(self, colour, position):
# draw circle, inline, and outline
super().__init__(colour, position)
self.center_x = position[0]
self.center_y = position[1]
self.colour = colour
self.position = position
# define tile position
self.tile_area = pygame.Rect(position[0] - 50, position[1] - 50, 100, 100)
circle_radius = 40
self.circle = pygame.draw.circle(game_window, colour, self.position, circle_radius)
self.circle_outline = pygame.draw.circle(game_window, gold, self.position, circle_radius, 5)
self.circle_inline = pygame.draw.circle(game_window, gold, self.position, (circle_radius - 7), 2)
# draw letter
my_font_size = 50
my_font = pygame.font.SysFont('Time New Roman', my_font_size)
text_surface = my_font.render('K', 1, gold)
center_text = text_surface.get_rect(center=(self.center_x, self.center_y))
game_window.blit(text_surface, center_text)
class Archer(Unit):
def __init__(self, colour, first_point, second_point, third_point):
self.colour = colour
self.first_point = first_point
self.second_point = second_point
self.third_point = third_point
self.position = [self.first_point, self.second_point, self.third_point]
super().__init__(colour, self.position)
self.center_x = self.second_point[0]
self.center_y = (self.second_point[1] + ((self.first_point[1] - self.second_point[1]) / 2)) + 10
self.inline_position = [(self.first_point[0] + 10, self.first_point[1] - 5),
(self.second_point[0], self.second_point[1] + 10),
(self.third_point[0] - 10, self.third_point[1] - 5)]
# define_tile_centre
self.tile_area = pygame.Rect(self.first_point[0] - 10, self.second_point[1] - 10, 100, 100)
if self.colour == black:
self.first_point = self.first_point[0], self.first_point[1] - 80
self.second_point = self.second_point[0], self.second_point[1] + 80
self.third_point = self.third_point[0], self.third_point[1] - 80
self.position = [self.first_point, self.second_point, self.third_point]
self.center_y = (self.second_point[1] + ((self.first_point[1] - self.second_point[1])
/ 2)) - 10
self.inline_position = [(self.first_point[0] + 10, self.first_point[1] + 5),
(self.second_point[0], self.second_point[1] - 10),
(self.third_point[0] - 10, self.third_point[1] + 5)]
self.triangle = pygame.draw.polygon(game_window, colour, self.position)
self.triangle_outline = pygame.draw.polygon(game_window, gold, self.position, 5)
self.triangle_inline = pygame.draw.polygon(game_window, gold, self.inline_position, 2)
# draw letter
my_font_size = 50
my_font = pygame.font.SysFont('Time New Roman', my_font_size)
text_surface = my_font.render('A', 1, gold)
center_text = text_surface.get_rect(center=(self.center_x, self.center_y))
game_window.blit(text_surface, center_text)
class Pikeman(Unit):
def __init__(self, colour, position):
# draw circle, inline, and outline
super().__init__(colour, position)
self.dimension = (80, 80)
self.center_x = position[0] + self.dimension[0] / 2
self.center_y = position[1] + self.dimension[1] / 2
self.colour = colour
self.position = position
# define_tile_centre
self.tile_area = pygame.Rect(position[0] - 10, position[1] - 10, 100, 100)
self.position_and_dimension = self.position + self.dimension
self.inline_position_and_dimension = (self.position[0] + 5, self.position[1] + 5),\
(self.dimension[0] - 10, self.dimension[1] - 10)
self.square = pygame.draw.rect(game_window, colour, self.position_and_dimension, )
self.square_outline = pygame.draw.rect(game_window, gold, self.position_and_dimension, 5)
self.square_inline = pygame.draw.rect(game_window, gold, self.inline_position_and_dimension, 2)
# draw letter
my_font_size = 50
my_font = pygame.font.SysFont('Time New Roman', my_font_size)
text_surface = my_font.render('P', 1, gold)
center_text = text_surface.get_rect(center=(self.center_x, self.center_y))
game_window.blit(text_surface, center_text)
def highlight_tile(tile_area):
pygame.draw.rect(game_window, dark_green, tile_area, 5)
# Sets and gets the coordinates for black and white squares
coordinator = coordinator()
black_columns = coordinator[2] + coordinator[3]
white_columns = coordinator[0] + coordinator[1]
# Creates needed objects
ws = WhiteSquare()
bs = BlackSquare()
cb = ChessBoard()
cs = CircleSurface()
# Event loop (outer)
while 1:
# Draws the chessboard
# set up white units
white_knight_1 = Knight(white, (150, 650))
white_knight_2 = Knight(white, (650, 650))
white_archer_1 = Archer(white, (210, 790), (250, 710), (290, 790))
white_archer_2 = Archer(white, (310, 790), (350, 710), (390, 790))
white_archer_3 = Archer(white, (410, 790), (450, 710), (490, 790))
white_archer_4 = Archer(white, (510, 790), (550, 710), (590, 790))
white_pikeman_1 = Pikeman(white, (210, 610))
white_pikeman_2 = Pikeman(white, (310, 610))
white_pikeman_3 = Pikeman(white, (410, 610))
white_pikeman_4 = Pikeman(white, (510, 610))
white_army = [white_knight_1, white_knight_2,
white_archer_1, white_archer_2, white_archer_3, white_archer_4,
white_pikeman_1, white_pikeman_2, white_pikeman_3, white_pikeman_4]
# set up black units
black_knight_1 = Knight(black, (150, 150))
black_knight_2 = Knight(black, (650, 150))
black_archer_1 = Archer(black, (210, 90), (250, 10), (290, 90))
black_archer_2 = Archer(black, (310, 90), (350, 10), (390, 90))
black_archer_3 = Archer(black, (410, 90), (450, 10), (490, 90))
black_archer_4 = Archer(black, (510, 90), (550, 10), (590, 90))
black_pikeman_1 = Pikeman(black, (210, 110))
black_pikeman_2 = Pikeman(black, (310, 110))
black_pikeman_3 = Pikeman(black, (410, 110))
black_pikeman_4 = Pikeman(black, (510, 110))
# Event loop (inner)
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
# mouse handling
for unit in white_army:
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
mouse_position = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if unit.tile_area.collidepoint(mouse_position):
Мне удалось не заставить его исчезнуть, но теперь я хочу егоисчезнуть при повторном щелчке мыши.
вот новый обновленный блок кода
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
for unit in white_army:
mouse_position = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
if unit.tile_area.collidepoint(mouse_position):
Я пытался с циклом while, но он просто вылетает из игры, не выглядиткак хорошая идея.