Уже поздно в Германии, но вы получаете то, что хотите, с помощью следующего макроса. Если вам не нужна раскраска результирующей строки, закомментируйте строки.
Код макроса не очень длинный, но есть много комментариев и примеров HTML-кода, чтобы понять, что делает макрос:
Sub ELPForm()
Dim browser As Object
Dim url As String
Dim nodesAllOdd As Object
Dim nodeSingleOdd As Object
Dim nodeAllCellsOfTheGotTableRow As Object
Dim nodeTableCellWithLastSixResults As Object
Dim nodeLastSixResults As Object
Dim nodesColors As Object
Dim nodeSingleColor As Object
Dim targetTable As String
Dim indexOdd As Long
Dim indexOddLowerBound As Long
Dim indexOddUpperBound As Long
Dim tableRow As Long
Dim lastSixResults As String
Dim charIndex As Byte
'Table for imported data
targetTable = "Sheet1"
'First row for output
tableRow = 1
'Page with needed data
url = "https://www.soccerstats.com/latest.asp?league=england"
'Css index "odd" from bottom to top for the relevant table
'Adjust the boundaries when the table is moved
'That is the reason I prefered the "odd" class and not the
'table ID you used
indexOddLowerBound = 0
indexOddUpperBound = 19
'Initialize Internet Explorer, set visibility,
'call URL and wait until page is fully loaded
Set browser = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
browser.Visible = False
browser.navigate url
Do Until browser.ReadyState = 4: DoEvents: Loop
'Get all html nodes with the css class odd
Set nodesAllOdd = browser.document.getElementsByClassName("odd")
'Check if there is a node collection
If Not nodesAllOdd Is Nothing Then
'The firt 20 elements of the node collection are relevant at this time
'In the future it can be the tables will be other ordered. All you have
'to do then is to set the borders for the the new order
'Now we go for the first 20 elements by a loop from 0 to 19 (by node
'collection index) if there are more than 19 elements (by real count
'of elements by the property "length")
If nodesAllOdd.Length > 19 Then
For indexOdd = indexOddLowerBound To indexOddUpperBound
'Get the current "odd" node
'All 20 single nodes looks like this example:
'<tr class='odd' height='24'>
' <td bgcolor='#12bc3b' height='22' align='center'>
' <b>1</b>
' </td>
' <td align='left' width='110'> <a href='team.asp?league=england&stats=u40-liverpool' title='Liverpool stats' target='_top'>Liverpool</a>
' </td>
' <td align='center'>
' <font color='green'>11</font>
' </td>
' <td align='center'> 10 </td>
' <td align='center'> 1 </td>
' <td align='center'> 0 </td>
' <td align='center'>
' <font color='blue'>25</font>
' </td>
' <td align='center'>
' <font color='red'>9</font>
' </td>
' <td align='center'>
' <font color='gray' size='1'>+16</font>
' </td>
' <td align='center' bgcolor='#dedede'>
' <b>31</b>
' </td>
' <td style='padding-left:10px;'>
' <a href='#' class='tooltip2'>
' <div>
' <div class='dgreen'></div>
' <div class='dgreen'></div>
' <div class='dgreen'></div>
' <div class='dorange'></div>
' <div class='dgreen'></div>
' <div class='dgreen'></div>
' </div>
' <span>
' <div style='text-align:left;'>
' <table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='1'>
' <tr>
' <td align='right' height='18' style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'>
' <font color='gray' size='1'>22 Sep</font>
' </td>
' <td style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'> Chelsea - <b> Liverpool </b>
' </td>
' <td align='center' style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'>
' <b>1-2</b>
' </td>
' </tr>
' <tr>
' <td align='right' height='18' style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'>
' <font color='gray' size='1'>28 Sep</font>
' </td>
' <td style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'> Sheffield Utd - <b> Liverpool </b>
' </td>
' <td align='center' style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'>
' <b>0-1</b>
' </td>
' </tr>
' <tr>
' <td align='right' height='18' style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'>
' <font color='gray' size='1'>5 Oct</font>
' </td>
' <td style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'>
' <b> Liverpool </b> - Leicester City </td>
' <td align='center' style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'>
' <b>2-1</b>
' </td>
' </tr>
' <tr>
' <td align='right' height='18' style='background-color: #FFFFBF;'>
' <font color='gray' size='1'>20 Oct</font>
' </td>
' <td style='background-color: #FFFFBF;'> Manchester Utd - <b> Liverpool </b>
' </td>
' <td align='center' style='background-color: #FFFFBF;'>
' <b>1-1</b>
' </td>
' </tr>
' <tr>
' <td align='right' height='18' style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'>
' <font color='gray' size='1'>27 Oct</font>
' </td>
' <td style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'>
' <b> Liverpool </b> - Tottenham </td>
' <td align='center' style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'>
' <b>2-1</b>
' </td>
' </tr>
' <tr>
' <td align='right' height='18' style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'>
' <font color='gray' size='1'>2 Nov</font>
' </td>
' <td style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'> Aston Villa - <b> Liverpool </b>
' </td>
' <td align='center' style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'>
' <b>1-2</b>
' </td>
' </tr>
' </table>
' </div>
' </span>
' </a>
' </td>
' <td align='center'>
' <font color='black'>2.82</font>
' </td>
' <td align='center'>
' <font color='red'>2.75</font>
' </td>
' <td align='center'>
' <font color='green'>18%</font>
' </td>
' <td align='center'>
' <font color='red'>0%</font>
' </td>
Set nodeSingleOdd = nodesAllOdd(indexOdd)
'The information we need are in certain cells of the got table row
'So at first we need all cells of the got table row
Set nodeAllCellsOfTheGotTableRow = nodeSingleOdd.getElementsByTagName("td")
'We need the first table cell for the team place in the table of the league
'<td bgcolor='#12bc3b' height='22' align='center'>
' <b>1</b>
'Node collection index for the first element is 0
'We place the place of the team in thie first column of the current row in the table
Sheets(targetTable).Cells(tableRow, 1).Value = nodeAllCellsOfTheGotTableRow(0).innertext
'We need the second table cell for the team name
' <td align='left' width='110'> <a href='team.asp?league=england&stats=u40-liverpool' title='Liverpool stats' target='_top'>Liverpool</a>
' </td>
'Node collection index for the second element is 1
'We place the team name in the second column of the current row in the table
Sheets(targetTable).Cells(tableRow, 2).Value = nodeAllCellsOfTheGotTableRow(1).innertext
'And our patient. The 11th cell of the current table row
'<td style='padding-left:10px;'>
' <a href='#' class='tooltip2'>
' <div>
' <div class='dgreen'></div>
' <div class='dgreen'></div>
' <div class='dgreen'></div>
' <div class='dorange'></div>
' <div class='dgreen'></div>
' <div class='dgreen'></div>
' </div>
' <span>
' <div style='text-align:left;'>
' <table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='1'>
' <tr>
' <td align='right' height='18' style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'>
' <font color='gray' size='1'>22 Sep</font>
' </td>
' <td style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'> Chelsea - <b> Liverpool </b>
' </td>
' <td align='center' style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'>
' <b>1-2</b>
' </td>
' </tr>
' <tr>
' <td align='right' height='18' style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'>
' <font color='gray' size='1'>28 Sep</font>
' </td>
' <td style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'> Sheffield Utd - <b> Liverpool </b>
' </td>
' <td align='center' style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'>
' <b>0-1</b>
' </td>
' </tr>
' <tr>
' <td align='right' height='18' style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'>
' <font color='gray' size='1'>5 Oct</font>
' </td>
' <td style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'>
' <b> Liverpool </b> - Leicester City </td>
' <td align='center' style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'>
' <b>2-1</b>
' </td>
' </tr>
' <tr>
' <td align='right' height='18' style='background-color: #FFFFBF;'>
' <font color='gray' size='1'>20 Oct</font>
' </td>
' <td style='background-color: #FFFFBF;'> Manchester Utd - <b> Liverpool </b>
' </td>
' <td align='center' style='background-color: #FFFFBF;'>
' <b>1-1</b>
' </td>
' </tr>
' <tr>
' <td align='right' height='18' style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'>
' <font color='gray' size='1'>27 Oct</font>
' </td>
' <td style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'>
' <b> Liverpool </b> - Tottenham </td>
' <td align='center' style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'>
' <b>2-1</b>
' </td>
' </tr>
' <tr>
' <td align='right' height='18' style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'>
' <font color='gray' size='1'>2 Nov</font>
' </td>
' <td style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'> Aston Villa - <b> Liverpool </b>
' </td>
' <td align='center' style='background-color: #D7EFBE;'>
' <b>1-2</b>
' </td>
' </tr>
' </table>
' </div>
' </span>
' </a>
'Node collection index for the 11th element is 10
Set nodeTableCellWithLastSixResults = nodeAllCellsOfTheGotTableRow(10)
'The desired information are the results of the last six games in form of win, draw or lost
'We see a lot of information in the HTML code obove. For the needed one, we need only the first div tag
' <div class='dgreen'></div>
' <div class='dgreen'></div>
' <div class='dgreen'></div>
' <div class='dorange'></div>
' <div class='dgreen'></div>
' <div class='dgreen'></div>
'The needed div Tag is the first one
'We get it by the tag name and get the first div element by the index 0 of the node collecton
Set nodeLastSixResults = nodeTableCellWithLastSixResults.getElementsByTagName("div")(0)
'There is no text but three different colors for win, draw or lost
'dgreen = win
'dorange = draw
'dred = lost
'We make a node collection of the div tags inside the last got div tag
Set nodesColors = nodeLastSixResults.getElementsByTagName("div")
'This is what we have now in our node collection
'<div class='dgreen'></div>
'<div class='dgreen'></div>
'<div class='dgreen'></div>
'<div class='dorange'></div>
'<div class='dgreen'></div>
'<div class='dgreen'></div>
'We get all colors in a loop
For Each nodeSingleColor In nodesColors
Select Case nodeSingleColor.getAttribute("class")
Case "dgreen": lastSixResults = lastSixResults & "W"
Case "dorange": lastSixResults = lastSixResults & "D"
Case "dred": lastSixResults = lastSixResults & "L"
End Select
Next nodeSingleColor
'Write the result string to the table
Sheets(targetTable).Cells(tableRow, 3).Value = lastSixResults
'Coloring the result string with the same colors like on the page
'and set the proportional font Courier New for better eye traking
For charIndex = 1 To Len(lastSixResults)
Select Case Mid(lastSixResults, charIndex, 1)
Case "W" 'Green 51, 153, 51
Sheets(targetTable).Cells(tableRow, 3).Characters(Start:=charIndex, Length:=1).Font.Color = RGB(51, 153, 51)
Sheets(targetTable).Cells(tableRow, 3).Characters(Start:=charIndex, Length:=1).Font.Name = "Courier New"
Case "D" 'Orange 255, 181, 108
Sheets(targetTable).Cells(tableRow, 3).Characters(Start:=charIndex, Length:=1).Font.Color = RGB(255, 181, 108)
Sheets(targetTable).Cells(tableRow, 3).Characters(Start:=charIndex, Length:=1).Font.Name = "Courier New"
Case "L" 'Red 255, 0, 0
Sheets(targetTable).Cells(tableRow, 3).Characters(Start:=charIndex, Length:=1).Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0)
Sheets(targetTable).Cells(tableRow, 3).Characters(Start:=charIndex, Length:=1).Font.Name = "Courier New"
End Select
Next charIndex
'Reset result string
lastSixResults = ""
'Next Excel table row for the next team
tableRow = tableRow + 1
Next indexOdd
MsgBox "No node collection with at least 20 css odd elements."
End If
MsgBox "Wrong page. No relevant tables found"
End If
'Clean up
Set browser = Nothing
Set nodesAllOdd = Nothing
Set nodeSingleOdd = Nothing
Set nodeAllCellsOfTheGotTableRow = Nothing
Set nodeTableCellWithLastSixResults = Nothing
Set nodeLastSixResults = Nothing
Set nodesColors = Nothing
Set nodeSingleColor = Nothing
End Sub
С уважением