Я пытаюсь настроить учебник Slack Bot, который использует свою среду RTM в python, а WebSocket не подключается
Я следую этому учебнику:
Я следую коду в соответствии с инструкциями:
import os
import logging
import slack
import ssl as ssl_lib
import certifi
from onboarding_tutorial import OnboardingTutorial
{"channel": {"user_id": OnboardingTutorial}}
onboarding_tutorials_sent = {}
def start_onboarding(web_client: slack.WebClient, user_id: str, channel: str):
# Create a new onboarding tutorial.
onboarding_tutorial = OnboardingTutorial(channel)
# Get the onboarding message payload
message = onboarding_tutorial.get_message_payload()
# Post the onboarding message in Slack
response = web_client.chat_postMessage(**message)
# Capture the timestamp of the message we've just posted so
# we can use it to update the message after a user
# has completed an onboarding task.
onboarding_tutorial.timestamp = response["ts"]
# Store the message sent in onboarding_tutorials_sent
if channel not in onboarding_tutorials_sent:
onboarding_tutorials_sent[channel] = {}
onboarding_tutorials_sent[channel][user_id] = onboarding_tutorial
# ================ Team Join Event =============== #
# When the user first joins a team, the type of the event will be 'team_join'.
# Here we'll link the onboarding_message callback to the 'team_join' event.
def onboarding_message(**payload):
"""Create and send an onboarding welcome message to new users. Save the
time stamp of this message so we can update this message in the future.
# Get the id of the Slack user associated with the incoming event
user_id = payload["data"]["user"]["id"]
# Get WebClient so you can communicate back to Slack.
web_client = payload["web_client"]
# Open a DM with the new user.
response = web_client.im_open(user=user_id)
channel = response["channel"]["id"]
# Post the onboarding message.
start_onboarding(web_client, user_id, channel)
# ============= Reaction Added Events ============= #
# When a users adds an emoji reaction to the onboarding message,
# the type of the event will be 'reaction_added'.
# Here we'll link the update_emoji callback to the 'reaction_added' event.
def update_emoji(**payload):
"""Update onboarding welcome message after receiving a "reaction_added"
event from Slack. Update timestamp for welcome message as well.
data = payload["data"]
web_client = payload["web_client"]
channel_id = data["item"]["channel"]
user_id = data["user"]
# Get the original tutorial sent.
onboarding_tutorial = onboarding_tutorials_sent[channel_id][user_id]
# Mark the reaction task as completed.
onboarding_tutorial.reaction_task_completed = True
# Get the new message payload
message = onboarding_tutorial.get_message_payload()
# Post the updated message in Slack
updated_message = web_client.chat_update(**message)
# Update the timestamp saved on the onboarding tutorial object
onboarding_tutorial.timestamp = updated_message["ts"]
# =============== Pin Added Events ================ #
# When a users pins a message the type of the event will be 'pin_added'.
# Here we'll link the update_pin callback to the 'reaction_added' event.
def update_pin(**payload):
"""Update onboarding welcome message after receiving a "pin_added"
event from Slack. Update timestamp for welcome message as well.
data = payload["data"]
web_client = payload["web_client"]
channel_id = data["channel_id"]
user_id = data["user"]
# Get the original tutorial sent.
onboarding_tutorial = onboarding_tutorials_sent[channel_id][user_id]
# Mark the pin task as completed.
onboarding_tutorial.pin_task_completed = True
# Get the new message payload
message = onboarding_tutorial.get_message_payload()
# Post the updated message in Slack
updated_message = web_client.chat_update(**message)
# Update the timestamp saved on the onboarding tutorial object
onboarding_tutorial.timestamp = updated_message["ts"]
# ============== Message Events ============= #
# When a user sends a DM, the event type will be 'message'.
# Here we'll link the update_share callback to the 'message' event.
def message(**payload):
"""Display the onboarding welcome message after receiving a message
that contains "start".
data = payload["data"]
web_client = payload["web_client"]
channel_id = data.get("channel")
user_id = data.get("user")
text = data.get("text")
if text and text.lower() == "start":
return start_onboarding(web_client, user_id, channel_id)
if __name__ == "__main__":
ssl_context = ssl_lib.create_default_context(cafile=certifi.where())
slack_token = os.environ["SLACK_BOT_TOKEN"]
rtm_client = slack.RTMClient(token=slack_token, ssl=ssl_context)
Я получаю следующее сообщение об ошибке - похоже, WebSocket не подключается по какой-то причине. Я проверил токен, чтобы иметь область действия бота и т. Д.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/badger/.virtualenvs/gcpenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/slack/rtm/client.py", line 334, in _connect_and_read
File "/Users/badger/.virtualenvs/gcpenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/aiohttp/client.py", line 1012, in __aenter__
self._resp = await self._coro
File "/Users/badger/.virtualenvs/gcpenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/aiohttp/client.py", line 728, in _ws_connect
File "/Users/badger/.virtualenvs/gcpenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/aiohttp/client.py", line 357, in _request
raise RuntimeError('Session is closed')
RuntimeError: Session is closed