Во время тестирования я обнаружил ошибки в своем коде.
У меня возникли проблемы с обнаружением, что не так с моим Deque
Итератором. Это не повторяется должным образом, и я понятия не имею, как это исправить. Я включил снимки экрана с ошибочными тестами и мой законченный код.
Примечание: Мой профессор хочет, чтобы итератор Элементы Dequeue изголова при итерации вперед ИЛИ итерация назад, поэтому итератор немного сложнее понять.
Скриншоты с ошибочными юнит-тестами: https://imgur.com/a/srlmrNQ
СпасибоВы так много за помощь!
Полный исходный код:
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
public class Deque<E> implements Iterable<E>
private class DequeNode<E>
private DequeNode<E> _next;
private DequeNode<E> _previous;
private E _data;
private DequeNode(E data)
_data = data;
private DequeNode<E> _head;
private DequeNode<E> _tail;
private int _depth;
private static final int EXCLUSIVE_INDEX_START = -1;
public Deque()
_head = null;
_tail = null;
_depth = 0;
public boolean enqueue(E element) // This is INSERTION at the TAIL //TODO: DONE!!
DequeNode<E> newNode = new DequeNode<E>(element);
if (isEmpty())
_head = newNode;
_tail._next = newNode;
newNode._previous = _tail;
_tail = newNode;
return true;
public void enqueueAll(Iterable<E> elements)
for (E eachElement : elements)
public boolean enqueueHead(E element) // This is insertion at the head //TODO: DONE!!
DequeNode<E> newNode = new DequeNode<E>(element);
if (isEmpty())
_tail = newNode;
_head._previous = newNode;
newNode._next = _head;
_head = newNode;
return true;
public E head()
return _head._data;
public E tail()
return _tail._data;
public E dequeue() // This is removal at the head //TODO: DONE!!
E removed = _head._data;
if (_head._next == null)
_tail = null;
_head._next._previous = null;
_head = _head._next;
return removed;
public E dequeueTail() // This is removal at the tail //TODO: DONE!!
E removed = _tail._data;
if (_head._next == null)
_head = null;
_tail._previous._next = null;
_tail = _tail._previous;
return removed;
public void clear()
_head = _tail = null;
_depth = 0;
public int depth()
return _depth;
public boolean isEmpty()
return _depth == 0;
public Iterator<E> iterator()
return new DequeIterator(this, false);
public Iterator<E> reverseIterator()
return new DequeIterator(this, true);
private void checkForStackUnderflow()
if (isEmpty())
throw new NoSuchElementException("Stack underflow captain!!!");
private class DequeIterator implements Iterator<E>
// The instance variables used throughout the program.
private int _index;
private Deque<E> _theList;
private DequeNode<E> _current;
private boolean _iterateReverse;
public DequeIterator(Deque<E> deque, boolean reverse)
_theList = deque;
_iterateReverse = reverse;
_index = 0;
_current = _head;
/* If the flag for reverse iteration is detected, then just start
the index at the end and iterate from the tail.
if (reverse)
_index = _theList._depth - 1;
_current = _theList._tail;
public boolean hasNext()
boolean results;
// If we are reverse iterating check if the index is > than -1.
if (_iterateReverse)
results = _index > EXCLUSIVE_INDEX_START;
/* Getting here means that we are forward iterating so check if the
index is less than size AKA if we have more elements to go through.
results = _index < _theList._depth;
return results;
public E next()
// If we don't have more elements to iterate through then we throw.
if (!hasNext())
throw new NoSuchElementException();
// Update the current to descent if we are reverse iterating.
if (_iterateReverse)
_current = _current._previous;
// If we get to here then just update the current value forward.
_current = _current._next;
return dequeue();