Вы можете сделать что-то вроде следующего, используя purrr и dplyr:
l_of_lists <- list(
year1 = list(
one = data.frame(date = c("Jan-10", "Jan-22"), type = c("type 1", "type 2")),
two = data.frame(date = c("Feb-1", "Feb-28"), type = c("type 2", "type 3")),
three = data.frame(date = c("Mar-10", "Mar-15"), type = c("type 1", "type 4"))
year2 = list( # dates is used here on purpose, as the names don't perfectly match
one = data.frame(dates = c("Jan-22"), type = c("type 2"), another_col = c("entry 2")),
two = data.frame(date = c("Feb-10", "Feb-18"), type = c("type 2", "type 3"), another_col = c("entry 2", "entry 3")),
three = data.frame(date = c("Mar-10", "Mar-15"), type = c("type 1", "type 4"), another_col = c("entry 4", "entry 5"))
year3 = list( # this deliberately only contains two data frames
one = data.frame(date = c("Jan-10", "Jan-12"), type = c("type 1", "type 2")),
two = data.frame(date = c("Feb-8", "Jan-28"), type = c("type 2", "type 3"))
# add libraries
# Map bind_rows to each list within the list
l_of_lists %>%
map_dfr(~bind_rows(.x, .id = "level"), .id = "year")
Это даст:
year level date type dates another_col
1 year1 one Jan-10 type 1 <NA> <NA>
2 year1 one Jan-22 type 2 <NA> <NA>
3 year1 two Feb-1 type 2 <NA> <NA>
4 year1 two Feb-28 type 3 <NA> <NA>
5 year1 three Mar-10 type 1 <NA> <NA>
6 year1 three Mar-15 type 4 <NA> <NA>
7 year2 one <NA> type 2 Jan-22 entry 2
8 year2 two Feb-10 type 2 <NA> entry 2
9 year2 two Feb-18 type 3 <NA> entry 3
10 year2 three Mar-10 type 1 <NA> entry 4
11 year2 three Mar-15 type 4 <NA> entry 5
12 year3 one Jan-10 type 1 <NA> <NA>
13 year3 one Jan-12 type 2 <NA> <NA>
14 year3 two Feb-8 type 2 <NA> <NA>
15 year3 two Jan-28 type 3 <NA> <NA>
Тогда, конечно, вы можете выполнить некоторый анализ регулярных выражений, чтобы сохранить толькочисловой год:
l_of_lists %>%
map_dfr(~bind_rows(.x, .id = "level"), .id = "year") %>%
mutate(year = substring(year, regexpr("\\d", year)))
Если вы знаете, что дата и даты совпадают, вы всегда можете использовать mutate
, чтобы изменить их на те значения, которые не пропущены (т. е. mutate(date = ifelse(!is.na(date), date, dates))