Вы можете left join
три раза на system_code
s_cat.full_name cat_code_full_name,
s_group.full_name group_code_full_name,
s_other.full_name other_code_full_name
from data_table d
left join system_code s_cat
on s_cat.value = d.cat_code and s.code = 1
left join system_code s_group
on s_group.value = d.group_code and s_group.code = 2
left join system_code s_other
on s_other.value = d.other_code and s_other.code = 3
Чтобы избежать повторения объединений, альтернативным решением является условное агрегирование:
max(case when s.value = d.cat_code and s.code = 1 then s.full_name end) cat_code_full_name,
max(case when s.value = d.group_code and s.code = 2 then s.full_name end) group_code_full_name,
max(case when s.value = d.other_code and s.code = 3 then s.full_name end) other_code_full_name
from data_table d
left join system_code s on s.value in (d.cat_code, d.group_code, d.other_code)
gtoup by d.id