const LoadingIndicator = require('@nstudio/nativescript-loading-indicator').LoadingIndicator;
const Mode = require('@nstudio/nativescript-loading-indicator').Mode;
const loader = new LoadingIndicator();
import { Page } from 'tns-core-modules/ui/page';
// optional options
// android and ios have some platform specific options
const options = {
message: 'Loading...',
details: 'Additional detail note!',
progress: 0.65,
margin: 10,
dimBackground: true,
color: '#4B9ED6', // color of indicator and labels
// background box around indicator
// hideBezel will override this if true
backgroundColor: 'yellow',
userInteractionEnabled: false, // default true. Set false so that the touches will fall through it.
hideBezel: true, // default false, can hide the surrounding bezel
mode: Mode.AnnularDeterminate, // see options below
android: {
view: page.getViewById('stackView'), // Target view to show on top of (Defaults to entire window)
cancelable: true,
cancelListener: function(dialog) {
console.log('Loading cancelled');
ios: {
view: page.getViewById('stackView') // Target view to show on top of (Defaults to entire window)
};; // options is optional
// Do whatever it is you want to do while the loader is showing, then
Представление должно быть допустимым uiView в вашем интерфейсе. Просто дайте StackLayout Id и выберите его. Пример: view: page.getViewById("stackLayout")
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